Cheats & Guides
SEGA Genesis Mini Cheats For Dedicated Console
Play Probotector
At the Settings menu of the Sega Genesis Mini, go to the Language settings and set the language to any of the European setting such as French for example. Now go back to the main system menu of the Sega Genesis Mini and find the game that used to be Contra: Hard Corp. Instead of Contra: Hard Corp you will find Probotector. The game plays similar to Contra: Hard Corp but instead of human characters you'll be playing as cyborgs.
Unlockable Go to Settings and change the language to any European country, then go back to main system menu and find Probotector among the lineup. Probotector Contributed by: leeko_link
Hidden Functions
Press the listed button at the specified screen to activate.
Effect Press the C button at the screen settings menu Scanlines Press the B button at the game library screen Spine view Contributed by: DeepFriedBurger
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