Cheats & Guides

Shining Tears Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. Multiplayer

    Unlockable Unlockable
    complete mission 7 2 player

    Contributed by: kristiancmpos 

  2. New Game +/Advanced mode

    To unlock Newgame +, all you have to do is beat the game, and then after you save and load your game, you keep all your items, levels, and gold, and play the game again, but on a higher difficulty where enemies levels are +30 and the items continue to get better

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the game Advanced mode and New game +

    Contributed by: Dragon53072 

  3. Enemy Card Rewards

    In battles monsters will drop their "enemy card" which contains their status. Talk to Pios in your HQ in Shildia to put them in your "Enemy Cards Book". Every time you collect a certain amount of different cards Pios will reward you with an item.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Give Pios 10 Enemy Cards Cosmic Disc
    Give Pios 276 Enemy Cards Philosopher's Scroll
    Give Pios 200 Enemy Cards Soul Scroll
    Give Pios 100 Enemy Cards Survival Book

    Contributed by: Skye7707, Anonymous 

  4. Replay Previously Completed Missions

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Complete Mission 7 Replay Old Missions

    Contributed by: red_soul 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by yuandy 135K
In-Depth FAQs Character Stats Guide by Yubbus 95K
In-Depth Guides Character FAQ by Fallen Horseman 123K
In-Depth Guides Skills FAQ by arieswind 66K
In-Depth Guides Weapon Forging FAQ by lilJesta 31K