Cheats & Guides

Short Circuit (1986) Cheats For Amstrad CPC

  1. Skip to Part 2

    During gameplay, simultaneously press the keys O, C, E, A and N. If entered successfully, you'll be asked if you wish to load the second half of the game.

    OCEAN Skip to Part 2

    Contributed by: jimfish 

Short Circuit (1986) Cheats For Sinclair ZX81/Spectrum

  1. Fruit Machine

    There's a mini-game called Fruit Machine hidden in the background. To access it, type in these commands: r, load programs, search drawer unit, get blue card, l, search palm, get coin, d, d, d, use blue card, go through door and use it again, r, u, r, load programs, I, use coin at desk.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84