Cheats & Guides
SNK vs. Capcom: Card Fighters' Clash - SNK Version Cheats For Neo Geo Pocket Color
Quick Select
In the middle of the round, enter the following to get these effects:
Ring Character: Up+B
Your Discards: Left + B
Enemy Discards: Right + B
Status: Down + BContributed by: KasketDarkfyre
Mech Zangief Card
Collect five coins and return to Joy Joy. Find Yosiki and challenge him to a game. Defeat him in the first game to recieve the Mech Zangief Card.
Contributed by: XPLICIT187
Mega Crush Card
Break the Dust Dragon to open the back room in the Lost World where the Mega Crush Card is located. Now, win the tournament, then return to the back room. If Mask is in the room, the cabinet will be unlocked and you can get the Mega Crush Card.
Contributed by: XPLICIT187
Hidden Title Screens
Once you have collected 50%, 90% and 100% of the cards, you will be able to see a new title screen.
Contributed by: XPLICIT187
Neo-Geo World Auction
Beat the game, then return to the semifinals room for a card auction.
Contributed by: jh51681
Unlock Cards
These cards are all either Rarity A or S this can only be done on the Snk version.
Unlockable Unlockable To unlock evil ryu card you must go to the auction room and trade a certain amount of Raity b cards to Kana for her to give to you Evil Ryu You have to beat Nishi for the first time you fight him(Nishi is in the auction room) Geese You can unlock Haohmaru by trading Chris rarity A cards(his cards change so meet up with him later)(He is located at the Resident evil Mansion) Haohmaru You must trade kana rarity B cards at the aution room Kyo (P) You have to trade a Morrgain to a person in Neogeo world Tri-Quiz Contributed by: Videomanmack
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Akira EX | 102K |
General FAQs | FAQ by Faust | 86K |
General FAQs | FAQ by Z-Force | 143K |
General FAQs | FAQ by Mmeeva | 95K |
In-Depth FAQs | Backup FAQ by Kazuki | 21K |
In-Depth FAQs | Card Guide by HKazuya | 134K |
In-Depth FAQs | Save State Hacking Guide by HKazuya | 11K |
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