Cheats & Guides
Sonic 3 & Knuckles Cheats For PC
Hyper Sonic
Enable debug mode. Then, select any level and hit A+Start. Press B to turn into an object. Then, press A once. This will turn you into a item box. Press C to spawn it and you will see an "S" box. Use B to exit debug mode and then hit the S box. This will turn you into Hyper Sonic.
Contributed by: TheLegend109
The Glitched Sonic Monitor
At the very start of Angel Island Act 1 activating both level select and debug mode press "B" to start debug mode if you're not already on there switch item "A" to the Super Sonic Monitor but don't place it then hold only right to move through the level (literally) and stop at the point where Angel Island gets set on fire (everything should look glitched) then move just enough where you're not on the glitched ground but the camera pans up to the glitched ground. After that exit out of debug mode ('B' again) you'll lose a life but when you get reset back to the beginning you should be a glitched sprite of the monitor even if you're not in debug mode. There's different sprites for what you do with this, Jumping: Makes monitor sprite whole again, Idle: top corners glitched to opposed sides, Jogging: rapid glitching sprites, which if you look closely you can see a glitched sprite of the broken monitor, Impatient: Try to image if a Sonic monitor tried getting on all [non-existent] fours but with no head and tail, Sprinting: reversed parts of monitor (i.e the bottom is on the top and vice versa), crouching: looks like a monitor blob trying to melt back together, look up: sides blend together and kinda looks like a face, Spin-dashing: really is just crouching repeated at like a thousand FPS. this glitch doesn't help... with anything, it just looks dumb, dumb but funny kinda like the "show all sprites really fast" glitch
Contributed by: Modern_glitches
Level Select for Sonic 3 and Knuckles
In the first Zone first Act (Angel Island). When hanging on one of the swinging vines at the beginning, hit: Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up. You will hear a ring notice. Pause and hit "A" to rest, at the title choose Sound Test.
Effect Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up Level Select Contributed by: askg7
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