Cheats & Guides
Sonic Mania Cheats For PlayStation 4
Debug Mode In Sonic Mania
By gathering all 7 Chaos emeralds and Beating the game, You will unlock debug mode. You cant only use it by pressing Triangle on the no save mode of the game, then turning it on, afterwards, in game pressing triangle will Toggle it on and off and O will change the selected Item
Contributed by: YoucantbeatD
Blue Spheres
Once you get all the medals from the Bonus Stages, you'll unlock Blue Spheres in the Extras menu, where you can play all 51 Blue Sphere Stages.
Contributed by: Jacoblebeaureal
Alternate Song in Opening Animation
Leave the game going and let the animated intro play through once. On the second time the animation plays, you will hear an alternate song.
Contributed by: Z6980
Infinite Lives
When you enter Press Garden Act 1, look for the first ink container you see (that spawns the hopping badniks) stand next to it and do a spindash to kill the badnik. Let go of your spin dash and let another badnik come out. and repeat. The points will start stacking up to give you free lives. (This is akin to Sonic 3's Oil Ocean bird Infinite Lives trick) Note: You cannot hold the spindash down, you must release in between for another badnik to spawn. Alternatively, using Super Sonic you can stand there and do the same.
Contributed by: silverx2624
Fight the true Final Boss
As Sonic, collect all 7 Chaos Emeralds before finishing Titanic Monarch Act 2. After beating the normal boss of Titanic Monarch Act 2, Sonic will be teleported to the true final boss.
Contributed by: Godstriker8
Secret Ending
Play as Knuckles and go into Level Select, then select the final boss option. Once you beat him as Knuckles, you'll get a picture of Knuckles reading a book called "Sonic Mania & Knuckles" to the animals, with Sonic and Tails in the background. Alternatively, use &Knuckles mode with Knuckles.
Contributed by: Jacoblebeaureal
Videogamedunkey Mode
In Hydrocity Zone, grab onto one of the hooks, and input the Level Select code from Sonic 3 & Knuckles (Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up). You'll hear a ring chime, and when you pass through a bumper with a white glove, the sound effect will change to that of Videogamedunkey making a noise.
Contributed by: TVSmasher66
Medal Unlocks
Collect medals by beating the various Blue Spheres special stages throughout the game to unlock the following rewards.
Unlockable 11 medals &Knuckles Mode 32 medals Blue Spheres 26 medals D.A. Garden 16 medals Debug Mode 6 medals Insta-Shield 21 medals Mean Bean 1 medal Super Peel Out Contributed by: Fox Inverse, Furryyiffer
Complete each requirement to get the specified trophy.
Trophy We really like boats Boat Enthusiast Gotta gacha 'em all Collect 'Em All Wreak havoc at the propaganda factory Crate Expectations Collect silver medallions in Blue Spheres Bonus stage Full Medal Jacket Get through Stardust Speedway Zone as quickly as possible King of Speed Collect all seven Chaos Emeralds Magnificent Seven Collect gold medallions in Blue Spheres Bonus stage No Way? No Way What would happen if you cross a bridge with a fire shield? Now It Can't Hurt You Anymore That elusive perfect run, only a professional can achieve Professional Hedgehog You might have to submerge to find it Secret Sub Achieve any ending See You Next Game Spin the Star Post! Superstar Find the hidden item boxes at the end of the Zone That's a Two-fer Have your photos taken in Studiopolis Zone The Most Famous Hedgehog in the World Try pushing a barrel to see how far it goes The Password is "Special Stage" Try for a 3 chain combo! Triple Trouble Let the wind take you through Window Shopping Barrel through the lava, don't let anything stop you Without a Trace Contributed by: Mookiethebold
Sound Test Cheats
On the Level Select, play the following music tracks on the Sound Test to enable special features. A confirmation sound will be heard when the correct order is played
Effect 01, 09, 07, 09, 00, 08, 01, 01 Changes all small animals to squirrels 06, 02, 01, 04 Disables Super Sonic theme when transformed 01, 09, 08, 09, 00, 05, 00, 01 Effect unknown 09, 00, 00, 01 Enables all special moves for Sonic (Drop Dash, Insta-Shield, Peel-Out) 02, 00, 01, 07, 00, 08, 01, 05 Enables flight when in Super form (double-tap jump) 01, 09, 09, 02, 01, 01, 02, 04 Infinite continues 02, 00, 01, 08, 00, 06, 02, 03 Start game in Encore Mode (DLC required) 04, 01, 02, 06 Start with all Chaos Emeralds Contributed by: Maetch
Level Select (PS4)
Depending on the gaming platform used, entering level select is different. Switch allows it from the title screen, others from the save screen. PS4 does the latter. To navigate the level select screen, use the d-pad. To switch characters, press Square. To add Tails to Sonic, press Triangle while Sonic is shown next to the Sound Test.
Effect Hold X and Square while highlighing NoSave, but only after enabling Debug Mode Level select Contributed by: AskaLangly
Level select and sound test
Select Mania Mode, go to the "no save" option, then press Options, Square, and Triangle, all at the same time to bring up the level select mode. Sound test will be in the bottom right!
Effect Option square triangle Level select Contributed by: BadassblackTA
Sonic Mania Cheats For Xbox One
Alternate Song in Opening Animation
Leave the game going and let the animated intro play through once. On the second time the animation plays, you will hear an alternate song.
Contributed by: Z6980
Dunkey Mode
In Hydrocity Zone, hang from any hook and press left, left, left, right, right, right, up, up, up. The hand boosters in Hydrocity Zone will now play the iconic "yyyeah" from our favorite gaming donkey.
Contributed by: DocEggmanNega
Level Select
While in Mania mode, highlight no save mode after turning on debug mode. Then hold x and press start. You should then see the level select screen.
Contributed by: RadRil
Unlock Debug Mode
Debug Mode will be unlocked in the game options after collecting 16 medals in the blue sphere special stage.
Contributed by: guile_mrd
Easy Debug Mode Without Having To Collect Medals
As the title screen starts up, quickly press: up, up, down, down, up, up, up, up. You'll know you did it right when you hear the chime. Keep doing it if you don't get it right on your first try. Now go to Mania Mode, press Y to go into options and you'll see the Debug Mode option.
Contributed by: danusty
Unlock everything with Debug Mode
In Debug Mode play the following group of songs until you hear the chime to unlock everything:
1, 9, 7, 9, 0, 8, 1, 1
1, 9, 8, 9, 0, 5, 0, 1
4, 1, 2, 6Contributed by: danusty
Achievement We really like boats Boat Enthusiast Gotta gacha 'em all Collect 'Em All Wreak havoc at the propaganda factory Crate Expectations Collect silver medallions in Blue Spheres Bonus stage Full Medal Jacket Get through Stardust Speedway Zone as quickly as possible King of Speed Collect all seven Chaos Emeralds Magnificent Seven Collect gold medallions in Blue Spheres Bonus stage No Way? No Way! What would happen if you cross a bridge with a fire shield? Now It Can't Hurt You Anymore That elusive perfect run, only a professional can achieve Professional Hedgehog You might have to submerge to find it Secret Sub Achieve any ending See You Next Game Spin the Star Post! Superstar Find the hidden item boxes at the end of the Zone That's a Two-fer Have your photos taken in Studiopolis Zone The Most Famous Hedgehog in the World Try pushing a barrel to see how far it goes The Password is "Special Stage" Try for a 3 chain combo! Triple Trouble Let the wind take you through Window Shopping Barrel through the lava, don't let anything stop you Without a Trace Contributed by: ironyisntdead
Sonic Mania Cheats For PC
Dunkey Mode
Start a game and go to Hydrocity Act 1. Go to one of the swings that you hang from and grab on. While Sonic is swinging, press Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up (the old stage select from Sonic 3). You will hear a confirmation ring noise. Whenever you use a speed booster in this zone you will hear a sound clip of YouTube personality VideoGameDunkey play for the remainder of the level.
Contributed by: senorinu
Zone Select Menu
The secret Zone Select Menu requires you to first unlock Debug Mode by collecting any 16 Silver or Gold Medals from the Blue Sphere special stages. Turn on Debug Mode by highlighting the "No Save" option on the file select screen, and pressing the key assigned to "Alt" to access to Secrets Menu. With Debug Mode turned on, highlight "No Save", hold the key assigned to Delete, and press the key assigned to Jump. Continue holding Delete until the Zone Select Screen appears.
Contributed by: Arcane_Ether
Infinite time in Studiopolis Zone 1
If time runs out when you are immaterial, being sent from an antenna to other, timer will freeze in 9:59:99 and you will not die. As always, if you beat the boss, you will get a 100000 points (2 ups) bonus.
Contributed by: iuoliveira
Extras that can be unlocked by beating a specific amount of Blue Sphere bonus stages.
Unlockable 11 medals &Knuckles Mode 32 medals Blue Spheres 26 medals D.A. Garden 16 medals Debug Mode 06 medals Insta-Shield 21 medals Mean Bean 01 medal Super Peel Out Contributed by: ThatCooperGuy
Steam Achievements
Achievement We really like boats (Ride all the boats in Hydrocity Zone Act 1) Boat Enthusiast Gotta gacha 'em all (Let Eggman spawn all eight enemies during Metallic Madness Zone Act 2's boss fight) Collect 'Em All Wreak havoc at the propaganda factory (Destroy crates in Press Garden Zone Act 1) Crate Expectations Collect silver medallions in Blue Spheres Bonus stage (Complete all 32 Blue Sphere stages) Full Medal Jacket Get through Stardust Speedway Zone as quickly as possible (Complete Stardust Speedway Zone Act 2 in under a minute) King of Speed Collect all seven Chaos Emeralds. Magnificent Seven Collect gold medallions in Blue Spheres Bonus stage (Earn Perfects in all 32 Blue Sphere stages) No Way? No Way! What would happen if you cross a bridge with a fire shield? (Cross a spike bridge while having a Fire Shield) Now It Can't Hurt You Anymore That elusive perfect run, only a professional can achieve (Complete Titanic Monarch Zone Act 1 without being damaged) Professional Hedgehog You might have to submerge to find it (Find a hidden submarine in Oil Ocean Zone Act 2) Secret Sub Achieve any ending See You Next Game Spin the Star Post! Superstar Find the hidden item boxes at the end of the Zone (Use the signpost to uncover two item boxes at the end of Green Hill Zone Act 1) That's a Two-fer Have your photos taken in Studiopolis Zone (Let the Shutterbugs take your picture 10 times) The Most Famous Hedgehog in the World Try pushing a barrel to see how far it goes (Push the first barrel in Mirage Saloon Zone Act 2) The Password is "Special Stage" Try for a 3 chain combo! (Get a 3 chain combo during the boss of Chemical Plant Zone Act 2) Triple Trouble Let the wind take you through (Fly through a window in Flying Battery Zone Act 2) Window Shopping Barrel through the lava, don't let anything stop you (Move through lava in Lava Reef Zone Act 1 using a walker device) Without a Trace Contributed by: BleepBlipBoom
Egg Reverie Zone
The Egg Reverie Zone is the secret final zone of the game. In order to reach it, you'll need to have all 7 Chaos Emeralds before finishing the Titanic Monarch Zone.
Unlockable Have all 7 Chaos Emeralds before finishing the Titanic Monarch Zone. Egg Reverie Zone Contributed by: discoinferno84
Sonic Mania Cheats For Nintendo Switch
Alternate Song in Opening Animation
Leave the game going and let the animated intro play through once. On the second time the animation plays, you will hear an alternate song.
Contributed by: tsunayuuki
Infinite Lives
When you enter Press Garden Act 1, look for the first ink container you see (that spawns the hopping badniks) stand next to it and do a spindash to kill the badnik. Let go of your spin dash and let another badnik come out. and repeat. The points will start stacking up to give you free lives. (This is akin to Sonic 3's Launch base bird Infinite Lives trick) Note: You cannot hold the spindash down, you must release in between for another badnik to spawn. Alternatively, using Super Sonic you can stand there and do the same.
Contributed by: silverx2624
Fight the true Final Boss
As Sonic, collect all 7 Chaos Emeralds before finishing Titanic Monarch Act 2. After beating the normal boss of Titanic Monarch Act 2, Sonic will be teleported to the true final boss.
Contributed by: Godstriker8
A bunch of sound test codes
While in the Level select room, (check another cheat for it) you can do the Sound Test, and you can also enter codes in the Sound Test. I’ll list them below.
Effect 2-0-1-8-0-6-2-3 (Plus only) Force Encore mode 9-0-0-1 All controls for Sonic (Dropdash, Peelout, Instashield) 1-9-7-9-0-8-1-1 Change all animals into Squirrels 4-1-2-6 Get all the emeralds 1-9-9-2-1-1-2-4 Get infinite continues 1-9-7-9-0-8-1-1 Part 1 of everything unlocked 1-9-8-9-0-5-0-1 Part 2 of everything unlocked 2-0-1-7-0-8-1-5 Super Sonic Flight in regular levels 0-0-0-0-6-2-1-4 Turn super music off Contributed by: GameboyR
Alternative Boost Sound Effect in Hydro City
While hanging onto any of the hook switches in Hydro City Zone enter the code. You will hear a ring noise to confirm the code was entered correctly. The gear boost pads in Hydro City will now play a voice clip each time you use them.
Effect Left, Left, Left, Right, Right, Right, Up, Up, Up Boost pads play a voice clip Contributed by: MoxRavager
Unlock Mean Bean Mode
Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine is a Genesis game based on the Puyo Puyo franchise, and it's even referenced in Sonic Mania as a main boss. If you want to unlock a mode to freely play it you'd need to get 21 medals (silver or gold) from the bonus stages where you have to get the blue spheres and avoid the red spheres. The medals do stock for different playthroughs of the game.
Unlockable Get 21 silver or gold medals. Mean Bean Mode Contributed by: NecromancerAdr
More Blue Sphere Bonus Stages
To unlock this in the Extras menu, get all the medals (silver or gold) from the bonus stages where you collect the blue spheres while avoiding the red ones. You'll be able to play extra bonus stages where you have to touch a green spheres to make it turn to blue.
Unlockable Get all medals (Silver or Gold) More Bonus Stages Contributed by: nsplayer
Debug Mode / Level Select
In order for this to work you must first have unlocked debug mode by collecting at least 16 medals from the bonus stages. Then, you need to enable Debug Mode at the Secrets menu which is found by pressing X at the File Select screen when the "No Save" option is highlighted.
Once Debug Mode is turned on go back to the File Select screen, place the cursor on the "No Save" option and hold down the Y button then press start. This will load the debug menu.
From there, you can play any level, bonus stages, and preview all the games songs via the Sound Test option.
To navigate the screen, use the D-pad and press A to make a selection.Effect Y Opens debug menu Contributed by: migdilos
Unlock debug mode
At the title screen enter the code, entering it correctly you will hear a ring collect sound. Now just go to mania mode, press X, & turn on the mode.
Effect Up, up, down, down, up, up, up, up Unlock debug mode Contributed by: hunter1307
Unlock everything
In order to do this you'll have needed to unlock debug mode first. In mania mode press "X" to go to game opts, turn on debug mode, highlight the "no save" icon & press & hold "Y" & press "A", you'll then be in the level select & sound test screen. Go to the sound test section & enter the following 2 codes to unlock everything. First code entered you'll hear a ring sound, the second code entered you'll hear an emerald sound. It doesn't matter which code you enter first just as long as you enter both.
Then select any stage & exit.Effect 1, 9, 7, 9, 0, 8, 1, 1 Unlock everything (need to enter both codes) 1, 9, 8, 9, 0, 5, 0, 1 Unlock everything (need to enter both codes) Contributed by: hunter1307
Sonic Mania Plus Cheats For Nintendo Switch
Debug mode
Collect 16 medals for all Mania mode game options
Unlockable Get 11 medals &Knuckles mode Get 9 medals 3&K Ability Get 1 medal CD Ability Get 16 medals Debug mode Contributed by: CXC2027Caleb
Debug mode, level select and sound test
On the title screen as soon as Sonic appears enter the code for Debug mode, youll hear a ring chime to confirm you did it correctly.
Effect On Mania mode, highlight 'No save' and press X to go to options. Turn on debug mode and exit by holding Y & B, and press A to enter the level select Access level select and sound test Up up down down up up up up Unlock Debug mode Contributed by: perfectlydark1
Level Select Codes
These Codes, discovered by CodenameGamma, must be entered in the Level Select menu via playing sounds in the sound select. If entered correctly, a sound should play
Effect 04 01 02 06 All Emeralds 01 09 07 09 00 08 01 01 Changes all Animals into Squirrels 06 02 01 04 Disable Super Music 02 00 01 07 00 08 01 05 Egg Reverie flying in any levels as Super 01 09 09 02 01 01 02 04 Infinite Continues 02 00 01 08 00 06 02 03 Load Encore stages and gimmick in place of normal ones 09 00 00 01 Max Control For Sonic (Dropdash, Super Peel Out, Insta-Shield) Contributed by: Raditzisnotweak
These are the bonus modes you can unlock in the "Extras" Menu.
(Note: The Medals have to be either Silver or Gold to unlock these Extras, and you cannot do them in Debug mode or no-save mode.)Unlockable Collect 32 Medals from the Blue Spheres Mini-Game Bonus Blue Sphere Levels Collect 26 Medals from the Blue Spheres Mini-Game. D.A Garden Collect 20 Medals from the Blue Spheres Mini-Game. Mean Bean Machine Contributed by: Sonic_Maniaaaaa
Pinball Bonus Stage in Mania Mode
In Mania Mode, collect all 32 gold medals from the Blue Sphere Bonus Stages. Afterwards, the Pinball Bonus Stage from Encore Mode will replace the Blue Sphere Stages once you reach a checkpoint with at least 20 rings.
Unlockable Collect all 32 gold medals from the Blue Sphere Bonus Stages in Mania Mode Pinball Bonus Stage in Mania Mode Contributed by: Croast59
Sonic Mania Plus Cheats For PC
Instant Special Stage Speed Up
When you're in a Special Stage, pressing the Character Swap button will fill up the player's Gauge instantly. This allows you to reach Mach 3 quickly, and repeatedly give yourself a Mach Bonus.
Contributed by: discoinferno84
Gameplay Modes And Extras
You can unlock various gameplay modes and other extras by either playing the regular game or earning Medallions in Bonus Stages.
Unlockable Obtain 11 Medallions. & Knuckles Mode Obtain 32 Medallions. Blue Spheres Beat Green Hill Zone. Competition Obtain 26 Medallion. D.A. Garden Obtain 16 Medallions. Debug Mode Obtain 6 Medallions. Insta-Shield Obtain 21 Medallions. Mean Bean Obtain 1 Medallion. Super Peel-Out Beat Green Hill Zone. Time Attack Contributed by: discoinferno84
Level Select Codes
These codes must be entered in the Sound Test on the Level Select.
Effect 01, 09, 09, 02, 01, 01, 02, 04 14 Continues. 01, 09, 07, 09, 00, 08, 01, 01 All animals replaced with Ricky. 04, 01, 02, 06 All Chaos Emeralds. 09, 00, 00, 01 All Sonic Abilities: Insta-Shield, Drop Dash and Super Peel Out at the same time. 02, 00, 01, 08, 00, 06, 02, 03. Debug Mode on Encore Mode. This only works in Sonic Mania Plus or in Sonic Mania after the Encore DLC is purchased. 06, 02, 01, 04 Disable Super Music. 02, 00, 01, 07, 00, 08, 01, 05 Egg Reverie Super State in any level. Contributed by: discoinferno84
Level Select And Sound Test
Enter Mania Mode, then go to the Game Options and activate Debug Mode. Then highlight No Save, then press and hold the Q and A keys. This will activate the Level Select menu. While in this menu, you can press Q to choose a character, and press W to have Tails follow you when you're playing as Sonic. The A key is used for selecting a level or a sound test entry.
Effect Enter Mania Mode, activate Debug Mode in the Game Options. Highlight No Save, and hold the Q and A keys. Access Level Select and Sound Test. Contributed by: discoinferno84
Pinball Bonus Stages
You can access pinball bonus stages depending on what mode you're playing on, as well as how many rings and Medallions you have.
Unlockable Cross a checkpoint with at least 50 rings. Encore Mode Pinball Obtain all 32 Medallions, then cross a checkpoint with at least 25 rings. Mania Mode Pinball Contributed by: discoinferno84
All Medallions
While on the title screen, input Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up in between the time Sonic appears and the Press Start option appears. Go into Level Select and use the Sound Test to input the Ricky Mania code: 01, 09, 07, 09, 00, 08, 01, 01. You should hear the ring sound effect if it's entered correctly. Next, input code: 01, 09, 08, 09, 00, 05, 00, 01. You should hear a fanfare if it's entered correctly. Then go to any stage, and then exit. This code gives you All Medallions, which instantly unlocks all other features in the game.
Effect Up, Up, Down, Down, Up, Up, Up, Up on Title Screen. 01, 09, 07, 09, 00, 08, 01, 01 on Sound Test. 01, 09, 08, 09, 00, 05, 00, 01 on Sound Test. Instantly gives you all medallions and unlocks all gameplay modes. Contributed by: discoinferno84
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