Sonic 3 Will Tease New Character At The End Of The Movie
The third film in the franchise will continue the tradition after the first two brought Tails and Shadow into the fold.
The third film in the franchise will continue the tradition after the first two brought Tails and Shadow into the fold.
Enter Shadow the Hedgehog.
That's a wrap for the blue blur and friends' third outing.
One for the HIStory books.
Hasbro's initial lineup includes four classic titles.
Here is a roundup of all the best deals on Xbox Live this week.
We head back to the '90s, talking shop about the Sega Megadrive (Genesis to you North Americans) and a fraction of its influential library.
Meet the men behind Shenmue and the original Sonic.
Ninja Theory's slick beat-'em-up charges the PS3, as 2K and EA's annual hockey franchises face off and Black Box shows off its new board on the 360; Elder Scrolls IV ...
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