Cheats & Guides

SOS Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 17 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Revive a player with the defibrillator Back from the Dead
    Attach a lure to a Hupia Bait the Threat
    Link your account to Hero.TV Be a Hero
    Cure your first infection Cured
    Escape an SOS map from a ranked match for the first time Escaped!
    Finish your first match First Time Contestant
    Form an alliance for the first time Friends Forever!
    Attach a lure to another player Hot Potato
    Kill your first Regular Hupia Hupia Killer
    Pick a lock for the first time Locksmith
    Kill your first Relic Hupia Relic Hupia Killer
    Kill a player with the defibrillator Shocked to Death
    Kill your first Small Hupia Small Hupia Killer
    Reach level 10 SOS Hero
    Reach level 100 SOS Legend
    Reach level 50 SOS Star
    Be the first contestant to leave the island Speed Run

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer