Cheats & Guides

South Park (1999) Cheats For Pinball

  1. Wizard Mode

    After you put your quarters/tokens into the machine, press and hold both flippers, and press Start.

    Contributed by: BrakZero 

  2. Two balls

    At the start of the game or after losing a ball, when the new ball comes into the shoot area, pull the plunger very lightly. If you succeed in missing the automatic shoot, keep pulling it very lightly and eventually another ball will emerge, allowing you to play with double balls!

    Contributed by: ohnoitschris 

  3. Designer Team Credits

    Enter This Code In Attract Mode.

    Effect Effect
    LLRRLLRR Designer Team Credits

    Contributed by: feldhaus7 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Rule Sheet by RMacauley 9K