Cheats & Guides
Space Jam Cheats For PlayStation
Additional Cheats
Win the Intergalactic Tournament on Hard, then go to Speedy's Space Race in any Game Mode. Ships will be chosen at random [secret and normal]. This feature will continue to function until the PS is reset. If you get a flawness score in Speedy's Space Race, you get infinite Turbo the next quarter. If you ''flawness'' your opponent in the Shoot out (his score = 0), you make every basket you shoot the next quarter.
Contributed by: YSF
Cheat Menu
Effect Effect Highlight Game Options at the options menu, hold L1 + L2 + R1 + R2 and press X Cheat Menu Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre
Unlimited Power
Press at the title screen.
Effect Effect Square, Triangle, Circle, Left, Right, L1 Unlimited Power Contributed by: NostalgicX
Space Jam Cheats For PC
Lots of Cheats for Game Enhancement
These can be entered at the start of the game as Commandline Parameters
Effect Effect Kanopef Activates all cheats endlessturbo Always full Turbo Meter alwaysmakeshot Always get the shot bigmonsters Big Monsters bigtoons Big Toons alwaysdunk Each shot is a dunk shot turbofly Extra boost while jumping if you press turbo fastgame Game is faster fadeaways Jump in the direction you move littletoons Little Toons noshotclock No shot clock noai Secret courts at random littlemonsters Shrinks monsters superjump Stronger jumps superpush Stronger Pushes noinbounds The ball is never inbound Contributed by: Robbie Kennedy
Space Jam Cheats For Saturn
Dev Team Note
If you go digging in the game's code, you'll find a dev note at 87EC4 in IP.BIN. It contains the time and build date of that version.
Contributed by: discoinferno84
Secret Options
Highlight the Options and press A. With the Options highlighted, hold L, R, X, Y, Z and press Start. This will unlock two new options.
Effect Effect Gravity Change how characters jump Court Pick the stage Contributed by: Joon
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