Spec Ops: Omega Squad Review
Spec Ops: Omega Squad for the Dreamcast continues the substandard tradition of the series, and it is perhaps more flawed than any previous Spec Ops title.
Spec Ops: Omega Squad follows the Spec Ops tradition of total mediocrity. The graphics are pretty bad for the Dreamcast. The characters aren't bad, but the environments are drab. The sounds aren't too good either. T... Read Full Review
0 of 0 users found the following review helpfulit was an alright game. I was much younger when i got it and i honestly enjoyed it. There is no shame in saying that you liked a game that honesly didn't do so well, but i honestly think this game wasn't all that bad. ... Read Full Review
0 of 3 users found the following review helpfulSpec Ops: Omega Squad for the DC is a serious candidate to the worst DC game ever, it's the kind that makes you wonder why Half-Life, Soul Reaver 2, Commandos 2, etc. Had to be Cancelled and not this one. Gameplay, it... Read Full Review
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