Cheats & Guides
Spyro: Season of Ice Cheats For Game Boy Advance
More Special Commands for Sparx
At the start screen: press Right, Up, Right, Left, Down, Up, Left, Down A.
This activates special commands during Sparx worlds, which provides the following controls:
-Up+Select= Gives Sparx an Invincibility Shield
-Right+Select= Gives Sparx a Smart Bomb
-Left+Select= Gives Sparx Rapid Fire
-Down+Select= Gives Sparx Homing Bombs
-L+Select= Gives Sparx all keysContributed by: Ryan Rider
Play with particles during menu and credits
You can play around with the parameters controlling the particles in the menus and credits sequence.
In any menu:
L + Select - Set all particle parameters to random values
L + Left/Right - Rotate direction of particles
L + Up/Down - Increase/Decrease particle directionality
L + A/B - Increase/Decrease number of particles
R + Left/Right - Increase/Decrease particle velocity
R + Up/Down - Increase/Decrease gravity
R + A/B - Increase/Decrease particle lifespan
L + R - Reset all particle parameters to default values
During the credits sequence:
Start - Pause/Unpause the scrolling of the credits
L + Select - Set all particle parameters to random values
Up/Down - Increase/Decrease vertical range of particles
Left/Right - Increase/Decrease horizontal range of particles
L + R + Up/Down - Increase/Decrease vertical speed of particles
L + R + Left/Right - Increase/Decrease horizontal speed of particles
L + Left/Right - Rotate direction of particles
L + Up/Down - Increase/Decrease particle directionality
L + A/B - Increase/Decrease number of particles
R + Left/Right - Increase/Decrease particle velocity
R + Up/Down - Increase/Decrease gravity
R + A/B - Increase/Decrease particle lifespan
B - Exit creditsContributed by: Krokus
Save time when you turn on the game
In the UK version of Spyro, pressing L+R+START any time before the language selection menu will take you directly to the language selction menu.
In all other regions, pressing L+R+START any time before the Spyro logo screen will take you directly to the Spyro logo screen.
(L+R+START = Hold down top left and right buttons, and press START)Contributed by: Krokus
Extra Gems
In the Summer Fairy Home, a green gem can be obtained more than once. If you leave the area through any portal and return to the Summer Fairy Home, the gem respawns. The game counts it as a new gem each time, giving the appearance that you have collected more gems than are actually in the game.
Contributed by: Legoliz
Cheat Codes
All codes are entered on the title screen:
Effect Effect Left, Right, Right, Right, Down, Up, Right, Up, A 99 Lives (Sparx's Worlds) Left, Right, Right, Right, Down, Up, Right, Up, A 99 Lives in New Game Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Up, Down, A All Portals Open Down, Right, Up, Left, Left, Up, Right Down, A Infinite Weapons (Sparx Worlds) Down, Up, Down, Left, Right, Up, Left, Up, A Level Warp Down, Up, Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, A Special Mode 1 Down, Down, Up, Up, Left, Right, Up, Down, A Special Mode 2 Up, Up, Right, Down, Down, Down, Left, Down, A Unlock DragonFly X Left, Right, Right, Left, Up, Left, Left, Right, A Warp Ability (Spyro) Contributed by: digimax, MarioKartDriver, Joe Blow, Dragonflygirl, hand of g0d, Mezmorize99, Ryan Rider
Unlockable Unlockable Collect 100 Faeries, get all 7,000 Jewels Dragonfly X Contributed by: tnman
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Joni | 33K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Green Guyyy | 56K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by CHyde | 73K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by dark52 | 84K |
Maps and Charts | Locations Map by dark52 | 102K |
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