Cheats & Guides

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Trophies

    There are 22 Bronze Trophies, 16 Silver Trophies, 2 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy. Note: Translated from the Japanese titles and descriptions, so the interpretations are as close as possible to the official English versions

    Earned a happy ending with Fiore A Top Priority
    Completed every available quest All Quests Completed
    Defeat General Alma Alma Annihilator
    Synthesized the most valuable drug Aloof Researcher
    Earned a happy ending with Victor An Inherited Mind
    Defeat Gaburie - Selestat Archnemesis of the Heavens
    Earned 50% of the battle trophies Battle Collection at 50%
    Earned all battle trophies Battle Collection Complete
    Perform a guard counterattack Blazing Counterattack
    Use the reserve rush Blow of Angry Waves
    Clear the game on CHAOS difficulty CHAOS Level Clear
    Defeat Del Sur Der-Suul Deposer
    Encountered half of in-game enemies Enemy Encyclopedia at 50%
    Encountered every enemy type Enemy Encyclopedia Complete
    Failed to create something during synthesis Failure Teaches Success
    Fled from a battle Fight Another Day
    Finished a synthesis recipe First Experience
    Synthesized the most valuable ingredients Food Meister
    Synthesized the most precious natural objects Gift From The Land
    Deteat Queen Iseria He Who Vanquished God
    Discovered half of in-game items Item Book at 50%
    Discovered every item Item Book Complete
    Earned a happy ending with Lilia Lilia Too
    Synthesized the most valuable machine Master Craftsman
    Synthesized the most precious metal Metal Alchemist
    Defeat Pavinu Pavine Pummeler
    Use an emotion during an event People Who Read The Air
    Mastered all skill catergories Prima Donna
    Completed 50% of all available quests Quest 50%
    Mastered all the finishing move combinations Secret Initiation
    Synthesized the most valuable magic material Seeker of Knowledge
    Started the second act The Beginning of a Legend
    Defeat Eitaron The Hero Sthal Needs
    Earned a happy ending with Miki The Ideal Future
    Earn all synthesis recipies The New Welch Shumei
    Earned a happy ending with Anne The Time of Two People
    Defeat Thoras Thoras Thrasher
    Reached level 255 To New Heights
    Earned a happy ending with Emerson To The Star Of The Sea
    Clear the game on UNIVERSE difficulty UNIVERSE Level Clear
    Earn all other trophies in Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness Warden of the Stars

    Contributed by: SkinnerX2710 

  2. Trophies

    Create the most precious metal. Alchemical Artisan
    View Anne's ending. All Alone with Anne
    Defeat General Alma in the throne room. Alma Annihilator
    Create the most valuable medicinal item. Apothecary Extraordinaire
    Defeat Gabriel Celeste. Archnemesis of the Heavens
    Encounter half of the enemies Biology Buff
    Encounter every enemy. Boss of the Bestiary
    Activate a reserve rush. Call for Backup
    Catalogue every item. Compendium Completionist
    Obtain all battle trophies. Consummate Combatant
    Create the most valuable edible item. Culinary Virtuoso
    Defeat Der-Suul in the Slaughtery. Der-Suul Deposer
    Obtain all battle skills and signeturgical spells. Full Arsenal
    Obtain the vast majority of the roles. Hail to the Chief
    Flee from a battle He Who Runs Away Lives to Fight Another Day
    Complete half of all quests. Helping Hand
    View Victor's ending. His Will Lives On
    Catalogue half of the items. Item Identifier
    Create an item that you shouldn't. Learn From Your Mistakes
    Create the most valuable mechanical item. Master Machinist
    Use an emote during a cutscene My Reaction When
    Create the most valuable naturally-occurring item. Nature's Blessing
    Defeat Pavine in the Eihied Mountains. Pavine Pummeler
    Create an item. Please Be Gentle
    Complete all quests Quid Pro Quest
    View Relia's ending. Relia Finds Happiness
    Make a riposte Right back Atchya
    Create the most valuable sorcerous item. Seeker of Sorcerous Knowledge
    Defeat Ethereal Queen. Slayer of Divine Beings
    Obtain half of the battle trophies. Stalwart Veteran
    View Fiore's ending. Straightened Priorities
    Unlock all item creation recipes Successor to the Vineyard Throne
    Ascend to level 255. Supernal Aspirations
    Beat the game on Chaos difficulty. Survivor of Chaos
    Eradicate Eitalon. The Hero Stahl Needs
    Start a second playthrough The Legend Begins
    Defeat Thoras in the parallel dimension. Thoras Thrasher
    View Miki's ending. Together Forever
    View Emmerson's ending. Traverse the Stars
    Beat the game on Universe difficulty Universally Renowned
    Obtain all trophies Warden of the Stars

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness Cheats For PlayStation 3

  1. Trophies

    Create the most precious metal. Alchemical Artisan
    View Anne's ending. All Alone with Anne
    Defeat General Alma in the throne room. Alma Annihilator
    Create the most valuable medicinal item. Apothecary Extraordinaire
    Defeat Gabriel Celeste. Archnemesis of the Heavens
    Encounter half of the enemies Biology Buff
    Encounter every enemy. Boss of the Bestiary
    Activate a reserve rush. Call for Backup
    Catalogue every item. Compendium Completionist
    Obtain all battle trophies. Consummate Combatant
    Create the most valuable edible item. Culinary Virtuoso
    Defeat Der-Suul in the Slaughtery. Der-Suul Deposer
    Obtain all battle skills and signeturgical spells. Full Arsenal
    Obtain the vast majority of the roles. Hail to the Chief
    Flee from a battle He Who Runs Away Lives to Fight Another Day
    Complete half of all quests. Helping Hand
    View Victor's ending. His Will Lives On
    Catalogue half of the items. Item Identifier
    Create an item that you shouldn't. Learn From Your Mistakes
    Create the most valuable mechanical item. Master Machinist
    Use an emote during a cutscene My Reaction When
    Create the most valuable naturally-occurring item. Nature's Blessing
    Defeat Pavine in the Eihied Mountains. Pavine Pummeler
    Create an item. Please Be Gentle
    Complete all quests Quid Pro Quest
    View Relia's ending. Relia Finds Happiness
    Make a riposte Right back Atchya
    Create the most valuable sorcerous item. Seeker of Sorcerous Knowledge
    Defeat Ethereal Queen. Slayer of Divine Beings
    Obtain half of the battle trophies. Stalwart Veteran
    View Fiore's ending. Straightened Priorities
    Unlock all item creation recipes Successor to the Vineyard Throne
    Ascend to level 255. Supernal Aspirations
    Beat the game on Chaos difficulty. Survivor of Chaos
    Eradicate Eitalon. The Hero Stahl Needs
    Start a second playthrough The Legend Begins
    Defeat Thoras in the parallel dimension. Thoras Thrasher
    View Miki's ending. Together Forever
    View Emmerson's ending. Traverse the Stars
    Beat the game on Universe difficulty Universally Renowned
    Obtain all trophies Warden of the Stars

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999