Cheats & Guides
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Cheats For PC
OOM-9 campaign easter egg
OOM-9's second campaign episode 2-Behind The Lines.
In the northwest corner of the map there is a break in the mountain range with trees covering it. Either destroy the trees using your artillery pieces or have your workers collect the carbon. Searching the northwest corner of the map you will find Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Jar Jar Binks who automatically are added to your army. Now if you move these characters to the western edge of the map screen they'll find a Gungan boat.
An easter egg from the movie:)Contributed by: mtsmth
Another Way to Win
For the tutorial mission "Moving and Attacking" you can use the codes to reveal the map and remove fog of war to find some enemies you can't normally reach. When viewing the section of the map they are in you can use the code to spawn Simon, The Killer Ewok in that location. If you summon Simon within range of the Sith Master in the left corner and kill them, you instantly win the match.
Contributed by: blackrain8789
Chewbaccas Easter Egg
Inside the Chewbacca Campaigns, the first level is called Homecoming. If you go there, use the ''ForceExplore'' cheat. This will let you see the entire map. On the right side you can see an area where you wouldn't normally be able to enter. One way to view this section is to use the ''SimonSays'' cheat, which makes you Simon, The Killer Ewok. After doing this, you will see Young Obi-Wan and the Captain, both from Episode I. If you complete the new mission objectives, you will find Qui-Gon Jinn, Queen Amidala, Young Skywalker, and more.
Contributed by: ChewyRights
Game Cheats
Type the following codes into the game chat box:
Effect Effect the fighters are coming in too fast Air forces become faster (Clone Campaigns expansion needed) that's no moon Deathstar - with 999 attack power tarkin Destroy All Enemies darkside(1-8) Destroy indicated enemy forcecarbon Gives 1000 Carbon forcefood Gives 1000 Food forcenova Gives 1000 Nova forceore Gives 1000 Ore simonsays Gives you a Killer Ewok. intensify the forward fire power Ground forces become stronger (Clone Campaigns expansion needed) forcebuild Instant Construction and Research forceboat Invisible Ship simonsays Killer Ewok forcesight Removes Fog of War forceexplore Reveals Map scaryneighbor Speed Boat with increased firepower imperial entanglements Star Destroyer skywalker Win Mission Contributed by: wes_
Extra missions
Unlockable Unlockable Finish 5 Darth Vader missions, plus cloud city attack mission Battle for Endor mission Finish all 6 Boss Nass missions Battle For Theed mission Finish 5 Darth Vader missions cloud city attack mission Finish 5 Princess Leias' missions, plus Hoth mission Endor mission Finish all the 6 OOM-9 missions Grassy Plains mission Finish 5 Princess Leias' missions Hoth mission Finish 6 Chewbacca's missions Liberation of kessel mission Finish 5 Princess Leias' missions, plus Hoth and Endor missions Silken asteroid field (challenge mission) Contributed by: Mykas0
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by modine99 | 57K |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by Legomondo | 301K |
Full Game Guides | Strategy Guide by Ryan Gillam | 53K |
In-Depth Guides | DataBank Guide by Andrew_Testa | 158K |
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Cheats For Macintosh
Cheat Codes
At any time during game play, press ENTER and enter one of the codes, then press ENTER again.
Effect Effect thatsnomoon creates mini death star tarkin Destroy all enemies. The fighters are coming in to fast Faster aircraft. forcecarbon Gives you 1000 carbon. forcefood Gives you 1000 food. forcenova Gives you 1000 nova. forceore Gives you 1000 ore. simonsays Gives you a Killer Ewok. Intensify the forward fire power Ground forces become stronger. forcebuild Instant construction, research and training. darkside# Kills enemy, where # is the player number. forcesight Removes Fog of War. forceexplore Reveals map, but does not remove Fog of War. scaryneighbor Speedboat with increased firepower. skywalker You win current mission. Contributed by: hiltonhero17, GurraJG
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by modine99 | 57K |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by Legomondo | 301K |
Full Game Guides | Strategy Guide by Ryan Gillam | 53K |
In-Depth Guides | DataBank Guide by Andrew_Testa | 158K |
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds: Clone Campaigns Cheats For PC
Cheat Codes
While playing a game, press ''enter'' and type these codes:
Effect Effect forcebuild Build Faster SUDDENLY SILENCED Buildings and Units do more damage scaryneighbor Create a Regular Boat imperial entanglements Creates Imperial Star Destroyer darksidex Destroy an individual opponent. The last character, "x", stands for the number of the opponent whom you wish to destroy. tarkin Destroys All Enemies The fighters are coming in too fast Faster Aircrafts forceexplore Full Map forcecarbon Gives 1000 Carbon forcefood Gives 1000 Food forcenova Gives 1000 Nova Crystals forceore Gives 1000 Ore The Force Is Strong With This One Jedi turning is sharper simonsays Killer Ewok forcesight Remove Fog of War Tantive IV Spawns a Blockade Runner That's No Moon Spawns a Death Star Galactic Upheaval Spawns a Decimator Intensify forward fire power Stronger ground forces The most Powerful Jedi Stronger Jedi skywalker Win Mission Contributed by: Hammerite Heretic, ArcticRecon, dbudzik, Laplace, Odwolda
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by Legomondo | 301K |
Full Game Guides | Strategy Guide by Ryan Gillam | 53K |
In-Depth FAQs | Building/Unit FAQ by CO Strife | 16K |
In-Depth FAQs | Civilization Summary by Nailz | 11K |
In-Depth FAQs | Deathmatch FAQ by ZaleIsBackAgain | 24K |
In-Depth Guides | DataBank Guide by Andrew_Testa | 158K |
Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds Saga Cheats For PC
Cheat Codes
While playing a game, press "enter" and type in these codes.
Effect Effect forcebuild Build Faster SUDDENLY SILENCED Buildings and Units do more damage scaryneighbor Create a Regular Boat darksidex Destroy an individual opponent. The last character, "x" , stands for the number of the opponent whom you wish to destroy. tarkin Destroys all enemies The fighters are coming in too fast Faster Aircraft forceexplore Full map forcecarbon Gives 1000 Carbon forcefood Gives 1000 Food forcenova Gives 1000 Nova forceore Gives 1000 Ore simonsays Gives a Killer Ewok Tantive IV Gives the Corellian Corvette That's No Moon Gives the Death Star Imperial Entanglements Gives the Imperial Star Destroyer The Force Is Strong With This One Jedi turning is sharper forcesight Removes fog of war Galactic Upheaval Spawns a Decimator Intensify the forward fire power Stronger ground units Most Poweful Jedi Stronger Jedi skywalker Win Mission Contributed by: Axel_K_H_II, ArcticRecon
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