Cheats & Guides

Street Fighter 6 Cheats For PlayStation 5

  1. Play as Shin Bison

    During a match while playing as M. Bison, use his Backfist Combo (qcb+P) to plant a Psycho Mine on the opponent. Then, perform his forward taunt (f+3P & 3K). If done correctly, Bison will perform a secret taunt animation where he counts down and detonates the Psycho Mine. Once the taunt has completed, regardless of whether or not the bomb detonation hit the opponent or not, you will now be playing as Shin Bison. He gains several new moves such as the Psycho Burst (f,d,df+2P), the Bison Warp (b or f+3P or 3K), and a new Level 2 super: the Final Psycho Crusher (qcb,qcb+P).

    Contributed by: Vulcan422 

  2. Play as Shin Akuma

    During a match with Akuma as your selected character, perform his back taunt (b+3P & 3K), and then start rapidly mashing the same taunt input. If done correctly, Akuma will perform a secret taunt animation where he takes out a rice ball and eats it. Once the taunt is completed, you will now be playing as Shin Akuma for the remainder of the round. He can now perform the double air fireballs (qcb+P in air) and two new Level 2 supers: the Kongou Kokuretsuzan (d,d,d+3P) and Misogi (qcb,qcb+K).

    Contributed by: Vulcan422 

  3. Animal commentary

    This code will replace the in-game commentary with animal noises. Commentary needs to be turned on, then input this code during the "face to face" screen right before a match. The character select sound from Street Fighter 2 SNES/SFC will play when it is activated -- the code is based on the "select same player" code from the SFC version of that game.

    Down, R1, Up, L1, Square, X, Triangle, Circle (PS controller) Animal commentary
    Down, R, Up, L, Y, B, X, A (Super Nintendo/Famicom controller) Animal commentary
    Down, RB, Up, LB, X, A, Y, B (Xbox controller) Animal commentary

    Contributed by: duggie2 

  4. World Tour mode: Unlock Drive system and character styles early

    Normally in World Tour mode, the Drive system is unlocked in Chapter 6 and character styles are unlocked when you meet those characters. If you have certain amounts of Kudos points from any game mode, these will be unlocked after fighting Luke at the end of Chapter 1.

    Have 22000 Kudos with that character Character style
    Have 20000 Kudos Drive system

    Contributed by: duggie2