Cheats & Guides
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection Cheats For PlayStation 2
''Old'' Super Street Fighter II Turbo Mode
When selecting which version you want to play as, hold Start a select "SUPER". Release Start then select you character. If done correctly, the "SUPER" Logo sould be replaced with a blue "SUPER TURBO" Logo. While most characters play exactly like their normal Super counterparts, three have noticeable differences...
Chun-Li's (Foward+MK) is now (Backward+MK), allowing it to be in combos.
Fei Long's (Down+LK), (Down+MK), and (Down+MP) can all be buffered into his Rekka-Kens.
Finally, Sagat's Tiger Shots have no recovery time, and his standing LK and MK can be followed up with any special moves.Contributed by: OrochiMajinfoose
Seans Level 5 bonus stage
At the VS screen before the start of bonus stage, HOLD DOWN SQUARE CIRCLE AND R1
If you did it correct, the word LEVEL 5 will pop upContributed by: charlieboom123
Selecting 15th Costume Color
[Only applies to Street Fighter: 3rd Strike] You must have already beat the game for that character first, after doing so, highlight that character, hold start and press 2 button combinations, highlight the same character with controller 2(if you were controller 1), controller 2 will now have the 15th costume color!
Contributed by: SolxBadguy
Selecting 14th Costume Color.
[Only applies for Street Fighter: 3rd Strike] You must have beat the game with that character first, after doing so, highlight your character and hold start and press any 2 button combinations.
Contributed by: SolxBadguy
8th Color for Hyper Street Fighter 2
Select Super SF2 Turbo as your player type. Highlight the character you wish to play as, then press and hold any punch or kick button until your fighter changes color. Your fighter is now wearing his/her 8th costume.
Contributed by: kyosuke39
Skip over characters in HSF2 Arcade mode
While playing arcade mode, once you know who your next opponent is, use the second controller to challenge. Have the second player be the fighter you were about to fight before. Defeat him/her and return to the one player game. That character will be eliminated from the opponents list in Arcade mode and you will move on to the next person. This can be done for all characters except Bison. This secret can be helpful in trying to fight Shin Akuma.
Contributed by: werewolfgold
Normal alternate color in Hyper SF2
When choosing a character in Normal, Super, or "old" Super mode, press Start to choose them instead of an attack button. These colors were originally used in Super Street Fighter II Turbo when both players chose the same character in "Super" mode.
Contributed by: ProTect
Unlocking Gill
To unlock Gill in Third Strike, first beat the game with every character. When choosing a character after doing this, highlight Yun and press up. Gill will show up as a usable character.
Contributed by: UltimaterializerX
Storing Mode
When selecting which version you want to play as, hold Start and select "SUPER TURBO". Release Start then select you character. Now, if you select Chun-Li, E.Honda, or Vega, they have the ability to "Store" special moves and Super Combos. For example, do the super motion for Chun-Li's Senretsukyaku partially (Charge Back for 2 seconds, Forward, Back, then hold Forward without pressing K). Now the move is stored. Next time you press a Kick button, the Senretsukyaku will come out instantly.
Contributed by: OrochiMajinfoose
Selecting the 13th costume in SF3:TS
There is a 13th costume for each character. Select your character by pressing Square + Circle + R1.
Contributed by: polar bear
Fight Q in SF3:TS Arcade Mode
This works on any difficulty. To fight Q, play a game and don't lose a single match. At the 8th match after defeating your opponent, Q's will appear on screen, and you'll fight him in the 9th round.
Contributed by: Kyori Yagami
Fight Shin Akuma
Select a Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo character in Arcade mode, then beat the game without losing any rounds or using any continues. The difficulty setting does not matter. When you reach M. Bison, Shin Akuma will come in just as the match is about to start and do the raging demon on M. Bison, and you will proceed to fight Shin Akuma instead. Shin Akuma is much faster than regular Akuma, inflicts more damage, and can perform two air fireballs instead of one.
Contributed by: Lord Vader 2003
Alternate Outfits in SF3:Third Strike
Select any character and beat the game with him/her. Initially, you'll have access to only 6 different colors. However, once you have beaten the game, you'll have access to 6 more colors for a total of 12. Hold start and press an attack button when you select your character to get the alternate outfits. This only works for characters that you've beaten the game with already.
Contributed by: OneJD
Play as Akuma in HSF2
Highlight the following people for about 1 second each: Ryu, T.Hawk, Guile, Cammy, then Ryu again. Then press Start and all 3 punch buttons simultaneously. Note: You can only play as Akuma in Super T mode.
Contributed by: polar bear
Street Fighter III : Third Strike Unlockables.
By beating the Arcade Mode, you can unlock these secrets in Street Fighter III : Third Strike. It can be done on any difficulty with the System Direction Mode set on Normal.
Unlockable Unlockable Beat Arcade Mode with Gill. Extra Options Beat Arcade Mode with all of the Characters. Gill Beat Arcade Mode with 15 Different Characters. System Direction Page 10 Beat Arcade Mode with 5 Different Characters. System Direction Page 8 Beat Arcade Mode with 10 Different Characters. System Direction Page 9 Contributed by: highwind5001
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | Short Move List by DingKing | 14K |
In-Depth FAQs | Costume/Color Guide by DarkBlueAnt | 22K |
In-Depth FAQs | XBOX Live FAQ by psychochronic | 22K |
Street Fighter Anniversary Collection Cheats For Xbox
Extra Costume Colors
Hold the back button when you've highlighted the character, then press any of the three punches or kicks to get a hidden costume. You must have beaten the game with a character to use any of his/her hidden costumes. To use the secret costume and press LP, HP, and MK. (beating the game with the character is not required for this costume).
Contributed by: snakerulezraidonsuks
Fight Q In Arcade Mode
In order to fight Q you must not lose a single round up to the end of stage 8. If you do this successfully his picture will flash across the screen and the fight will begin.
Contributed by: snakerulezraidonsuks
Unlock Akuma in Hyper Street Fighter 2
First select Super T mode. Next have your cursor on Ryu for 1-5 seconds, then do the same for T. Hawk, Guile, and Cammy in that order, the last person to highlight will be Ryu again. Once you've highlighted Ryu for the duration of time, press Back Button, then you will have less then a second to press LP, MP, HP all at the same time. If the character you have choosen has a black shadow portrait and no name you now have enabled Akuma for the battle. If you wish to use Akuma again, just repeat the process.
Contributed by: gamefreak1025
Unlock Extra Options
Unlockable Unlockable Beat Arcade Mode With Gill Extra Options Contributed by: snakerulezraidonsuks
Unlock Gill
The system direction must be left on normal; all other options can be changed. He is located above Yun and under Yang.
Unlockable Unlockable Beat arcade mode with all the characters. Gill Contributed by: snakerulezraidonsuks
Different Levels In Sean's Bonus Stage
Hold down these buttons when you get to Sean's bonus stage.
Effect Effect DOWN+LP+MK+HP Harder Level UP+LK+MP+HK Level 5 Contributed by: snakerulezraidonsuks
System Direction Pages
Unlockable Unlockable Beat Arcade Mode With 15 Different Characters. System Direction Page 10 Beat Arcade Mode With 5 Different Characters. System Direction Page 8 Beat Arcade Mode With 10 Different Characters. System Direction Page 9 Contributed by: snakerulezraidonsuks
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | Short Move List by DingKing | 14K |
In-Depth FAQs | Costume/Color Guide by DarkBlueAnt | 22K |
In-Depth FAQs | XBOX Live FAQ by psychochronic | 22K |
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