Cheats & Guides

Street Fighter Collection 2 Cheats For PlayStation

  1. Deluxe Vs Mode

    Successfully complete all three arcade modes (saving after each time). This allows a 2 player mode using any character from any version. A handicap can also be selected.

    Contributed by: freakunique 

  2. CPU Battle Mode

    Unlockable Unlockable
    CPU Battle Mode Finish Arcade Mode without using continues in all 3 games. CPU Battle will only be unlocked for the game you finished it in.

    Contributed by: DarkSaiyan20 

  3. Remix Audio

    Unlockable Unlockable
    In arcade mode finish each game Remix Audio

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Extras FAQ by Fury 2K

Street Fighter Collection 2 Cheats For Saturn

  1. Unlock secret options

    If you finish every game on the collection, you get the Super Versus secret option on the main option screen.

    Also, you can beat every game without using continues to unlock the CPU battle option for each game.

    Contributed by: vitalius 

  2. Remix Sound

    Just beat any Street Fighter II version to open up Remix Sound option for that game.

    Contributed by: xchoirxboyx 

  3. Dev Team Notes

    If you look through the game's files, you'll find GEN5_ABS.TXT, GEN5_BIB.TXT, and GEN5_CPY.TXT. The first gives a brief description of this collection, the second lists the original Street Fighter II titles, and the third provides copyright notices from Capcom.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84