Cheats & Guides
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Move List and Guide by IceQueenZer0 | 6K |
Street Fighter II: Champion Edition Cheats For Arcade Games
Skip fights in arcade mode
Although arcade mode is usually only 1 player, to avoid skip the level, another controller is needed. If you are stuck in a particular level or simply want to skip levels, first, select your character. Wait till the console loads the battle. When the fight has just begun, press the start button on controller 2. Something around the lines of "here comes a new challenger" will appear on the screen and the music will change. You will then be taken back to the character screen. With the second controller, select the person that you were about to fight with and wait till the battle begins again. Then with the first controller, kill the other fighter (since he is controlled by controller 2, he won't do anything unelss someone operates him, so you can easily get a perfect). Once you have beaten him in both rounds, wait tillthe character screen and the map comes up again and the plane in the map will move to the next level. In other words, you have just skipped that level. This will work all the time except when the computer is playing as M.Bison
Contributed by: ajayjumbu
Ending Credits
In order to see the ending credits, you have to complete the single player mode without losing a match.
Unlockable Beat the single player mode without losing a match. Ending Credits Contributed by: discoinferno84
This code is entered during a demo battle as soon as the CPU players start fighting.
Effect Effect On the player 2 side press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, MP, LP Numbers Contributed by: overstayer
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Move List and Guide by PStroffolino | 82K |
Full Game Guides | Move List and Guide by IceQueenZer0 | 6K |
Full Game Guides | Short Move List by Bmuig | 3K |
In-Depth Guides | Dip Switches FAQ by Fatal Zapper | 12K |
In-Depth Guides | TZW Video #7 Combos by SF2Freak | 45K |
Street Fighter II: Champion Edition Cheats For Genesis
Alternate Character Colors
When picking a character, press Start to select him/her. He/she will have an alternate colored uniform/shorts/etc.
Contributed by: KRaffa
Change Button Configuration in Arcade Mode
After choosing your fighter, when the plane flies to the next location, press and hold Start to bring up the controls. You can then change your controls as you see fit.
Contributed by: Masvega
Hidden Ending
Complete the game with any character with the difficulty level on 4 or higher.
Contributed by: XPLICIT187
Only Special Moves
Press Down+Z, Up+X, A, Y, B,C. Now you can only use special moves when fighting.
Contributed by: XPLICIT187
Five Star Mode in Champion mode
When the Capcom logo fades, the building will show up with the Street Fighter II logo. When the screen stops going up and you can see the logo, on a 6 button controller, press Down, Z, Up, X, A, Y, B, C. If right, you should here a short Zangief sound. It can also be done on a 3 button controller by pressing Down, C, Up, A, A, B, B, C
Contributed by: splatterhousefandave
Choose Same Character Twice in Group Mode
Go to group mode. Where it has the 2 modes to choose from, on Controller 2, press Down,Z,Up,X,A,Y,B,C. You should here Chun Li say her voice as if she was doing her whirlwind kick. It can also be done by using controller 2 and pressing Down,C,Up,A,A,B,B,C.
Contributed by: splatterhousefandave
Special Ending
Beat the game in Champion or Hyper mode with any character on 7-star difficulty or higher.
Contributed by: Ryan Harrison
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Move List by Dark Goku | 10K |
Full Game Guides | Move List and Guide by PStroffolino | 82K |
Full Game Guides | Move List and Guide by johnluke728 | 117K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Move List by FBrown | 35K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Move List by Porygon128 | 16K |
In-Depth Guides | TZW Video #7 Combos by SF2Freak | 45K |
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Move List and Guide by IceQueenZer0 | 6K |
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | Move List and Guide by IceQueenZer0 | 6K |
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