Cheats & Guides

Subject 13 Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    Finish Chapter 1 Chapter 1
    Finish Chapter 2 Chapter 2
    Finish Chapter 3 Chapter 3
    Finish Chapter 4 Chapter 4
    Finish the final Puzzle in Less than 10 minutes Cold blooded Subject
    Never use the skip-puzzle option Incorruptible Subject
    Find all the testimonies Informed Subject
    Finish the game without using Help Powerfull Subject

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

Subject 13 Cheats For PlayStation 4

  1. Trophies

    Complete each requirement to get the specified Trophy.

    You have to finish the third chapter. Do you want a ball, Subject 13? Are you lost?
    Finish the final puzzle in less than 20 minutes? Yes, you can do it! Cold-blooded Subject
    Are you going to tell the entity all? Are you a gossip? Desperate Subject
    Solve the 3 monkeys' puzzle... Easy you say? Did you say monkey business?
    Are you going to lie to the entity? That's nice! I'm a liar
    Never use the Skip Puzzle button! Come on! Incorruptible Subject
    Find half of the testimonies... Worrying isn't it? Informed Subject
    You have to finish the fourth chapter... Are you sure you want it? Revelation?
    You have to find a testimony... Will you read it? So, what is it?
    You have to finish the second chapter. What about some fresh air, Subject 13? Some fresh air?
    Finish the game without using the help... You can do it, Subject 13! The best Subject
    You have to finish the first chapter. Consider it to be a warm-up, Subject 13. The start
    Find all the testimonies... Terrifying isn't it? You know everything

    Contributed by: Mookiethebold 

Subject 13 Cheats For Xbox One

  1. Achievements

    Better than the company of a ball, you've beaten the jungle with your mind! Are you lost?
    You managed to master your mind and beauty. It's wonderful. Cold-blooded Subject
    You chose to talk to the entity and tell it everything. What a gossip! Desperate Subject
    You solved the 3 monkeys' enigma. You're a genius! Did you say monkey business?
    You chose to lie. It isn't good to lie, you know. I'm a liar
    You chose difficulty and grey matter. You are now rewarded! Incorruptible Subject
    You've found half of the testimonies. You still have work to do, Subject 13! Informed Subject
    Subject 13? Have you gone? Clearly, you've left our land... Revelation?
    You've found the first testimony in a long series. So, what is it?
    You've finished the second chapter. Did you need some fresh air, Subject 13? Some fresh air?
    It's been a long time since a Subject tried to cheat. You're the best. The best Subject
    You've finished the first chapter! Of course, that was just a warm-up! The start
    You know everything... Terrifying isn't it? You know everything

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999