Cheats & Guides
Super Bomberman Cheats For Super Nintendo
World 1-2 Maximum lives
On world 1 level 2 blowing up the gate to the next level will make an ice cream cone appear on screen. Getting this item will give you 9 lives if you have not died once yet.
Contributed by: facts
Boss Passwords
Effect 0475 Boss 3-8 7575 Boss 1-8 2072 Boss 2-8 2174 Boss 4-8 7272 Boss 5-8 2675 Boss 6-8 Contributed by: Sevilha
Level Passwords
Effect Effect 5555 1-1 7503 1-2 5543 1-3 0513 1-4 5522 1-5 7564 1-6 3535 1-7 0055 2-1 4005 2-2 0043 2-3 5012 2-4 7024 2-5 5064 2-6 0034 2-7 5453 3-1 7402 3-2 3444 3-3 0412 3-4 2423 3-5 0464 3-6 4434 3-7 6154 4-1 4103 4-2 7144 4-3 5114 4-4 1122 4-5 4164 4-6 0135 4-7 5252 5-1 7204 5-2 5244 5-3 6213 5-4 4224 5-5 1264 5-6 3232 5-7 0652 6-1 3605 6-2 7645 6-3 5615 6-4 7623 6-5 4665 6-6 1635 6-7 5672 6-8 Contributed by: Retro, yodi_rr
Effect Effect Enter 5656 as a password Shrunken Bomberman Using a Multitap, plug a controller into the player 5 spot and hit R on the title screen. Sound Test Contributed by: Xi
Secret Items
There are secret items in the game you can get by performing certain actions. some of them repeat but in different combinations. Each item awards points which can net you lots of lives. There's 1 secret time per level for most levels minus World 5 and a few other levels. (I may check for more but here's the ones that can be found)
Item Bomb The Exit World 1-2 Ice Cream Hit 3 enemies with one explosion or kick 3 enemies in a row World 1-3 Popsicle Stand on the Exit for 21 Seconds World 1-4 Cake Place Bombs on the 4 corners World 1-5 ? Stand on the Exit for 21 Seconds World 1-7 Heart Pause The Game World 2-2 Onigiri Reveal the items and exit but don't collect any World 2-4 ? Punch The Air 5 times World 2-7 Heart Make the score end in 20 (ex. xx,x20) World 3-3 Apple Get Down to your last life World 3-4 Kendama Place 6 bombs on screen World 3-6 Fire Extinguisher Bomb The Exit World 3-7 Heart Place Bombs on the 4 corners World 4-1 Popsicle Hit 3 enemies with one explosion or kick 3 enemies in a row World 4-4 ? Get Down to your last life World 4-5 Fire Extinguisher Stand on the Exit for 21 Seconds World 4-7 Heart Get Hit by a punched Bomb World 6-2 Cake Make the score end in 20 (ex. xx,x20) World 6-4 Apple Punch The Air 5 times World 6-5 Ice Cream Pause The Game World 6-7 Heart Contributed by: Monkeypuyo
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by JPobst | 3K |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by Xi | 38K |
Full Game Guides | Guide and Walkthrough by BSulpher | 84K |
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