Cheats & Guides
Super House of Dead Ninjas Cheats For PC
Unlockable Items
Unlockable Defeat Abarghus without losing a life. 3 Extra Lives From On High Go into RAGE Mode for 60 seconds or more. Ammo Forever Kill 10 fish enemies. Aquavita Flippers Take out two enemies with a single piledrive. Crystal Ball of Dubious Phantasmagoria Collect 50 pickups in one game. Darabont's Magnet Behead 20 enemies in a single game. Instant Rage - Just Add Anger Survive Horror for 60 seconds without getting hit. Le Sac Magique Kill 10 named enemies in a single game. Lucky Unlucky Rabbit's Foot Get a time pickup in the last second. McFly's Time Extender Accumulate 60 seconds total in the air. Monkey Bane Deflect a dragon or wizard's fireball with the Nunchuks. Shield of The Clumsily Fallen Knight Talk to 10 ghosts. Slowpoke's Amazing Freeze Time Open 20 crates in a single game. Slowpoke's Genuine Flash Bomb Complete the game in under 20 minutes. Slowpoke's Smartest Smart Bomb Crush 50 enemies' skulls. Spikeaway Beat the game. The Accursed Familiar Read the comic included with the game. The Devil's Personal X-ray Glasses Get 20 cash pickups in one game. The Foe Randomiser Avoid the Grim Reaper for 20 seconds. The Magic Duck Cut three Kinnes in half. The OST Of Purebred Ninjinity Kill Torment. The Parachute of Tidy Landings Juggle a duck for 3 seconds in the air. The Third Leap Contributed by: discoinferno84
Steam Achievements
Achievement Achieve Rage five times in one game Anger Mismanagement Collect nine hearts in one game Catlike Reflexes Kill 100 enemies in a single game Century Club Killa Kill Rage Control Your Rage Die 1000 times Dedication Kill Disgust Disgust Dusted Kill Doom Doom's Day Kill 50 enemies with bombs in one game Explosives Expert Collect 100 treasures Gold Digger Kill 20 enemies with bombs in one game Grenadier Score 500,000 points in a single game Half A Mil Kill Horror Horror Show Defeat the One-Armed Ninja I'll Take The Other One Kill Spite In Spite Of All Dangers Kill 5 enemies with bombs in one game Mad Bomber Have a conversation with 10 ghosts in one game Medium At Large Score 2,000,000 points in a single game Multi Millionaire Score 1,000,000 points in a single game Murder Millionaire Kill 50 enemies in a single game Ninja Novice Kill Torment No Torment Too Great Descend 50 floors without killing anything Passive Aggressive Score 250,000 points in a single game Quarter Mil "Off with their heads!" Queen of Hearts Collect 15 tickets Redemption Game Kill Abarghus The Ultimate Ninja Kill 100 enemies with magic Wizard Contributed by: Guard Master
Unlockable Projectile Weapons
Unlockable Kill Doom. Axe Kill 100 enemies with the Axe. Axe of The Hefty Hefters Cut down four enemies in one go with the Boomerang. Battle Bash Boomerang Score 150,000 points. Boomerang Kill 5 enemies with 1 Molotov. Dusty Spear of Destiny Get 250,000 points. Ha-hadouken Kill 30 enemies in a row with the Gun. Laser Sandwich Rescue 50 fairies. RIP by RPG Get into RAGE Mode. Shuriken of The Headless Brotherhood Kill a fiend with a launched bomb. The Ricochet of Litigious Possibilities Use 1,000 projectiles in a single game. The Thrower of Flamey Stuff Stay in RAGE Mode for 30 seconds. The Token Gun Contributed by: discoinferno84
Unlockable Melee Weapons
Unlockable Kill Horror. Baseball Splatbat Kill Disgust. Early Morning Star Defeat any minion with only your katana. Katana of Miffed Barbarians Kill Rage. Kusarigama Defeat Two Minions and Abharghus in one go. Light Saber Blazer Kill Spite. Nunchucks Kill one Minions in under 30 seconds. Ruby Nunchucks of Mild Discomfort Cut off the heads of ten enemies. Taming Whip of The Many Nuns Kill ten enemies with The Kusarigama while hanging off the wall. Ultra Super Mega Kusarigama Contributed by: discoinferno84, Fransiska Ike
Unlockable Suits
Unlockable Kill 500 enemies. Blue Moon Suit Kill 6,000 enemies. Burnt Umber Badass Suit Kill 9,000 enemies. Dark Ink Suit Kill 15,000 enemies. Designer Suit #1 Kill 15,000 enemies. Designer Suit #2 Kill 15,000 enemies. Designer Suit #3 Kill 15,000 enemies. Designer Suit #4 Kill 2,000 enemies. Frog Princess Suit Kill 5,000 enemies. Glowstick Green Suit Kill 12,500 enemies. Grandad's Wartime Thermals Kill 3,000 enemies. Green Dragon Suit Kill 4,000 enemies. Kinne Imitator Suit Kill 7,000 enemies. Lemon Demon Suit Kill 8,000 enemies. Minty Fresh Death Suit Kill 125 enemies. Pink Panther Suit Kill 10,000 enemies. Ruby Red Deathbringer Suit Kill 250 enemies. Violet Violence Suit Kill 1,000 enemies. Ziggurat Dungeon Suit Contributed by: discoinferno84
Unlockable Explosive Weapons
Unlockable Kill a Minion with a Bomb. Bomb Boomathon Spend 5 minutes underwater. Calamity Caltrops Collect 3 tickets for Transdimensional Leakage. Dynamite Death Dealer Play the game 50 times. Jelly Bomb of Wobbly Destruction Talk to Smither three times. Molotov Burn yourself to death. Molotov Mazel Tov Reach the first Minion without killing any monsters. Shrapnel Bomb Kill 3 enemies in one go with the Shrapnel Bomb. Shrapnel Bomb of Mass Inconvenience Kill an EX Minion. Sticky Bomb Play the game 10 times. The Annoying Grenade Contributed by: discoinferno84
Bomb Upgrades
Unlockable Kill 50 enemies with bombs. Bomb+10 Kill 75 enemies with bombs. Bomb+15 Kill 25 enemies with bombs. Bomb+5 Contributed by: discoinferno84
Unlockable Magic
Unlockable Kill 3 enemies in one go with Lightning Magic. Flame Magic from The Pits Rescue 2 fairies. Kamikaze Magic Get 25,000 points in one life. Wind Magic from The Bowels Contributed by: discoinferno84
Life Upgrades
Unlockable Die 50 times. Life+1 (Max Lives 6) Die 100 times. Life+2 (Max Lives 7) Die 200 times. Life+3 (Max Lives 8) Die 300 times. Life+4 (Max Lives 9) Contributed by: discoinferno84
Magic Upgrades
Unlockable Kill 100 enemies. Magic+1 Kill 200 enemies. Magic+2 Kill 300 enemies. Magic+3 Contributed by: discoinferno84
Projectile Upgrades
Unlockable Survive for 5 minutes. Projectile+10 Survive for 10 minutes. Projectile+20 Survive for 15 minutes. Projectile+30 Contributed by: discoinferno84
Timer Upgrades
Unlockable Reach floor 50. Time+10 Reach floor 150 of the basement. Time+15 Reach floor 200. Time+5 Contributed by: discoinferno84
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