Cheats & Guides
Super Scribblenauts Cheats For DS
121st Starite
To find the missing 121st star, create a time machine and use it repeatedly until you are taken to a stage with another Maxwell, and a Starite in a tree. This Starite is the last one you need to complete the game.
Contributed by: pokedude900
Going through rock
If you have a solid wall (not item) next to you that you normally can't go through, put a tornado right next to it and enter the tornado and if it shoots you toward the wall you should go through it.
Contributed by: ChaoxShaodw
Merits are special achievements that you can earn by performing specific actions while playing the game.
Unlockable Decorate the sky with every planet in the solar system. Astronomer Purchase all avatars. Avatar Maniac Create three 5th Cell developers. Behind The Scenes Use 10 unique adjectives. Brand New Pencil Use the arcade machine. Break Time Use 300 unique adjectives. Broken Pencil Attach any three objects together. Clever Creation Create 10 objects with altered colors. Coloring Book Attach any ten objects together. Colossal Contraption Complete any constellation. Connect The Dots Use 200 unique adjectives. Cracked Pencil Attach any six objects together. Creative Concoction Create a mythos monster. Cthulhu Fhtagn Decorate the sky with the 12 zodiac symbols. Daily Horoscope Purchase 25 avatars. Dedicated Collector Create five hidden historical figures. Easter Egg Create 10 unique objects. English Eagle Create 5 fantasy objects or use 5 fantasy adjectives. Fantasy Fulfillment Destroy the world. Fatality! Use Maxwell's notebook. Forbidden Fruit Complete all advanced mode levels. Full Replay Create the largest possible object. Ginormous Create 200 unique objects. Grammar General Use the time machine. History Lesson Complete a custom level. Home Grown Hypnotize another character. Hypnotized Grant life to an inanimate object. It's Alive! Transform a creature into a frog. Kiss Me Create 100 unique objects. Language Lion Create 25 unique objects. Letter Lieutenant Ride a creature that's normally hostile. Lion Tamer Create 5 science fiction objects or use 5 science fiction adjectives. Looking Ahead Apply five adjectives to an object. Master Morpher Play as a different avatar. Maxwell In Disguise Apply eight adjectives to an object. Mega Mutator Create the smallest possible object. Micronized Hold 10,000 ollars in your bank. Money Vault Hold 5,000 ollars in your bank. Nice Wallet Completely fill the budget meter. Over Budget Hold 1,000 ollars in your bank. Piggy Bank Apply three adjectives to an object. Rad Recombiner Create 5 dinosaurs. Really Big Lizards Complete a level in advanced mode. Replay Put an object inside an object inside an object. Russian Doll Use 25 unique adjectives. Sharpened Pencil Catch a Starite while Maxwell is being defeated. Skin Of Your Teeth Catch 10 Starites. Starite Apprentice Catch 121 Starites. Starite King Catch 60 Starites. Starite Master Fully equip Maxwell. Suit Up Create 50 unique objects. Syllable Savant Use the teleporter. Teleported Create 5 objects made out of altered materials. Texture Artist Apply the secret Super Scribblenauts adjective. The Fourth Wall Set a custom level as your playground. Welcome Mat Use 50 unique adjectives. Well Used Pencil Purchase 10 avatars. Window Shopper Create 300 unique objects. Word Warrior Use 100 unique adjectives. Worn Down Pencil Equip any flying gear or mount. You Can Fly Contributed by: ShiinaBat
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