Cheats & Guides
SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom Cheats For Arcade Games
Fight Against Athena
Fight all characters without losing a round and do not beat your opponent with block damage.
When fighting Honki Ni Natta Mr. Karate or Shin Akuma, finish them off with a super move or exceed move in at least one round. After that beating either one of them, you will be transfered to heaven to fight Athena.Contributed by: King of Grappler
Fight Against Red Arremer
To fight against Red Arremer:
-Finish five rounds with supers/specials.
-Do not lose a single round.
-Finish off at least one character with block damage.
If done correctly, your character will be transported to Hell after the fight with Shin Akuma/Shin Mr. Karate, where he/she will have to fight Red Arremer.
Note: Some people (like Dan and Demitri) have alternate endings for fighting and winning in Hell.Contributed by: Narrator 1
How to go Against a Mid-Boss
To go against the mid-boss you want, you have to pull off an Exceed Finish each match before the mid-boss. Zero and Mars People being the highest and Goenitz and Dan being the lowest mid bosses.
Zero/Mars People: Exceed each fight before the mid boss match.
Geese/Demitri: 1 Exceed missed before the mid boss match.
Dan/Goenitz: 2 or less Exceeds pulled off before the mid boss match.
who you face when you meet the conditions are random.Contributed by: Shin44
Enter these character codes at the character select screen
Effect Effect Hold start, then go down, left 7X Dan Hold start, go right 3X, left, up, right, down, up Demitri Hold start, go up 2X, down, left 2X, right, left, up Evil Ken Hold Start, and go left 3X, then down, then left, then up, then right, then up. Geese Hold start, and go down 3X, right, down, left 3X Goenitz Hold Start, and go up, down, right 3X, up, down, left 2X, down Mars People Hold start, and go up 3X, down, left, right, down, left Riot of Blood Iori Hold start, then go up, right 2X, left 2X, down, up 3X, right Zero Contributed by: brightman
Effect Effect Hold start on the character select screen Random select Contributed by: Celsius
Walkthroughs & FAQs
SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom Cheats For Neo Geo
Unlock CPU Characters & Boss Characters
Note: CPU characters can unlock anytime, but boss characters can only unlock for 5 seconds
Unlockable Unlockable Down, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left, Left. Dan Right, Right, Right, Left, Up, Right, Down, Up. Demitri Left, Left, Left, Down, Left, Up, Right, Up. Geese Howard Down, Down, Down, Right, Down, Left, Left, Left. Goenitz Up, Down, Left, Left, Left, Up, Down, Right, Right, Down. Mars People Up, Right, Right, Left, Left, Down, Up, Up, Up, Right. Megaman Zero (Rockman Zero in Japanese) Up, Right, Up, Down, Left, Left, Down, Left, Up, Left, Right, Right. (5 seconds only) Mr. Karate Up, Up, Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Left. Orochi Iori Left, Up, Up, Right, Down, Down, Right, Left, Left, Up, Down. (5 sconds only) Shin Akuma (Shin Gouki in Japanese) Up, Up, Down, Left, Left, Right, Left, Up. Violent Ken Contributed by: Awchong
Walkthroughs & FAQs
SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom Cheats For PlayStation 2
Character's Art Gallery
Defeat each character in Survival Mode will unlock their picture in Gallery Mode.
Contributed by: Awchong
Unlockable Characters
Complete Specified Tasks To Unlock Following Characters
Unlockable Unlockable Complete Survival Mode, You Will Versus One of Them In Survival Mode Athena Complete Survival Mode, You Will Versus One of Them In Survival Mode Firebrand Contributed by: OtodileX, RaumeRVZ
Hidden Characters
In Select Player Screen, Hold R1 Button and Press Square Button On Specified Characters To Play One of 10 Hidden Characters
Effect Effect Highlight Dhalsim and Hold R1 Button Dan Hibiki Highlight Chun-Li and Hold R1 Button Demitri Maximoff Highlight Kyo Kusanagi and Hold R1 Button Geese Howard Highlight Ryo Sakazaki and Hold R1 Button Goenitz Highlight Terry Bogard and Hold R1 Button Mars People Highlight Kim Kaphwan and Hold R1 Button Orochi Iori Highlight Kasumi Todoh and Hold R1 Button Serious Mr. Karate Highlight Balrog and Hold R1 Button Shin Akuma Highlight Vega and Hold R1 Button Violent Ken Highlight Ryu and Hold R1 Button Zero Contributed by: Shinmew
Walkthroughs & FAQs
SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom Cheats For Xbox
Unlock Art Gallery
Unlockable Unlockable Beat survival mode one time Art Gallery Contributed by: nado
Unlockable Characters
Complete Specified Tasks To Unlock Following Characters
Unlockable Unlockable Complete Survival Mode, You Will Versus One of Them In Survival Mode Athena Complete Survival Mode, You Will Versus One of Them In Survival Mode Firebrand Contributed by: Gene Starwind
Hidden Characters
In Select Player Screen, Hold R Button and Press Square Button On Specified Characters To Play One of 10 Hidden Characters
Effect Effect Highlight Dhalsim and Hold R1 Button Dan Hibiki Highlight Chun-Li and Hold R1 Button Demitri Maximoff Highlight Kyo Kusanagi and Hold R1 Button Geese Howard Highlight Ryo Sakazaki and Hold R1 Button Goenitz Highlight Terry Bogard and Hold R1 Button Mars People Highlight Kim Kaphwan and Hold R1 Button Orochi Iori Highlight Kasumi Todoh and Hold R1 Button Serious Mr. Karate Highlight Balrog and Hold R1 Button Shin Akuma Highlight Vega and Hold R1 Button Violent Ken Highlight Ryu and Hold R1 Button Zero Contributed by: nado, RaumeRVZ
Unlocking Extra Characters
Hold down R1 trigger over any characters specified below to reveal the hidden characters on each
Unlockable Unlockable Becomes Shin Gouki Hold R1 over Balrog Becomes Demitri Hold R1 over Chun-Li Becomes Dan Hold R1 over Dhalsim Becomes Shin Mr.Karate Hold R1 over Kasumi Becomes Wild Iori Hold R1 over Kim Becomes Geese Hold R1 over Kyo Becomes Goenitz Hold R1 over Ryo Becomes Zero Hold R1 over Ryu Becomes Mars People Hold R1 over Terry Becomes Violent Ken Hold R1 over Vega Contributed by: Unishiba
Random Select
Enter this code at the character select screen.
Effect Effect Random Select Press and hold the Back Button Contributed by: Inuyashafan2
Walkthroughs & FAQs
SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom Cheats For PlayStation 4
Hidden playable characters
In the same way as Nintendo Switch port, you simply highlight those certain characters and hold “L1” on PS4 controller- you will see the appropriate hidden fighter if there is one for that particular default roster character- simply select while still holding down “L1”
Contributed by: Cactuarin247
SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom Cheats For Nintendo Switch
Local Play Split Screen Versus Mode
Normally when you enter 2-Player Mode in Local Play, it'll just be a normal versus mode with you and another player sharing the same screen but there is also a hidden split screen two player versus mode in Local Play as well. To access it had both players plug in their left and right joycon onto the Nintendo Switch. Then access 2-Player Local Play at the main menu. When enter you'll notice that the screen had split into two with one mirroring the other. In this mode player 1 use the left joycon and the upper screen and player 2 use the right joycon and the lower screen for battle.
Contributed by: leeko_link
Play as any Hidden Fighter
To play as any of the game's 12 hidden fighters, at the character selection screen put the cursor on these following default fighters and hold the Hidden Player button (L button by default on the Nintendo Switch) to access the hidden fighter then press any button to choose that specific hidden fighter.
Unlockable Hold Hidden Player button while the cursor is at Dhalsim. Dan Hibiki (Street Fighter Alpha: Warriors' Dreams) Hold Hidden Player button while the cursor is at Chun-Li. Demitri Maximoff (Darkstalkers: The Night Warriors) Hold Hidden Player button while the cursor is at Tessa. Firebrand the Red Arremer (Gargoyle's Quest) Hold Hidden Player button while the cursor is at Kyo Kusanagi. Geese Howard (Fatal Fury) Hold Hidden Player button while the cursor is at Ryo Sakazaki. Geonitz (The King of Fighters 96) Hold Hidden Player button while the cursor is at Genjuro Kibagami. Goddess Athena (Athena) Hold Hidden Player button while the cursor is at Terry Bogard. Mars People (Metal Slug 2) Hold Hidden Player button while the cursor is at Kasumi Todoh. Mr. Karate (Art of Fighting) Hold Hidden Player button while the cursor is at Kim Kaphwan. Orochi Iori (The King of Fighters 97) Hold Hidden Player button while the cursor is at Vega. Shin Akuma (Street Fighter Alpha 2) Hold Hidden Player button while the cursor is at M. Bison. Violent Ken Masters (Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie) Hold Hidden Player button while the cursor is at Ryu. Zero (Mega Man Zero) Contributed by: leeko_link
SVC Chaos: SNK vs. Capcom Cheats For PC
Unlockable Hidden SNK and Capcom characters (PC)
At the character select screen, hold LB and highlight specific characters to unlock the hidden ones.
Unlockable Hold LB and highlight Genjuro Athena Hold LB and highlight Dhalsim Dan Hold LB and highlight Chun-Li Demitri Hold LB and highlight Kyo Geese Hold LB and highlight Ryo Goenitz Hold LB and highlight Terry Mars People Hold LB and highlight Kim Orochi Iori Hold LB and highlight Tessa Red Arremer Hold LB and highlight Kasumi Serious Mr. Karate Hold LB and highlight Vega Shin Akuma Hold LB and highlight M. Bison Violent Ken Hold LB and highlight Ryu Zero Contributed by: bosscatFGC
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