Cheats & Guides

Swords and Sandals 2: Emperor's Reign Cheats For PC

  1. Name Glitch

    At the start of the game, when making your character, if you name him with a few commas, he will start with extremely boosted stats and armor. You can also randomize him to the stats and armor that you'd like. But be warned- the more commas you use, the stronger he gets, but also the more likely your game will crash to the title screen. You ideally want to use 3 commas.

    ,,,, Dangerous if stats contain 'NaN' stat; will crash the game. If 'NaN' is absent-Great stat upgrades, same armors as 3 commas
    ,,, Good stat upgrades, better armors
    , Minor stat upgrade; great armor
    ,, Slightly better stat upgrade, same armor types

    Contributed by: BadImaginati0n