Cheats & Guides

Tales of Graces Cheats For Wii

  1. Unlockable Difficulties

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Beat the game once Chaos Mode
    Beat the game once Evil Mode

    Contributed by: Vanille-chan 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs Spoiler-Free Walkthrough by radiantroar 149K
In-Depth FAQs Extra/Sub-Event Guide by ruta 139K

Tales of Graces Cheats For PlayStation 3

  1. Charm Duplication Glitch (JP/KO/AS Versions Only)

    This glitch will get you an infinite amount of Checks (AKA Charms) of any kind. The trick is to sell them so you can quickly max out your Gald and Stamp Cards (which is good for early Rare weapons and armor). Follow these steps:

    - Choose a Check to duplicate (e.g. Curse Check). Have a total of 3, and equip them all.
    - Choose a Check to sacrifice (e.g. Poison Check). Have a total of 2.
    - Go into your Dualize menu.
    - For item #1, select an equipped Curse Check.
    - For item #2, select the 2 Poison Checks, and dualize them all at once.
    - Exit to the shop menu, and go to Sell.
    - You will have 255 Curse Checks.
    - PROFIT: You can sell up to 127 of them at a time. Your supply will immediately revert back to 255.

    The glitched stock of 255 will remain in effect if you leave the shop, but there are 2 ways to correct it:
    - In the shop menu, sell over 127 of them. (Note: Negative values expend Gald).
    - Remove an equipped Curse Check.

    (Note 1: You can have another character equip a Curse Check, and reduce the supply to 254 without disabling the glitch.)
    (Note 2: This glitch can be done with different quantities than listed here, but 3:2 is the minimum. 4:3 is also possible; you just need to have one less Check than the type you want to duplicate.)

    Contributed by: Majutsuko 

  2. Prepare for big battles easier

    When preparing for a big fight, be it a boss or otherwise, there is a way to adjust your Accel Meter and Eleth Gauge accordingly before the battle. Use the nearest save point, then exit to the main menu. Go into "Trials of Graces" and repeat a challenge in your level range. This will not raise your level, skill point, or gald in any way, but will raise the arte count, Accel Meter, and Eleth Gauge and save it's status upon exit, allowing you to start the next fight in your favor!

    Contributed by: XenotheWise135 

  3. Unlock Museum Mode

    Beat the game once to unlock the Museum mode, which can be found under Extras. This mode contains a movie viewer, skit viewer, and a sound test.

    Contributed by: Chaos Control 

  4. Grade Shop

    After completing the game, make a new file for your save data. Access the Extras Menu from the Main Menu and choose New Game +.. You will be able to access the Grade Shop where you can buy extra stuff that affects your next game with the Grade Points you received upon completing the game.

    10 Grade 1/2 Experience
    30 Grade 2x Critical
    30 Grade 2x Damage
    90 Grade 2x Experience
    70 Grade 2x Gald
    120 Grade 2x Item Drops
    200 Grade 2x SP
    1000 Grade 3x SP
    150 Grade 5x Damage
    400 Grade 5x Experience
    30 Grade Chain Capacity +1
    250 Grade Chain Capacity +2
    100 Grade Dualize Discount
    100 Grade Expand Inventory
    50 Grade Inherit Arte Usage
    60 Grade Inherit Battle Items
    10 Grade Inherit Books
    200 Grade Inherit Carta Cards
    70 Grade Inherit Eleth Mixer
    270 Grade Inherit Gald
    70 Grade Inherit Herb Bonuses
    90 Grade Inherit Shards
    2500 Grade Inherit Skills
    30 Grade Inherit Stamps
    30 Grade Inherit Titles
    20 Grade Mastery Bonus
    100 Grade Maximum Eleth +500
    150 Grade Maximum HP +1000
    50 Grade Maximum Speed
    10 Grade Skip Childhood
    50 Grade Trade EXP for Gald
    50 Grade Unlock Qualities
    50 Grade Upgrade Eleth Mixer

    Contributed by: Ragnawind 

  5. Trophies

    There are 37 Bronze Trophies, 10 Silver Trophies, 2 Gold Trophies, and 1 Platinum Trophy.

    Defeated a true Gentleman. Good show! A Gentlemanly Triumph
    Completed Chapter 8. A Pact Fulfilled
    Completed Chapter 3. A Throne Reclaimed
    Acquired 50 different titles for Pascal. Appellatrix (50 titles)
    Defeated that jerk with the claw in a minute or less. Bryce in 60 Seconds
    Acquired 100 different titles for Malik. Captain Ephinea (100 titles)
    Acquired 50 different titles for Malik. Captain First Class (50 titles)
    Completed Chapter 1. Childhood's End
    Defeated the monsters Richard sicced on you in a minute or less. Dispaters in 60 Seconds
    Acquired 50 different titles for Hubert. Emboldened (50 titles)
    Acquired 100 different titles for Hubert. Empowered (100 titles)
    Acquired 20 different titles for Hubert. Entitled (20 titles)
    Acquired 100 different titles for Pascal. Epithetologist (100 titles)
    Acquired 20 different titles for Sophie. First Flower (20 Titles)
    Acquired 100 different titles for Sophie. Flower Power (100 Titles)
    Defeated the Fodra Queen in a minute or less. Fodra Queen in 60 Seconds
    Acquired 50 different titles for Sophie. Full Flower (50 Titles)
    Defeated the Rockgagong. Gagonged!
    Completed the game on the Chaos difficulty setting. Game Clear: Chaos
    Completed the game on the Evil difficulty setting. Game Clear: Evil
    Completed the game on the Hard difficulty setting. Game Clear: Hard
    Completed the game on the Moderate difficulty setting. Game Clear: Moderate
    Ended your fateful battle with Kurt in a minute or less. Kurt in 60 Seconds
    Defeated Lambda in the final battle in a minute or less. Lambda Angelus in 60 Seconds
    Defeated the materialized Lambda in a minute or less. Lambda in 60 Seconds
    Completed Chapter 9. Next up: the Zhonecage! The what? Look to the skits for a hint! Lineage & Legacies
    Acquired 100 different titles for Cheria. Lionhearted (100 titles)
    Maxed out your Eleth Mixer by boosting its eleth capacity to 9999. Mixer Maxed
    Defeated Lambda Theos. Impressive! One with Oblivion
    Acquired 20 different titles for Cheria. Openhearted (20 titles)
    Defeated the guardian of the ruins in a minute or less. Polycarpus in 60 Seconds
    Defeated the ruler of all oozes in a minute or less. Queen Slime in 60 Seconds
    Defeated the friend who betrayed you in a minute or less. Richard in 60 Seconds
    Acquired 20 different titles for Richard. Richard the Radiant (20 Titles)
    Acquired 80 different titles for Richard. Richard the Redeemed (80 Titles)
    Acquired 50 different titles for Richard. Richard the Righteous (50 Titles)
    Acquired 20 different titles for Pascal. Sobriquetian (20 titles)
    Defeated Solomus and the Terma Ten. Terma-nated
    Completed Chapter 7. The Fallen Eden
    Completed Chapter 5. The Infiltration of Fendel
    Completed Chapter 2. The Lord of Lhant
    Completed Chapter 6. The Other Side of the Sky
    Completed Chapter 4. The Sands of Strahta
    Acquired 20 different titles for Asbel. Title Fighter (20 Titles)
    Acquired 50 different titles for Asbel. Title Holder (50 Titles)
    Acquired 100 different titles for Asbel. Title Master (100 Titles)
    Acquired 20 different titles for Malik. Training Captain (20 titles)
    Acquired all trophies. Amazing! True Grace
    Defeated Veigue, Reala, and Amber. Who Were Those Guys, Again?
    Acquired 50 different titles for Cheria. Wholehearted (50 titles)

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

  6. Costumes

    Asbel - Formal
    Found in a pot in Oul Raye (port town in Strahta) Asbel - Swimsuit
    Beat the Carta Guy in easy mode without letting him score a single point. Asbel - Yuri (Vesperia Cameo)
    In Barona castle, one of the rooms has an item needed for a request at Katz village. Turn the item in for her costume. Cheria - Formal
    Beat the Carta Guy in hard mode without letting him score a single point. Cheria - Rita (Vesperia Cameo)
    Examine the right-hand desk behind the item shop owner in Sable Izolle to buy this for 100,000 gald. Cheria - Swimsuit
    Behind the Strahta Valkines is a chest. Turn the item in the chest in at Katz village. Hubert - Formal
    Inside the Rockgagon. Find the watermelon enemy for the costume. You can then exit out the butt. Hubert - Swimsuit
    At the end of Bathus Citadel on Fodra. Malik - Formal
    At one of the gates to Yu Liberte is a man with a sub event smiley over his head. Talk to him. Malik - Swimsuit
    Head East of Oul Raye. Eventually you'll encounter a group of enemies and a scene. Pascal - Formal
    you need the Amarcian key from a chest in the Bathus Citadel. Go to where her formal costume was. On the first screen, defeat the enemy wearing it. Pascal - Swimsuit
    Go to coordinates X334.633 : Y180.499 on the world map, and talk to one of the turtlez (should be the middle one) Sophie - Formal
    Beat the Carta Guy in normal mode without letting him score a single point. Sophie - Patty (Vesperia Cameo)
    Strahta Cryas ruins. There's an enemy along the West path from the save point. Sophie - Swimsuit

    Contributed by: heyitsthatguy11, _WILPETER_LAO_ 

  7. Difficulty Modes

    Difficulty modes that you can unlock in the game. It provides more experience, more SP, and a greater challenge.

    Fight a total of 300 battles on Evil Chaos
    Fight a total of 200 battles on Hard Evil

    Contributed by: AhouTenks 

  8. Lineage & Legacies

    Complete the main story.

    Complete the main story. Lineage & Legacies

    Contributed by: iLinkWare 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Character FAQs Asbel Lhant by MagnusBlade 43K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Shinarouji 412K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by TripleJump 426K
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by Krystal109 877K
General FAQs Walkthrough by Kurusu 193K
In-Depth FAQs Artes Translation Guide by Kratos1173 19K
In-Depth FAQs Boss FAQ by pokemon_45_79_1 115K
In-Depth FAQs Collector/Dualize Book FAQ by Nayiko 160K
In-Depth FAQs Equipment Dualizing Guide by Wii306 82K
In-Depth FAQs Inn Request Guide by TripleJump 70K
In-Depth FAQs Magic Carta FAQ by BIGEggman 17K
In-Depth FAQs Quality/Stat Combo Effect List by Wilksha 23K
In-Depth FAQs Shop/Stamp/Piggyback Guide by Hikari62 70K
In-Depth FAQs Side Quest Guide by TripleJump 38K
In-Depth FAQs Skit Guide by Collectsalot 24K
In-Depth FAQs Soul Orb Guide by Genjis 18K
In-Depth FAQs Synopsis Transcript by MabinogiFan 29K
Maps and Charts Amarcian Ruins Puzzle Map by ZelosRaine 52K
Maps and Charts Arcadian Garden Map by LordLyciaX 35K
Maps and Charts Lastalia Shaft Map by Krystal109 62K
Maps and Charts Sandshroud Ruins Puzzle 1 by Krystal109 55K
Maps and Charts Sandshroud Ruins Puzzle 2 by Krystal109 45K
Maps and Charts Sandshroud Ruins Puzzle 3 by Krystal109 39K
Maps and Charts Sandshroud Ruins Puzzle 4 by Krystal109 22K
Maps and Charts Sandshroud Ruins Puzzle 5 by Krystal109 49K
Maps and Charts Shot Cube Stage 12 Map by Kureyn 34K
Maps and Charts Wallbridge Ruins Map by kakashiPR009 148K
Maps and Charts Wallbridge Ruins Map by WhiteRabbitKizi 65K
Maps and Charts Wallbridge Ruins Optional Section Map by WhiteRabbitKizi 57K
Maps and Charts Wallbridge Tower Map by grunthos1 20K