Cheats & Guides
Tales of Vesperia Cheats For Xbox 360
Repede's Body Armor Glitch
Near the end of the game, there's a chance to synthesis an armor called "Aer Fragment", at the same time, there should be 2 synthesizable armors for Yuri and Karol called "Mumbane" and "Mumbane Aer". Well, "Mumbane Aer" is an armor slightly better than "Mumbane" which needed 1 "Aer Fragment" (Repede's armor) and 1 "Mumbane" itself to synthesis it. Here comes the glitch, synthesis 1 "Aer Fragment", have Repede wearing it, then synthesis a "Mumbane" into the inventory. Now go to synthesis a "Mumbane Aer", a pop-up message will show up to tell that armor that Repede's wearing will be turn into raw material, just proceed, guess what? Repede just got an new armor which can only (suppose) wear by Yuri and Karol.
Contributed by: weiyaw
Grade Shop
After completing the game, watch the credits to the end and you will be prompted to save your game. After doing so, you will be sent to the title screen. The should be a new option called EX New Game. Select it and you will be prompted to load a save file. Select the completed file and you will be taken to the grade shop. Here, you can use the grade you earned in the game to purchase a variety of bonuses to use in your new game.
Unlockable Unlockable 10 Grade 1/2 Experience - Reduces the experience earned in battle by half. 3000 Grade 10x Experience - Multiplies the experience earned in battle by 10. Very great to have. 600 Grade 2x Gald - Doubles Gald earned in battle. 3000 Grade 2x Grade - Doubles the Grade earned in battle. 1000 Grade Artes - Keep all learned artes for all characters. 350 Grade each Artes & Skills for individual characters - Keep all artes and weapon skills for each character individually. 50 Grade Battle Techniques - Reduces the normal amount of experience earned in battle to 1, but multiplies bonus experience earned from large combos by 5. 10 Grade Collector's Book - Keep all collector's book data. 50 Grade Cooking Skill - Keep the cooking skill levels for all characters. 10 Grade Craft Skill - Keep synthesis skill level. 10 Grade Decrease Max HP - All characters start with 20 percent less max HP than usual. 10 Grade Decrease Max TP - All characters start with 20 percent less max TP than usual. 1000 Grade Double Experience - Doubles the experience earned in battle. 10 Grade Enemy Book - Keep all enemy book data. 1000 Grade Gald - Keep all of the gald you earned. 1000 Grade Increase Item Drop Rate - Doubles the chance of finding items after battle. 500 Grade Increase Max HP - All characters start with 20 percent more max HP than usual. 500 Grade Increase Max TP - All characters start with 20 percent more max TP than usual. 1000 Grade Increase Over Limit - The overlimit gauge fills faster, and enemies use overlimit more often. 500 Grade Items - Keep all non-story related items and equipment. 400 Grade Max 99 Items - Increases the item limit to 99. 10 Grade Recipes - Keep all recipies you learned. 10 Grade Records - Keep all data from the Record menu. 3000 Grade Skill SP 1 - Lowers the SP needed to equip a weapon skill to 1. This works for all characters and all weapon skills. 1000 Grade Skills - Keep all mastered weapon skills for all characters. 500 Grade Titles - Keep all of the titles you got for every character. 1000 Grade Unlock All Skits - Able to view all skits, even ones you haven't seen yet, at the Skit Viewer at Nam Cobanda Isle. 50 Grade Unlock Battle Rank - Unlocks Unknown difficulty mode. (Super Ultra Godly Hard) 300 Grade World Map - Keep world map data. Contributed by: MegaMario1000
Achievements (SPOILERS)
Do the following task to unlock the achievement and it's alloted gamerscore.
Unlockable Unlockable Cleared EX Dungeon Ahhh, Memories (30) Save at all Save Points Back up Plan (10) First Giganto Monster Defeated Big Game Greenhorn (20) Killed all Giganto Monsters Big Game Hunter (50) Wear Bunny Attachments with all 4 characters in your party for 5 hours Bunny Guild Member (10) View all Skits Character Study (10) Part 3 Clear (Game Clear) Defeated The Adephagos (200) Part 2 Clear Ended Alexei's Ambitions (150) First Synthesis Eureka! (10) First Fatal Strike First Strike (20) Killed 1000 Enemies Grand Battles (10) Completed Collector's Book Item Nerd (30) 100,000 Chips Won Jackpot (10) Synthesized 20 Times Little Mad Scientist (10) Defeated Barbos at Level 15 or Lower Low Level Challenger (10) Completed World Map Map Nerd (50) Completed Monster Book Monster Nerd (30) Max Level (200) No More Grinding (10) Possess 10,000,000 Gald Piggybank (10) Part 1 Clear Recovered The Aque Blastia (100) Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 1 (Defeated Zagi while protecting Estellise from Zagi's attacks.) Secret Mission 1 (5) Secret Mission: Outbreaker (VS. Outbreaker. You destroyed the core and prevented magic from inverting day and night.) Secret Mission 10 (5) Secret Mission: Belius (VS. Belius. You lit up all candlesticks and eliminated the illusions.) Secret Mission 11 (5) Secret Mission: Tison & Nan (VS. Nan and Tison. Timed your strikes between their attacks and knocked them down.) Secret Mission 12 (5) Secret Mission: Schwann (VS. Schwann. Downed him by attacking when he was clutching his heart after his mystic arte.) Secret Mission 13 (5) Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 4 (Fourth battle VS. Zagi. Used Karol's Nice Recovery Smash arte to force him to recover from poison.) Secret Mission 14 (5) Secret Mission: Baitojoh (VS. Baitojoh. Hit it 3 times during it's Ice Edge attack and fished it out of the water.) Secret Mission 15 (5) Secret Mission: Estellise (VS. Estillise. Used the item, Mother's Momento.) Secret Mission 16 (5) Secret Mission: Yeager (VS. Yeager. Made his heart explode using Raven's Rain arte.) Secret Mission 17 (5) Secret Mission: Alexei (VS. Alexi. Downed him by attacking when he was tired after his mystic arte.) Secret Mission 18 (5) Secret Mission: Gusios Fight 2 (Attacked his tail, then downed him with a close attack while his feet were raised.) Secret Mission 19 (5) Secret Mission: Golem (Downed Goliath by attacking its Achilles' heel while it charged X buster.) Secret Mission 2 (5) Secret Mission: Khroma (VS. Khroma. Downed her by timing your strikes between certain of her attacks.) Secret Mission 20 (5) Secret Mission: Flynn (VS. Flynn. He used every arte he could, including a mystic arte.) Secret Mission 21 (5) Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 5 (Fifth Battle VS. Zagi. Downed him by attacking after he becomes exhausted from Blastia Bane. Secret Mission 22 (5) Secret Mission: Duke Fight 2 (Defeated Duke using a mystic arte.) Secret Mission 23 (5) Secret Mission: Gattuso (Learning from Karol's Experience, you used the billybally plants to stun Gattuso.) Secret Mission 3 (5) Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 2 (Lured Zagi to the side of the ship and knocked him overboard to cool him off!) Secret Mission 4 (5) Secret Mission: Gusios Fight 1 (Downed the Dreaded Giant when it reared back and left itself wide open.) Secret Mission 5 (5) Secret Mission: Gigalarva (Raven used Serpent to set a trap for the Gigalarva and prevented it from healing itself.) Secret Mission 6 (5) Secret Mission: Barbos (VS. Barbos. You took out the bridge supports, keeping him from calling out more of his thugs.) Secret Mission 7 (5) Secret Mission: Zagi Fight 3 (Third battle VS. Zagi. Let him absorb too much magic, destroying his bohdi blastia.) Secret Mission 8 (5) Secret Mission: Pteropus (VS. Pteropus. You defeated the Leader Bat and prevented Pteropus from recombining.) Secret Mission 9 (5) Answer All Quiz Questions Correctly Smarty-Pants (10) Cleared Game in 15 Hours or Less Speedster (15) 100-Hit Combo The Hit That Keeps on Hitting (20) Earn all Titles They Call Me... (30) Travel for 100,000 KM (Outside of Battle) To Points Unknown (10) Play For a Certain Time (100 Hours) Too Much Free Time (20) Gained All Other Achievements Vesperia Master (0) Contributed by: Aremt, DamrynRKO
Once you completed the game for the first time, the following secrets will be available after you saved your game clear data which the save file will have a star in it.
Unlockable Unlockable After creating a game clear data, the "EX New Game" selection will now be accessible where a game clear data is required to get this to work. EX New Game Once you loaded your game clear data in "EX New Game", the Grade Shop will be available each time you start a new game in this mode. Grade Shop In the Grade Shop, purchase "Battle Rank" for 50 Grade points. Unknown Difficulty Contributed by: Asch The Hated
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Tales of Vesperia Cheats For PlayStation 3
Unlock the English version of ''Ring-A-Bell''.
After beating the game once, let the intro cinematic play twice, and the English version of "Ring-A-Bell" will play the second time and every other time after that.
Contributed by: Xylon_Lionheart
There are 1 Platinum trophy, 2 Gold trophies, 7 Silver trophies, and 44 Bronze trophies. PS3 exclusive trophies are marked with an asterisk (*). Descriptions may contain spoilers.
Trophy Trophy Have over 10,000,000 Gald on hand. 10,000,000 Gald Get a combo of over 150 hits. 150 Hit Combo Touch all memory points (save points). All Memory Points Discovered Wear the Bunny Ears on Yuri, Estelle, Rita, and Judith for 5 consecutive hours. Bunny Guild Member Find, synthesize, or upgrade every item in the game. Collector Book Complete Complete the Labyrinth of Memories (defeat Kratos). Conquer Labyrinth of Memories Complete the Tomb of the Desired Mirror (defeat Spiral Draco). Conquer Tomb of the Desired Mirror Complete Part 3. Defeat the Adephagos Successfully Fatal Strike for the first time. First Fatal Strike Defeat a Giganto Monster. First Giganto Monster Synthesize one item. First Synthesis Defeat every single Giganto Monster. Giganto Hunter Get at least one character to level 200. Level 200 Character Complete Part 1 under level 15. Low Level Challenge Scan every enemy in the game with a Spectacles (Magic Lens). Monster Book Complete Win over 100k chips in the casino. Over 100k Chips Get a perfect score on the Tales Quiz. Perfect Quiz Play for over 100 hours. Playtime Over 100 Hours Complete Part 1. Recovered the Aque Blastia Defeat Zagi without Estellize taking too much damage. Secret Mission 1 Kill the Leader Bat when Pteropus splits up. Secret Mission 10 Destroy the Outbreaker's sphere to prevent it from changing day into night. Secret Mission 11 When Belius splits up, light the torches with fire attacks to dispel the illusion. Secret Mission 12 Knock down Tison and Nan when they use attacks that leave them stuck in the ground. Secret Mission 13 Recover and knock down Schwann after he uses Blast Heart. Secret Mission 14 Heal Zagi when he poisons himself using Karol's Kasshin Recover Stamp (Nice Recovery Smash) Secret Mission 15 Knock Baitojoh out from under the ice when it uses "Moving Ice Blade" Secret Mission 16 Use Mother's Memento when fighting Estelle with Yuri alone. Secret Mission 17 After Yeager reveals his blastia heart, guard break him and use Raven's Shigure (Rain). Secret Mission 18 Knock down Alexei after he uses Senha Ranseijin (Brilliant Cataclysm). Secret Mission 19 Knock down Goliath by hitting his weak point when it prepares X-Buster. Secret Mission 2 Use the Malice Stella. (This SM is chronologically after the next two) Secret Mission 20 Attack Gusios's tail, then knock him down after he stands on his hind legs. Secret Mission 21 Knock down Khroma Dragon after she uses her earthquake attack. Secret Mission 22 Let Flynn use all of his moves against you. Secret Mission 23 Knock down Zagi when he uses Blastia Bane. Secret Mission 24 Finish off Duke with a mystic arte. Secret Mission 25 Knock down Gattuso with a Biribariha flower. Secret Mission 3 Knock Zagi overboard by using Overlimits when he is in the air on the side of the ship. Secret Mission 4 Knock down Dreaded Giant when it raises its front legs. Secret Mission 5 Use Raven's Mogura Nari (Serpent) to blow up Gigalarva's tail when it tries to heal. Secret Mission 6 Destroy the bridges when fighting Barbos to prevent reinforcements.. Secret Mission 7 Knock down the Wandering Skeleton when it reloads its revolver. Secret Mission 8 Let Zagi absorb too much aer (use magic on him when he absorbs aer) to have his blastia explode. Secret Mission 9 Complete Course 1 of Boarder Repede in under 40 seconds. Snowboarder Complete the game under 15 hours. Speed Gamer Complete Part 2. Stopped Alexei's Ambitions Synthesize 20 items. Synthesize 20 Items Achieve all titles. Title Complete Get all other trophies. TOV Master Walk or fly over 50k km. Traveled Over 50k km Watched all skits (Can be achieved through Unlock All Skits GRADE Shop bonus). Watched All Skits Fully uncover the entire world on your map. World Map Complete Contributed by: KryptoPyro13
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Cheats For Xbox One
Complete the required tasks to unlock each Achievement and Gamerscore.
Achievement Clear the Labyrinth of Memories. Get ready for something special! Ahhh, Memories Use every save point in the game. Talk about exploration! Back Up Plan Giganto Monsters are...special. Big. Strong. Nasty. Have fun taking one down! Big Game Greenhorn Defeat all Giganto Monsters, and prove nothing can stop you! Careful, though. It's a big world... Big Game Hunter Play 5 hours with Yuri, Estelle, Rita, and Judith wearing bunny ears. Welcome to the Bunny Guild! Bunny Guild Member View every skit, and enjoy getting to know the characters better! Character Study Defeat the Adephagos with Duke, and bring about the beginning of a new world, one without blastia. Defeated the Adephagos Put an end to Alexei's ambitions. Of course, the Adephagos will still remain. The battle continues! Ended Alexei's Ambitions Synthesize yourself a new weapon and wreak havoc upon your enemies! Eureka! Take out an enemy with a Fatal Strike! Master this technique to gain advantage in battles. First Strike Defeat a thousand enemies. Not even the Hunting Blades have been able to pull that off! Grand Battles Fill out the Collector's Book completely, and prepare yourself for everyone asking to borrow it. Item Nerd Acquire 100,000 chips. Just be careful not to lose sight of your real goal... Jackpot Perform synthesis 20 times. Once you complete this, you'll have every recipe memorized! Little Mad Scientist Defeat Barbos at level 15 or below. If you can pull this off, you can do anything! Well, almost... Low Level Challenger Travel to the farthest reaches of the world and explore the entire map. Never know what you'll find! Map Nerd Fill out the Monster Book completely, and turn yourself into a walking monsterpedia! Monster Nerd Reach level 200. Push yourself to the max, and once you hit it, use herbs to grow even stronger! No More Grinding Make your way through the Necropolis of Nostalgia, and defeat the strongest enemies out there! Nostalgia is Overrated Acquire 10 million Gald, a feat no ordinary person could ever achieve. Use your earnings for good! Piggybank Finish the snowboarding mini-game in 40 seconds or less. You'll be a pro! Pro Boarder Take back the aque blastia core from Barbos. That should fix the lower quarter's fountain. Recovered the Aque Blastia Defeat Zagi while protecting Estellise from Zagi's attacks. Secret Mission 1 Defeat the Leader Bat to prevent Pteropus from recombining. Secret Mission 10 Destroy the core in the battle against Outbreaker to prevent magic from inverting day and night. Secret Mission 11 Light up all candlesticks in the battle against Belius to eliminate the illusions. Secret Mission 12 Time your strikes between Nan and Tison's attacks to knock them down. Secret Mission 13 Down Schwann by attacking when he clutches his heart after his mystic arte. Secret Mission 14 Use Karol's Nice Recovery Smash arte to heal Zagi's poison in the fourth battle against him. Secret Mission 15 Hit Baitojoh three times during its Ice Edge attack and fish it out of the ice. Secret Mission 16 Use the Mother's Memento in Yuri's battle against Estellise. Secret Mission 17 After breaking Yeager's guard to create an opening, use Raven's Rain arte to make his heart explode. Secret Mission 18 Down Alexei by attacking him when he's tired after his mystic arte. Secret Mission 19 Down Goliath by attacking its Achilles' heel while it charges X Buster. Secret Mission 2 Use the Maris Stella in the fight against the second Cursed Wanderer. Secret Mission 20 Attack Gusios' tail, and then down him with a close attack while his feet are raised. Secret Mission 21 Down Khroma by timing your strikes between certain attacks of hers. Secret Mission 22 During the battle against Flynn, have Flynn use every arte he can, including a mystic arte. Secret Mission 23 In the fifth battle against Zagi, down him by attacking after he gets exhausted from Blastia Bane. Secret Mission 24 Defeat Duke using a mystic arte during your second battle against him. Secret Mission 25 Take a page from Karol's book and use the billybally plants to knock down Gattuso. Secret Mission 3 Lure Zagi to the side of the ship and knock him overboard to cool him off! Secret Mission 4 Down the Dreaded Giant when it rears back and leaves itself wide open. Secret Mission 5 Use Raven's Serpent arte to set a trap for the Gigalarva and prevent it from healing itself. Secret Mission 6 Take out the bridge supports to keep Barbos from calling out more of his thugs. Secret Mission 7 Strike down the Cursed Wanderer while it is reloading. Secret Mission 8 Allow Zagi to absorb too much magic and destroy his bodhi blastia in the third battle against him. Secret Mission 9 Answer every quiz question right and prove that you're the ultimate Tales fan! Smarty-pants Complete the adventure quickly! Sometimes you need to relax and smell the roses. Just not now. Speedster Get a 150-hit combo. Must. Keep. Hitting! The Hit that Keeps On Hitting Acquire every title for every character. Some titles are awe-inspiring. Others... not so much. They Call Me... Travel 50,000 km. That's 1185 marathons! To Points Unknown Play 100 hours. That's more than 4 whole days! Your journey can continue for as long as you want... Too Much Free Time Contributed by: Similac
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Cheats For PlayStation 4
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition - Trophy List
1 Platinum, 2 Gold, 7 Silver, & 44 Bronze Trophies.
Trophy Clear the Labyrinth of Memories. Get ready for something special! Ahhh, Memories Use every save point in the game. Talk about exploration! Back Up Plan Giganto Monsters are...special. Big. Strong. Nasty. Have fun taking one down! Big Game Greenhorn Defeat all Giganto Monsters, and prove nothing can stop you! Careful, though. It's a big world... Big Game Hunter Play 5 hours with Yuri, Estelle, Rita, and Judith wearing bunny ears. Welcome to the Bunny Guild! Bunny Guild Member View every skit, and enjoy getting to know the characters better! Character Study Defeat the Adephagos with Duke, and bring about the beginning of a new world, one without blastia. Defeated the Adephagos Put an end to Alexei's ambitions. Of course, the Adephagos will still remain. The battle continues! Ended Alexei's Ambitions Synthesize yourself a new weapon and wreak havoc upon your enemies! Eureka! Take out an enemy with a Fatal Strike! Master this technique to gain advantage in battles. First Strike Defeat a thousand enemies. Not even the Hunting Blades have been able to pull that off! Grand Battles Fill out the Collector's Book completely, and prepare yourself for everyone asking to borrow it. Item Nerd Acquire 100,000 chips. Just be careful not to lose sight of your real goal... Jackpot Perform synthesis 20 times. Once you complete this, you'll have every recipe memorized! Little Mad Scientist Defeat Barbos at level 15 or below. If you can pull this off, you can do anything! Well, almost... Low Level Challenger Travel to the farthest reaches of the world and explore the entire map. Never know what you'll find! Map Nerd Fill out the Monster Book completely, and turn yourself into a walking monsterpedia! Monster Nerd Reach level 200. Push yourself to the max, and once you hit it, use herbs to grow even stronger! No More Grinding Make your way through the Necropolis of Nostalgia, and defeat the strongest enemies out there! Nostalgia is Overrated Acquire 10 million Gald, a feat no ordinary person could ever achieve. Use your earnings for good! Piggybank Finish the snowboarding mini-game in 40 seconds or less. You'll be a pro! Pro Boarder Take back the aque blastia core from Barbos. That should fix the lower quarter's fountain. Revovered the Aqua Blastia Defeat Zagi while protecting Estellise from Zagi's attacks. Secret Mission 1 Defeat the Leader Bat to prevent Pteropus from recombining. Secret Mission 10 Destroy the core in the battle against Outbreaker to prevent magic from inverting day and night. Secret Mission 11 Light up all candlesticks in the battle against Belius to eliminate the illusions. Secret Mission 12 Time your strikes between Nan and Tison's attacks to knock them down. Secret Mission 13 Down Schwann by attacking when he clutches his heart after his mystic arte. Secret Mission 14 Use Karol's Nice Recovery Smash arte to heal Zagi's poison in the fourth battle against him. Secret Mission 15 Hit Baitojoh three times during its Ice Edge attack and fish it out of the ice. Secret Mission 16 Use the Mother's Memento in Yuri's battle against Estellise. Secret Mission 17 After breaking Yeager's guard to create an opening, use Raven's Rain arte to make his heart explode. Secret Mission 18 Down Alexei by attacking him when he's tired after his mystic arte. Secret Mission 19 Down Goliath by attacking its Achilles' heel while it charges X Buster. Secret Mission 2 Use the Maris Stella in the fight against the second Cursed Wanderer. Secret Mission 20 Attack Gusios' tail, and then down him with a close attack while his feet are raised. Secret Mission 21 Down Khroma by timing your strikes between certain attacks of hers. Secret Mission 22 During the battle against Flynn, have Flynn use every arte he can, including a mystic arte. Secret Mission 23 In the fifth battle against Zagi, down him by attacking after he gets exhausted from Blastia Bane. Secret Mission 24 Defeat Duke using a mystic arte during your second battle against him. Secret Mission 25 Take a page from Karol's book and use the billybally plants to knock down Gattuso. Secret Mission 3 Lure Zagi to the side of the ship and knock him overboard to cool him off! Secret Mission 4 Down the Dreaded Giant when it rears back and leaves itself wide open. Secret Mission 5 Use Raven's Serpent arte to set a trap for the Gigalarva and prevent it from healing itself. Secret Mission 6 Take out the bridge supports to keep Barbos from calling out more of his thugs. Secret Mission 7 Strike down the Cursed Wanderer while it is reloading. Secret Mission 8 Allow Zagi to absorb too much magic and destroy his bodhi blastia in the third battle against him. Secret Mission 9 Answer every quiz question right and prove that you're the ultimate Tales fan! Smarty-pants Complete the adventure quickly! Sometimes you need to relax and smell the roses. Just not now. Speedster Get a 150-hit combo. Must. Keep. Hitting! The Hit that Keeps On Hitting Acquire every title for every character. Some titles are awe-inspiring. Others... not so much. They Call Me... Travel 50,000 km. That's 1185 marathons! To Points Unknown Play 100 hours. That's more than 4 whole days! Your journey can continue for as long as you want... Too Much Free Time Proof of completing Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition. Thank you very much for playing! Vesperia Master Contributed by: Aeramis
Tales of Vesperia: Definitive Edition Cheats For PC
Steam Achievements
This title has a total of 53 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.
Achievement Clear the Labyrinth of Memories. Get ready for something special! Ahhh, Memories Use every save point in the game. Talk about exploration! Back Up Plan Giganto Monsters are...special. Big. Strong. Nasty. Have fun taking one down! Big Game Greenhorn Defeat all Giganto Monsters, and prove nothing can stop you! Careful, though. It's a big world... Big Game Hunter Play 5 hours with Yuri, Estelle, Rita, and Judith wearing bunny ears. Welcome to the Bunny Guild! Bunny Guild Member View every skit, and enjoy getting to know the characters better! Character Study Defeat the Adephagos with Duke, and bring about the beginning of a new world, one without blastia. Defeated the Adephagos Put an end to Alexei's ambitions. Of course, the Adephagos will still remain. The battle continues! Ended Alexei's Ambitions Synthesize yourself a new weapon and wreak havoc upon your enemies! Eureka! Take out an enemy with a Fatal Strike! Master this technique to gain advantage in battles. First Strike Defeat a thousand enemies. Not even the Hunting Blades have been able to pull that off! Grand Battles Fill out the Collector's Book completely, and prepare yourself for everyone asking to borrow it. Item Nerd Acquire 100,000 chips. Just be careful not to lose sight of your real goal... Jackpot Perform synthesis 20 times. Once you complete this, you'll have every recipe memorized! Little Mad Scientist Defeat Barbos at level 15 or below. If you can pull this off, you can do anything! Well, almost... Low Level Challenger Travel to the farthest reaches of the world and explore the entire map. Never know what you'll find! Map Nerd Fill out the Monster Book completely, and turn yourself into a walking monsterpedia! Monster Nerd Reach level 200. Push yourself to the max, and once you hit it, use herbs to grow even stronger! No More Grinding Make your way through the Necropolis of Nostalgia, and defeat the strongest enemies out there! Nostalgia is Overrated Acquire 10 million Gald, a feat no ordinary person could ever achieve. Use your earnings for good! Piggybank Finish the snowboarding mini-game in 40 seconds or less. You'll be a pro! Pro Boarder Take back the aque blastia core from Barbos. That should fix the lower quarter's fountain. Recovered the Aque Blastia Defeat Zagi while protecting Estellise from Zagi's attacks. Secret Mission 1 Defeat the Leader Bat to prevent Pteropus from recombining. Secret Mission 10 Destroy the core in the battle against Outbreaker to prevent magic from inverting day and night. Secret Mission 11 Light up all candlesticks in the battle against Belius to eliminate the illusions. Secret Mission 12 Time your strikes between Nan and Tison's attacks to knock them down. Secret Mission 13 Down Schwann by attacking when he clutches his heart after his mystic arte. Secret Mission 14 Use Karol's Nice Recovery Smash arte to heal Zagi's poison in the fourth battle against him. Secret Mission 15 Hit Baitojoh three times during its Ice Edge attack and fish it out of the ice. Secret Mission 16 Use the Mother's Memento in Yuri's battle against Estellise. Secret Mission 17 After breaking Yeager's guard to create an opening, use Raven's Rain arte to make his heart explode. Secret Mission 18 Down Alexei by attacking him when he's tired after his mystic arte. Secret Mission 19 Down Goliath by attacking its Achilles' heel while it charges X Buster. Secret Mission 2 Use the Maris Stella in the fight against the second Cursed Wanderer. Secret Mission 20 Attack Gusios' tail, and then down him with a close attack while his feet are raised. Secret Mission 21 Down Khroma by timing your strikes between certain attacks of hers. Secret Mission 22 During the battle against Flynn, have Flynn use every arte he can, including a mystic arte. Secret Mission 23 In the fifth battle against Zagi, down him by attacking after he gets exhausted from Blastia Bane. Secret Mission 24 Defeat Duke using a mystic arte during your second battle against him. Secret Mission 25 Take a page from Karol's book and use the billybally plants to knock down Gattuso. Secret Mission 3 Lure Zagi to the side of the ship and knock him overboard to cool him off! Secret Mission 4 Down the Dreaded Giant when it rears back and leaves itself wide open. Secret Mission 5 Use Raven's Serpent arte to set a trap for the Gigalarva and prevent it from healing itself. Secret Mission 6 Take out the bridge supports to keep Barbos from calling out more of his thugs. Secret Mission 7 Strike down the Cursed Wanderer while it is reloading. Secret Mission 8 Allow Zagi to absorb too much magic and destroy his bodhi blastia in the third battle against him. Secret Mission 9 Answer every quiz question right and prove that you're the ultimate Tales fan! Smarty-pants Complete the adventure quickly! Sometimes you need to relax and smell the roses. Just not now. Speedster Get a 150-hit combo. Must. Keep. Hitting! The Hit that Keeps On Hitting Acquire every title for every character. Some titles are awe-inspiring. Others... not so much. They Call Me... Travel 50,000 km. That's 1185 marathons! To Points Unknown Play 100 hours. That's more than 4 whole days! Your journey can continue for as long as you want... Too Much Free Time Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
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