Cheats & Guides
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus Cheats For PlayStation 2
Unlock original TMNT arcade game.
When on the rooftops in stage 9-1, start smashing the many crates to find an artifact. Take that artifact back home, and give it to April. Once she appraises it, she'll tell you that it is the original TMNT aracde game. Now go to the title screen, and go under options. The original TMNT arcade game will be there.
Contributed by: Megaman1981
Unlock Casey Jones, Karai, Splinter and Slashuur
There is another way to unblock these four characters. Beating the original TMNT Arcade Game also we will obtain to Casey Jones, Karai, Splinter and Slashuur.
Contributed by: Patently Offensive
Misc. Passwords
Enter the following at the password screen:
Effect Effect S D S D R L D Abyss M R M D R M D Challenge Code Endurance - stamina restore no longer D S R D M R M Cheat Code Health L R S R D R D Fatal Blow R S R L R S M Infinite Shuriken R L M R D S L Lose Shuriken L S D R R D R Mighty Turtle D S L R D R M New Nexus outfit for Donatello L M R M D R D New Nexus outfit for Leonardo M L M R D R M New Nexus outfit for Michelangelo R M S R M D R New Nexus outfit for Raphael S L S D R D L Nightmare M R L M R M R Pizza Paradise S R M L D D R Playmates added to Bonus Materials D R S L L S R Poison D R M S R L R Self Recovery M L D S R D M Squeaking L D R M R L M Super Defense Power (Defense x2) S D L S R L L Super Offense Power (Attack x2) R D S R M R L Super-Tough S S S M R D D Toddling Contributed by: Jay FNG Philbrook
Unlockable Characters
Unlockable Unlockable Beat the Open Brawl Tournament and Casey Jones will be playable in place of Raphael Casey Jones Beat the Foot Fight in Tournament Mode. Karai Beat the Battle Nexus Tournament in Tournament Mode. Slashuur Beat the game and you can use Splinter in place of Donatello Splinter Contributed by: SoulWarrior, fett42
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Cyphax | 228K |
In-Depth FAQs | Tournament Mode FAQ by Pelord | 22K |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus Cheats For Xbox
Unlock original TMNT arcade game.
When on the rooftops in stage 9-1, start smashing the many crates to find an artifact. Take that artifact back home, and give it to April. Once she appraises it, she'll tell you that it is the original TMNT aracde game. Now go to the title screen, and go under options. The original TMNT arcade game will be there.
Contributed by: Megaman1981
Misc. Passwords
Enter the following at the password screen:.
Effect Effect S D S D R L D Abyss R S R L R S M All-You-Can-Throw Shuriken MRMDRMD Challenge mode endurance L R S R D R D Fatal Blow D S R D M R M Health R L M R D S L Lose Shuriken L S D R R D R Mighty Turtle D S L R D R M New Nexus Turtle Outfit for Donatello L M R M D R D New Nexus Turtle Outfit for Leonardo M L M R D R M New Nexus Turtle Outfit for Michelangelo R M S R M D R New Nexus Turtle Outfit for Raphael S L S D R D L Nightmare M R L M R M R Pizza Paradise S R M L D D R Playmates added to Bonus Materials D R S L L S R Poison D R M S R L R Self Recovery M L D S R D M Squeaking L D R M R L M Super Defense Power S D L S R L L Super Offense Power (Attack x2) R D S R M R L Super-Tough S S S M R D D Toddling Contributed by: Jay FNG Philbrook, electrosho, nado
Splinter and Casey Jones
Unlockable Unlockable Beat the Open Brawl Tournament and Casey Jones will be playable in place of Raphael Casey Jones Beat the game and you can use Splinter in place of Donatello Splinter Contributed by: SoulWarrior
Hidden Characters
These are alternate ways to unlock the hidden characters.
Unlockable Unlockable Unlocks automatically after 5 days. (Replaces Raphael) Casey Jones Unlocks automatically after 35 days. (Replaces Michelangelo) Karai Unlocks automatically after 45 days. (Replaces Leonardo) Slashuur Unlocks automatically after 10 days. (Replaces Donatello) Splinter Contributed by: Knapster
Unlock Karai and Slashuur
Unlockable Unlockable Defeat her in the foot fight tournament Karai Defeat him in the battle nexus tournament Slashuur Contributed by: Koloradie
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Cyphax | 228K |
In-Depth FAQs | Tournament Mode FAQ by Pelord | 22K |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus Cheats For GameCube
Unlock the original arcade game.
Find the hidden artifact on the rooftop of stage 9-1. Return home and have April appraise the artifact. It turns out to be the arcade game. Go to the title screen and the original arcade game will be located underneath options.
Contributed by: GunstarBlue
Misc. Passwords
Enter the following at the password screen:
Effect Effect S D S D R L D Abyss M R M D R M D Challenge Code Endurance - stamina restore no longer available D S R D M R M Cheat Code Health L R S R D R D Fatal Blow R S R L R S M Infinite Shuriken R L M R D S L Lose Shuriken L S D R R D R Mighty turtle D S L R D R M New Nexus outfit for Donatello L M R M D R D New Nexus outfit for Leonardo M L M R D R M New Nexus outfit for Michelangelo R M S R M D R New Nexus outfit for Raphael S L S D R D L Nightmare M R L M R M R Pizza Paradise S R M L D D R Playmates added to Bonus Materials D R S L L S R Poison D R M S R L R Self Recovery M L D S R D M Squeaking L D R M R L M Super Defense Power (Defense x2) S D L S R L L Super Offense Power (Attack x2) R D S R M R L Super-Tough S S S M R D D Toddling Contributed by: Jay FNG Philbrook
Secret Characters
When doing time (waiting certain amount of days) you have to beat one level to unlock.(Does not have to be unbeaten level)
Unlockable Unlockable Beat Open Brawl Tournament, or wait 5 days Casey Jones Beat her in Foot Fight in less than 150 seconds, or wait 35 days Karai Beat Battle Nexus Tournament, or wait 45 days Slashuur Beat Chapter 11-7, or wait 10 days Splinter Contributed by: LeatherWings
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Cyphax | 228K |
In-Depth FAQs | Tournament Mode FAQ by Pelord | 22K |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus Cheats For PC
Unlock original TMNT arcade game.
When on the rooftops in stage 9-1, start smashing the many crates to find an artifact. Take that artifact back home, and give it to April. Once she appraises it, she'll tell you that it is the original TMNT aracde game. Now go to the title screen, and go under options. The original TMNT arcade game will be there.
Contributed by: Megaman1981
Extra characters
Unlockable Unlockable Beat Open Brawl Tournament. Casey Jones (replaces Raphael) Beat Karai in Foot Fight Tournament within 150 seconds. Karai (replaces Michaelangelo) Beat the battle Nexus Tournament. Slashuur (replaces Leonardo) Clear level 11-7. Splinter (replaces Donatello) Contributed by: sephirosuy
Use the keys below as the paswords, enter under the password screen.
(no working in Tournament modes.)
L = Leonardo
M = Michaelangelo
R = Raphael
D = Donatello
S = ShredderEffect Effect SDLSRLL Deal double damage. DRSLLRS Decrease HP. MLDSRDM Different sound when objects are hit. SSSMRDD Different sound when walking. RLMRDSL Disable Shuriken. LDRMRLM Double defense power. LRSRDRD Enemies have instant death attack. SLSDRDL Enemies' damage doubled. RDSRMRL Enemies' defense doubled. MRLMRMR Health itens replaced by full HP pizza. DSRDMRM Infinite HP. RSRLRSM Infinite Shuriken SDSDRLD Lose all HP after falling. DSLRDRM New Nexus outfit for Donatello. LMRMDRD New Nexus outfit for Leonardo. MLMRDRM New Nexus outfit for Michelangelo. RMSRMDR New Nexus outfit for Raphael. SRMLDDR Playmates unlocked in bonus section. DRMSRLR Regenerate HP. MRMDRMD Stamina stops recovery. LSDRRDR Take 0 damage. Contributed by: sephirosuy
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Cyphax | 228K |
In-Depth FAQs | Tournament Mode FAQ by Pelord | 22K |
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battle Nexus Cheats For Game Boy Advance
Display ''COWABUNGA'' when players finish the Story Mode.
At the title screen, press: Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A
Contributed by: Sour
Extra Race & Battle Level Passwords
Enter these codes at the password screen:
Effect Effect DDRSMSR Opens course 16 in battle mode. RDLDSMD Opens course 16 in race mode. SMRDLML Opens course 17 in battle mode. MDSMSDM Opens course 17 in race mode. LMSLSRS Opens course 18 in battle mode. SRMLDDR Opens course 18 in race mode. Contributed by: Cosmic Mayhem
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Seth0708 | 114K |
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