The Bigs 2 - Giants Mount a Strong Defense Gameplay Movie
Giants throw strikes and catch balls.
Giants throw strikes and catch balls.
Get in practice outside the game.
With good hitting and good fielding, one runner comes home.
Check out the latest little teaser trailer for The Bigs 2!
Watch Tom Mc Shea hit one into the bleachers with his review for The Bigs 2.
Team gets double soon after beaming pitcher in the head in The Bigs 2.
Batters can't get traction in The Bigs 2.
Take out Tokyo Bigs style.
It's the Yankees vs. the Sox in The Bigs 2.
It's baseball minigames in The Bigs 2.
It's Twins vs. Rays in The Bigs 2.
Ball-hitting competition breaks everything in The Bigs 2.
The big leagues just got BIGGER. Check out the latest trailer for The Bigs 2!
The Bigs 2, Tales of Monkey Island, BioShock & The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, and Arma II all hit store shelves this week!
Grand and body slams in this trailer for The Bigs 2.
Awesome new trailer for The Bigs 2 on the Nintendo Wii!
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