Cheats & Guides

The Chaos Engine Cheats For Amiga

  1. Passwords

    Effect Effect
    TTTTTTTTTTT Extra Money
    K#SVX7VBBYK Level 2
    #P0BK4SNVHP2 Level 2 (30 extra lives)
    086SPKHP1PN Level 3
    G7#BKWFZBJ#W Level 3 (30 extra lives)
    51TD4M9JGMGT Level 4 (30 extra lives)
    VVVVVVVVVVVV World 1 with Brigand, Mercenary, and 30,000 money
    XXXXXXXXXXXX World 1 with Gentleman, Navvie, and 30,000 money
    TTTTTTTTTTTT World 1 with Mercenary, Gentleman, and 45,000 money
    JJHHGGFFDDCC World 1 with Navvie, Brigand, and 10,000 money
    YYYYYYYYYYYY World 1 with Thug, Gentleman, and 20,000 money
    HHGGFFDDCCBB World 1 with Thug, Preacher, and 50,000 money
    LQPBK8JWDNBY World 2 with Thug, Preacher, and 40,000 money
    8H8BK0SWQY7H World 3 with Thug, Preacher, and 30,000 money
    PKJKDL1#DFD4 World 4 with Brigand, Mercenary, and 20,000 money
    P28BKM6XMWWK World 4 with Thug, Preacher, and 30,000 money

    Contributed by: Crazyreyn, NikeUnlimited, TheProdigy 

The Chaos Engine Cheats For PC

  1. Passwords

    Enter the following passwords for the desired results.

    Effect Effect
    TTTTTTTTTTTT World 1 ; Mercenery/Gentleman ; 45,000
    HHGGFFDDCCBB World 1 ; Thug/Preacher ; 50,000
    0WHS5PX3835F World 2 ; Mercenery/Thug ; 40,000
    2F#8Q55KKQNH World 2 ; Navvie/Gentleman ; 50,000
    C4HNWRH86B18 World 3 ; Navvie/Gentleman ; 34,000
    8H8BK0SWQY7H World 3 ; Thug/Preacher ; 30,000
    HMWNVY0WB019 World 4 ; Navvie/Gentleman ; 33,000
    P28BKM6XMWWK World 4 ; Thug/Preacher ; 30,000

    Contributed by: untrustful 

The Chaos Engine Cheats For Genesis

  1. Over $40,000 in 2-player mode

    Enter the following at the password screen:

    Effect Effect
    LQYDH8223VL6 $40,000 for a 2-player game

    Contributed by: Arkrex 

  2. Level Select for Brug and CPU Thug

    Effect Effect
    M8HT3WJ8KQ44 02
    RCT7C4MYR854 04

    Contributed by: im superior 

  3. Level Select for Navvie and CPU Scientist

    Effect Effect
    LQ1LX2#81Q59 02
    C48YLCVLM0GM 03
    CRR56F82GN5K 04

    Contributed by: im superior 

  4. Level Select Scientist and CPU Navvie

    Effect Effect
    3B5YXP5D#8H9 03
    H485R95CQT93B 04

    Contributed by: im superior 

  5. Level Select for Gentleman and CPY Navvie

    Effect Effect
    Q3BK7PYNS794 02
    LV6W7QK0NYB5 03
    RW#75#FJ40TH 04

    Contributed by: im superior 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by zeldadomer 108K

The Chaos Engine Cheats For Super Nintendo

  1. Gain Extra Money

    After you bet a certain level you gain a password.
    Example: A1B2C3D4E5F6
    After receiving a level password simply re-enter the code but put the last 6 characters in reverse.
    Example: A1B2C36F5E4D

    Contributed by: gamemaniac85 

  2. 6 Lives each becomes 30 each World 2-1

    If you end World 1 with 6 lives each it will give you a password for world 2-1, This password will have 2 X's as the 3rd and 4th characters. Example: WDXXLYV76WRJ. If you change the 2 X's to N's (WDNNLYV76WRJ) you will now start world 2-1 with 30 lives each and the same amount of $$$ you had. You can also still use the extra money trick and reverse the last 6 characters so it would then become (WDNNLYJRW67V). This will work with any 2 of the 6 character players you choose, as long as you end world 4-1 with 6 lives each. (note: you can have less than 6 lives at the end of world 4-1 and buy extra lives to make 6 lives before the password is given to you.)

    Contributed by: Josh_S 

  3. Level Passwords

    Effect Effect
    W1V19S2SH21Q Level 2 (Brigand and Thug)
    C9W18N209ZPW Level 2 (Gentleman and Mercenary)
    CJWI9D2QQ2XF Level 2 (Navvie and Scientist)
    RI8VDQWF0IVP Level 3 (Brigand and Thug)
    RJXVD8WFPIVP Level 3 (Navvie and Scientist)
    4I4ILIV4QVX6 Level 4 (Brigand and Thug)
    4J3WLPV9XWSC Level 4 (Navvie and Scientist)

    Contributed by: chrono trigger fan, Dinob0t 

  4. Secret Password.

    From the main menu, select the SINGLE PLAYER & CPU option, then ENTER PASSWORD, and enter the following:

    FFFFFFFFFFFG World 2, level 1 (MAZE), with The Thug and The Gentleman, and more than £40,000 for each of them.

    Contributed by: mortendrak 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by zeldadomer 108K

The Chaos Engine (2013) Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    Achievement Achievement
    Resurrect 10x dead characters in co-op games
    Use the Freeze Monster Special from your inventory 50 times Back to the ice age
    Use the Shotburst Special from your inventory 50 times Be Gone!
    Use the Dynamite Special from your inventory 50 times BLAST!
    Use the Molotov Special from your inventory 50 times Bonfire
    Use the Bomb Special from your inventory 50 times BOOM!
    Collect 10000 money in a single play through Bounty Hunter
    Kill 20 enemies in a single run without losing any health Bullet Dodger
    Destroy the Chaos Engine Chaos
    Clear world 3, The Fortesque Mansion Cleared Fortesque Mansion
    Clear world 1, The Forest. Cleared The Forest
    Clear world 2, The Workshops Cleared The Workshops
    Use the Ground Mine Special from your inventory 50 times Death from below
    Use a first-aid kit 50 times Doc
    Destroy the Chaos Engine with 2 players alive Double Chaos
    Kill your first enemy First One is the Hardest
    Complete the campaign in a single run Hard Nailed
    Use the Distract Monster Special from your inventory 50 times Here boy!
    Kill 500 enemies in a single play through Huntsman
    Die 100 times Learning Curve
    Find 28 gold keys in a single run Locksmith
    Fully upgrade the Mercenary character Maxed-out
    24 hours played in total Perfect Day
    Reach Game Over with less than 1000 score Pwned!
    Fully upgrade the Thug character Ransacked
    Fully upgrade the Gentleman character Refined
    Collect 50000 money Root of all Evil
    Fully upgrade the Brigand character Selfish
    Complete single-player campaign playing as all six characters Six Shooter
    Use 50 Specials from your inventory Specialist
    Kill 500 Frogs Super Frog Killer
    Fully upgrade a single statistic for any character Supremacy
    Fully upgrade the Scientist character Transcendence
    Fully upgrade the Navvie character Ultimate Weapon

    Contributed by: Guard Master 

The Chaos Engine (2013) Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 34 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Use the Freeze Monster Special from your inventory 50 times Back to the ice age
    Use the Shotburst Special from your inventory 50 times Be Gone!
    Use the Dynamite Special from your inventory 50 times BLAST!
    Use the Molotov Special from your inventory 50 times Bonfire
    Use the Bomb Special from your inventory 50 times BOOM!
    Collect 10000 money in a single play through Bounty Hunter
    Kill 20 enemies in a single run without losing any health Bullet Dodger
    Destroy the Chaos Engine Chaos
    Clear world 3, The Fortesque Mansion Cleared Fortesque Mansion
    Clear world 1, The Forest. Cleared The Forest
    Clear world 2, The Workshops Cleared The Workshops
    Use the Ground Mine Special from your inventory 50 times Death from below
    Use a first-aid kit 50 times Doc
    Destroy the Chaos Engine with 2 players alive Double Chaos
    Kill your first enemy First One is the Hardest
    Complete the campaign in a single run Hard Nailed
    Use the Distract Monster Special from your inventory 50 times Here boy!
    Kill 500 enemies in a single play through Huntsman
    Die 100 times Learning Curve
    Find 28 gold keys in a single run Locksmith
    Fully upgrade the Mercenary character Maxed-out
    Resurrect 10x dead characters in co-op games No “I” in Team
    24 hours played in total (Secret) Perfect Day
    Reach Game Over with less than 1000 score (Secret) Pwned!
    Fully upgrade the Thug character Ransacked
    Fully upgrade the Gentleman character Refined
    Collect 50000 money Root of all Evil
    Fully upgrade the Brigand character Selfish
    Complete single-player campaign playing as all six characters Six Shooter
    Use 50 Specials from your inventory Specialist
    Kill 500 Frogs Super Frog Killer
    Fully upgrade a single statistic for any character Supremacy
    Fully upgrade the Scientist character Transcendence
    Fully upgrade the Navvie character Ultimate Weapon

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer 

The Chaos Engine (2013) Cheats For Linux

  1. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 34 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Use the Freeze Monster Special from your inventory 50 times Back to the ice age
    Use the Shotburst Special from your inventory 50 times Be Gone!
    Use the Dynamite Special from your inventory 50 times BLAST!
    Use the Molotov Special from your inventory 50 times Bonfire
    Use the Bomb Special from your inventory 50 times BOOM!
    Collect 10000 money in a single play through Bounty Hunter
    Kill 20 enemies in a single run without losing any health Bullet Dodger
    Destroy the Chaos Engine Chaos
    Clear world 3, The Fortesque Mansion Cleared Fortesque Mansion
    Clear world 1, The Forest. Cleared The Forest
    Clear world 2, The Workshops Cleared The Workshops
    Use the Ground Mine Special from your inventory 50 times Death from below
    Use a first-aid kit 50 times Doc
    Destroy the Chaos Engine with 2 players alive Double Chaos
    Kill your first enemy First One is the Hardest
    Complete the campaign in a single run Hard Nailed
    Use the Distract Monster Special from your inventory 50 times Here boy!
    Kill 500 enemies in a single play through Huntsman
    Die 100 times Learning Curve
    Find 28 gold keys in a single run Locksmith
    Fully upgrade the Mercenary character Maxed-out
    Resurrect 10x dead characters in co-op games No “I” in Team
    24 hours played in total (Secret) Perfect Day
    Reach Game Over with less than 1000 score (Secret) Pwned!
    Fully upgrade the Thug character Ransacked
    Fully upgrade the Gentleman character Refined
    Collect 50000 money Root of all Evil
    Fully upgrade the Brigand character Selfish
    Complete single-player campaign playing as all six characters Six Shooter
    Use 50 Specials from your inventory Specialist
    Kill 500 Frogs Super Frog Killer
    Fully upgrade a single statistic for any character Supremacy
    Fully upgrade the Scientist character Transcendence
    Fully upgrade the Navvie character Ultimate Weapon

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer