Cheats & Guides

The Council of Hanwell Cheats For PC

  1. Steam Achievements

    This title has a total of 10 Steam Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    You found the piece of Isabelle Millers citizenship card in The Hospital! Be Out of the City by 8
    You found the piece of Isabelle Millers citizenship card in The Church! I am Sorry Child
    You found the piece of Isabelle Millers citizenship card in The Jail! I'm Leaving Early
    You found the piece of Isabelle Millers citizenship card in The Power Plant It Can't be a Coincidence
    You found the piece of Isabelle Millers citizenship card in The Doctor's House.NEW_ACHIEVEMENT_DESC_1_2 Keep the Doors Down
    You made it to round ten in Survival. Okay
    You collected enough DNA and escaped The Brute. The Brute's a Bitch
    You survived through round 25! We Might Take Note
    Nice one! We actually couldn't kill you. We Ran Out of Rounds
    You found the piece of Isabelle Millers citizenship card in The School! You Can't Touch Me Now

    Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer