Cheats & Guides

The Elder Scrolls Adventures: Redguard Cheats For PC

  1. Item codes

    Press F12 to display console window. Then, type Item add [object number] using a value from the following list:

    Effect Effect
    44 Aloe
    11 Amulet
    68 Bandage
    69 Bandage with blood
    74 Bone key
    32 Bucket
    33 Bucket full of water
    41 Crendel's stolen map
    14 Crowbar
    28 Dwarven gear
    27 Dwarven lore book
    23 Ectoplasm
    24 Ectoplasm with ?
    35 Elven artifact book
    54 Feather
    47 Flag
    51 Flask of Lillandril
    56 Folks firmanent book
    34 Gauntlet rune
    64 Glass bottle empty
    66 Glass bottle mix with water and aloe
    65 Glass bottle with water
    29 Glass vial
    30 Glass vial filled with elixer
    2 Gold
    9 Gold key
    38 Hammerfell book on flora
    4 Health potion
    25 Hist sap
    26 Hist sap with ?
    52 Hundings talisman
    31 Iron weight
    53 Izara's journal
    57 Izara's journal locked
    50 Joto's jail map
    60 Key to Izara's house
    59 Key to warehouse
    55 Kithral's journal the dead monk
    49 League insignia parchment
    40 Leather pouch of gold
    39 Map from Makio
    46 Monocle eyepiece
    19 Orc's blood
    20 Orc's blood with ?
    15 Peg rune
    16 Peg rune 2
    17 Peg rune 3
    37 Redguard heroes book
    5 Ring of invisibility
    8 Rusty key
    71 Sabre
    72 Sabre
    73 Sabre
    70 Sabre
    7 Sabre
    43 Shovel
    42 Silver boat
    10 Silver key
    48 Silver locket
    12 Soul gem
    13 Soul sword
    61 Spell
    21 Spider's milk
    22 Spider's milk with ?
    58 Star stone
    3 Stoneskin potion
    67 Strength potion
    45 Torch
    6 Vola's ring

    Contributed by: Techmanerd