The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction Gameplay Movie 9
The Hulk has a hard time battling a giant mech in this clip from The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.
The Hulk has a hard time battling a giant mech in this clip from The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.
Take a look at this cutscene from The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.
How will the Hulk battle attack choppers and tanks all at once?
Take a look as the Hulk tramples unsuspecting pedestrians who get in his way.
Watch the Hulk discard a whiny hostage for a much quieter one in this clip.
Watch Mercy try to take out the big green guy with some crazy force field powers in this clip.
In this clip watch a classic matchup: Hulk vs. a tank.
Hulk hands come in handy when fighting the many unruly inhabitants of the city.
Watch the Hulk smash a car into a poor little cow.
You wouldn't like his Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction video review when he's angry.
This exclusive movie walks you through one The Hulk's tougher missions, complete with commentary from the developers of the game.
The Hulk hits a home run in this explosive movie.
The Hulk must smash all the radio dishes, while dodging Hulk seeking missiles and tossing aside puny humans, to complete his mission.
It's a demolition derby as the Hulk smashes his way to the finish line.
Hulk faces off against his green skinned arch-enemy, Abomination.
Ron Perlman and Neal McDonough lend their vocal talents to The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.
The big green guy shows his softer side by rescuing civilians from a burning building.
Ever wondered what it would be like if toy manufacturers made a pair of "Hulk Hands" for the Hulk...out of cars?
Sometimes the best way to take out a helicopter is to hit it with a second, more broken helicopter.
This movie shows what happens when The Hulk gets really mad.
Check out some urban destruction in this clip.
The Incredible Hulk smashes everything in sight in this movie.
This exclusive trailer explains the story behind The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.
Take a look at the E3 2005 trailer for The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction.
Take a look at all the titles that Nintendo has lined up for the GameCube in this excerpt from the company's E3 press conference.
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