Cheats & Guides

The Keeper of Antiques: The Revived Book Cheats For PC

  1. Achievements

    Solve all puzzles without skipping A Cunning Mind
    Find every collection A Diligent Keeper
    Collect all the morphing objects A Keen Eye
    Save uncle Paul Bound in Blood
    Free Rose from her nightmares Damsel in Distress
    Awaken the Ink Demon Dancing with Timbrel
    Destroy the World of Nightmares End of Nightmares
    Finish all HOPs without using a hint Master of Deduction
    Use Spark to burn something Master of Fire
    Collect all the puzzle pieces Memory of the Past
    Enter the Realm of Nightmares Reign of Nightmares
    Neutralize the Book of Nightmares Turn Over a New Leaf

    Contributed by: Hardkoroff