Cheats & Guides
The King of Fighters 02/03 Cheats For PlayStation 2
Hidden Team Ending
If you play through arcade mode with the Mukai path (i.e. beating Kusanagi with a DM), you'll get an ending cut-scene if you used one of the ten pre-set teams. However, there is yet another ending if you select the "Sacred Three" team: Kyo, Iori, and Chizuru. Should look familiar to older fans of KoF. Beat Mukai, and kick back with the destined trio!
Contributed by: Inthesto
Unlock the first 44 artwork images in the gallery
Defeat 40 opponents in a row in Single Attack found in the Challenge section. Rugal should be your 40th opponent.
Contributed by: Maehara Shinobu
Unlock Galleries for 2003
Use any character (including the bosses) for S - Survival (One on one) to unlock the individual character portraits. For every individual you defeat in S - Survival, that individual's portrait is unlocked. Eventually, you will be forced to face Adel then Mukai separately. Defeat them to unlock their portraits and to further play S - Survival.
Use any characters (including the bosses) for T - Survival (Arcade team play style) to unlock all the team endings in the gallery. For every team you defeat in T - Survival, that team's ending is unlocked. Eventually, starting with Kusanagi, you'll fight all the bosses available in Arcade Play. Defeat Mukai during these series of fights to unlock the 3 Divine Vessels' ending (Kyo, Iori, Chizuru).Note that the "regular" battles in both Survival games are random, meaning you don't have to unlock all in one playthrough. However, to unlock the bosses' portraits and the 3 Divine Vessels' ending, you MUST defeat a certain number of opponents.Contributed by: Kriptik
Unlock Concept Art for 2003
To unlock the concept art for 2003 you must beat the Mukai path on any of the the game types Arcade, Team, or single. You can get on the Mukai path by when you get to Kusanagi beat him with a DM.
Contributed by: NinjaCronoX
Unlock characters in 2003
Unlockable Unlockable Defeat Adelheid in any mode (Hold R1 over Iori to select) Adelheid Bernstein Defeat Mukai in any mode (Hold R1 over Kyo to select) Mukai Contributed by: Kouga
Unlock characters in 2002
Unlockable Unlockable Beat level 40 of Time Attack and hold R1 over Billy on the select screen. Geese Beat level 30 of Time Attack and hold R1 over Rugal on the select screen. Goenitz Defeat Rugal in Single Attack mode King Beat level 20 of Time Attack (hold R1 over normal Iori to select) Riot Iori Defeat Rugal in Team Attack mode Shingo Contributed by: Kouga
Unlock Orochi Yashiro, Shermie and Chris
Highlight Yashiro, Shermie or Chris on the character select screen and press start. Their image will change after command successful.
Unlockable Highlight Chris, press start Orochi Chris Highlight Shermie, press start Orochi Shermie Highlight Yashiro, press start Orochi Yashiro Contributed by: D3STR1X
The King of Fighters 02/03 Cheats For Xbox
Special Orochi ending (KoF 2003)
Play though team battle and select Iori, Chizuru, and Kyo as your team. Defeat Kusanagi with a desperation move and fight Mukai as the end boss. After defeating Mukai you will get a special ending movie involving the Orochi Seal.
Contributed by: Luminaria
Team ending movies (KoF 2003)
Play through T-Survival. With each team that you defeat, their team ending movie will be availble in the gallery. Defeating Kyo, Chizuru, Adelheid, and Mukai will unlock generic movies available to any team that you would see before and after fighting them.
Contributed by: Luminaria
Character art galleries (KoF 2002)
Play through Single Attack Mode and with each character that you defeat, their character art will be available in the gallery.
Contributed by: ColeMonsen
Character art galleries (KoF 2003)
Play through S-Survival and with each character that you defeat, their character art will be available in the gallery.
Contributed by: Luminaria
King of Fighters 2002 Alternate Characters
On the Character Select Screen; Hold the Right Trigger while Highlighting the correct character.
Unlockable Unlockable Highlight + R Trigger: CHRIS Evil CHRIS Highlight + R Trigger: IORI Evil IORI Highlight + R Trigger: SHERMIE Evil SHERMIE Highlight + R Trigger: YASHIRO Evil YASHIRO Highlight + R Trigger: BILLY GEESE HOWARD Highlight + R Trigger: RUGAL GOENITZ Highlight + R Trigger: KYO KUSANGAI Contributed by: Jay FNG Philbrook
To unlock Orochi Iori, Geese, and Goenitz (KoF 2002)
In order to unlock the following characters, you must play through the various levels of Time Attack Mode.
Unlockable Unlockable Beat all 40 levels of Time Attack Mode Geese & Goenitz Best the first 20 levels of Time Attack Mode Orochi Iori Contributed by: ColeMonsen
Unlock King and Shingo (KoF 2002)
Unlockable Unlockable Defeat Rugal in Single Attack mode King Defeat Rugal in Team Attack mode Shingo Contributed by: Luminaria
Secret characters Mukai and Adelheid (KoF 2003)
To play as Mukai or Adelheid you must first beat them in arcade mode.
To face Adelheid, defeat Kusanagi without using a desperation move and you will face him as your final boss.To face Mukai, defeat Kusanagi with a desperation move and you will face him as your final boss.
Unlockable Unlockable Hold the Right trigger while selecting Iori at the character selection screen Play as Adelheid Hold the Right trigger while selecting Kyo at the character selection screen Play as Mukai Contributed by: Luminaria
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