Cheats & Guides

The King of Fighters 2000/2001 Cheats For PlayStation 2

  1. Costume color codes

    The following characters have 3 colors to choose from,
    Benimaru, Choi, k', Kensou, kyo, Mai, Mary, Terry and whip.

    Effect Effect
    Press Square or Triangle(Default) Color 1
    Press X or circle(Default) Color 2
    Press all four attack buttons at the same time (X, Square, circle and triangle) Color 3(Only for characters listed above)

    Contributed by: DoaFan2003 

  2. KOF 2001: Secret Stages and Characters

    NOTE: The secret characters are not the hidden strikers.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Party Mode beat 10 opponents. Glaugan
    Party Mode beat 30 opponents. Krizalid
    Defeat 200 characters in Party mode. Play as Igniz
    Defeat 150 characters in Party mode. Play as Zero(2001)
    Party Mode beat 20 opponents. Ron
    Defeat 70 or more characters in party mode Stage of America
    Defeat 80 or more characters in party mode Stage of Brazil
    Defeat 60 or more characters in Party mode Stage of China
    Defeat 90 or more characters in Party mode Stage of Italy
    Defeat 50 or more characters in Party mode Stage of Japan
    Defeat 40 or more characters in Party mode. Stage of Korea
    Defeat 100 or more characters in Party mode Stage of Mexico
    Defeat 110 characters to use Zero's stage and defeat 120 characters to use Igniz's stage. Stage of Zero and Igniz

    Contributed by: Awchong, DoaFan2003 

  3. Kof 2000:King of fighters classic sequences

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Play more than 10 hours of game play. KOF 94 video
    Get a 30 hit combo in Practice. KOF 95 video
    Set the life recover option to quick in practice mode and completely make your dummy's health go down. KOF 96 video
    Get 200 ability points in Single play. KOF 97 video
    Get 300 ability points in Team play. KOF 98 video
    Succesfully complete the game under the expert difficulty setting! KOF 99 video

    Contributed by: DoaFan2003 

  4. King of fighters 2000 strikers

    These strikers are not usable characters,
    You should play party mode to unlock the following strikers.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Defeat 27 opponents in party mode. Striker: Blood Iori and Blood leona
    Defeat 14 characters in party mode or play 5 hours of game play. Striker: Heavy D, Lucky and Brian
    Defeat 40 characters in party mode Striker: Hiedern
    Defeat 99 opponents in party mode. Striker: Krizald
    Defeat 36 opponents in party mode. Striker: Wolfgang Krauser and Mr.Big
    Defeat 70 opponents in party mode Striker:Orochi(Blood)

    Contributed by: DoaFan2003 

  5. Unlock Zero as a playable character in KOF 2000

    In order to unlock Zero, play through Party Mode unlocking every hidden Striker in the game. Party Mode will instruct you on how to unlock the Strikers until you've unlocked them all. Once this is accomplished, you may select Zero for play in Single and Team Versus or Practice Modes. In order to select him, choose your character and Striker normally at the Character Select screen. Once the Order Select screen comes up, select your primary character with the X button WHILE holding down Up+Square or Up+Circle (For Player 1 or Player 2 colors respectively). It is easier to, once you've chosesn your characters at the Character Select screen, immediately press and hold down Up+Square or Up+Circle before the Order Select screen comes up, and then, while still holding them down, press X to select the character at Order Select. If you've done it correctly, a mechanical noise will sound and Zero's head shot will replace your character's. You'll be playing as Zero when the round starts!

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Unlock all hidden Strikers in Party Mode. Hold Up+Square or Up+Circle and press X to select your primary character at the Order Select screen. Zero in Team/Single Versus & Practice (KOF 2000 only)

    Contributed by: MangaManX 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Unlockable Features FAQ by PLasTiK LaZeE 12K