Cheats & Guides
The King of Fighters 2002 Cheats For Arcade Games
Orochi Versions of Sherimie, Chris and Yashiro
Just hold down start on them at the Character Selection Screen. This is better than having to use some power stocks to transform in battle with the normal versions.
Contributed by: KyoKusanagi
Omega Rugal's Kaiser Wave glitch
If KOF 2002 is very hard to finish, because of a character hard to beat, use this cheat:
When you are playing as Rugal, you must input his Kaiser Wave command: forward, back, back+down, down, forward+down, forward & then press A or C buttons, and in the same time, the opponent had to make a forward roll, Rugal will deal a big damage on the opponent, I don't know if this glitch occurs in the Dreamcast, PS2 & XBOX versions, but try it!Contributed by: CNM
Play as Rugal Bernstein
The black box besides Yashiro actually hide him, you have to: - press left from Yashiro or, - down from Daimon or, - up form Vice His picture will appear but the cursor doesn't, so just select him if you want.
Contributed by: Danny_D_Dog
Choose your winning pose
To get a specific winning pose, simply press one button just after beating the opponent.
Contributed by: Orochi Iori
If you fight through ''Team Play'' or ''Single Play'' Modes without losing a single round or get a perfect win in at least two rounds against every team, at Stage 6 you will fight Kula Diamond. If only lose one or two rounds against a few teams, you will fight K9999. If lose at least one round and do not get any perfect wins against any team, you will fight Angel.
Contributed by: Azureman012
Random team select
At the character selection screen, place your cursor on any character except the OROCHI team (Yashiro, Shermie, Chris) and press and hold the start button. You will enter the random select mode. Push the joystick UP while holding the start button, and the random select will be in original teams instead of characters.
Contributed by: LoneBeast
Get Kusanagi Clone
Go to Kyo and input the codes shown below (no need to press Start) D = down, U= up. L=left, R-right.
Effect Effect U, D, R, L, D, U, L, R, C button Kusanagi in black costume U, D, R, L, D, U, L, R, D button Kusanagi in blue costume U, D, R, L, D, U, L, R, A button Kusanagi in Original Costume ( Grey ) U, D, R, L, D, U, L, R, B button Kusanagi in white costume Contributed by: ExtremeJaz
Play as Orochi Leona in a round
In a fight, when using Leona and leaving the POW Bar loaded, do this code: up+down+up+down+up+down+B+D(together), you will play as Orochi Leona in a round with a fast speed and combos that Leona can't do.
Note: Turning into her your life bar will decrease to the half and when a new round starts Leona will return to your original form.Effect In a fight, when using Leona and leaving the POW Bar loaded, do this code: up+down+up+down+up+down+B+D(together), you will play as Orochi Leona Play as Orochi Leona in a round Contributed by: Cassiano6
Walkthroughs & FAQs
The King of Fighters 2002 Cheats For Neo Geo
Unlockable Characters
Unlockable Unlockable To play as Kusanagi, an evil-looking clone of Kyo, highlight Kyo on the select screen and input this code: up, down, right, left, down, up, left, right When you press Right the second time, you should see Kusanagi instead of Kyo. Play as Kusanagi On the character select screen, simply go to the black panel under Kyo's team. You should see Rugal. Select him. Play as Omega Rugal Simply go to any portrait of these characters and hold start, you should see another version of their portraits, press any button to play as them. Play as Orochi-Chris, Orochi-Shermie and Orochi-Yashiro Contributed by: Dark Pulse, somestrangeguy, Omni_Maxtron
Walkthroughs & FAQs
The King of Fighters 2002 Cheats For Dreamcast
Unlockable Unlockable Just play Time Attack 150 times and you will unlock King, you do not have to win 150 times just play 150 different times for this to work Alternate way to unlock King Just play Team Attack 50 times to unlock Kusanagi, you don't have to win 50 times just play 50 different times Alternate way to unlock Kusanagi Just play Team Attack mode 20 times, and he will be unlocked, you don't have to win just to play 20 times Alternate way to unlock Rugal Just play Single Attack 20 times to unlock Shongo, you don't have to win 20 times just play 20 different times Alternte way to unlock Shingo Hold Start button while selecting Yashiro, Shermie and Chris to play as their alternate forms. Play as Orochi Team Beat Team Mode as any team, in any difficult setting, and using as many Continues as you need to enable Team Attack. <BR> <BR>Beat Single Mode as any character, in any difficult, and with as many Continues as you need to unlock Single Attack. Team / Single Attack modes Play through team attack until you reach Rugal. Beat him and he is now selectable. Unlock Rugal Beat a character in Single Attack to unlock the corresponding picture in the Gallery. Unlock Gallery pictures Beat all 40 missions in Time Attack Mode to unlock King! Unlock King In Challenge mode, beat mission 20 in Time Attack to unlock Kusanagi. <BR> <BR>To play as Kusanagi, select Kyo while holding the Start button. Unlock Kusanagi In Challenge mode, beat Single Attack to unlock Shingo. Unlock Shingo Contributed by: JohnPlayersSpecial, Saturn Urameshi, GOOGLER, samson, badned
Walkthroughs & FAQs
The King of Fighters 2002 Cheats For PlayStation 2
Misc. Unlockables
Unlockable Unlockable Hold R1 over Billy after winning Level 40 in Time Attack(Challenge). Geese Hold R1 over Rugal after winning Level 30 in Time Attack(Challenge). Goenitz Beat Single Attack(Challenge). King Hold R1 over Kyo. KUSANAGI Hold R1 over Chris. Orochi Chris Hold R1 over Iori after winning Level 20 in Time Attack(Challenge). Orochi Iori Hold R1 over Shermie. Orochi Shermie Hold R1 over Yashiro. Orochi Yashiro Beat Team Attack(Challenge). Shingo Contributed by: Kouli
Random Select
Effect Effect Press and hold R2 at the character select screen Random Select Contributed by: Kevin Doan
Walkthroughs & FAQs
The King of Fighters 2002 Cheats For Xbox
Unlock Geese and Goenitz
In challenge mode, play through time attack and complete level 40. When this is done, you will get a message saying that another player has arrived. To select Geese, highlight Billy, hold R and press any button. To play as Goenitz, highlight Rugal, hold R and press any button.
Contributed by: Rugal
Unlock Kusanagi and Orochi Iori
In challenge mode, play through time attack and complete level 20. When this is done, you will get a message saying that another player has arrived. Kusanagi and Orochi Iori will now be unlocked. To select Kusanagi, highlight Kyo and hold R, then press any button. To select Orochi Iori, highlight Iori and hold R, then press any button.
Contributed by: Rugal
How to unlock Orochi versions of Chris, Shermie and Yashiro & Play as Kusanagi.
At character select do the following below.
Unlockable Unlockable Hold R trigger over Chirs Chris Hold R trigger over Regular Kyo Kusanagi Hold R trigger over Shermie Shermie Hold R trigger over Yashiro Yashiro Contributed by: EverSoTrendy
Walkthroughs & FAQs
The King of Fighters 2002 Cheats For PlayStation 4
There are 1 bronze trophy, 3 silver trophies, and 2 gold trophies.
Trophy The score has been posted to the online rankings in the "HI SCORE MODE". HI SCORE Player High score has been updated. Mark high score The score has been posted to the online rankings in the "ORIGINAL MODE". Record score The score won 100,000 points. Score 100,000 points The score won 300,000 points. Score 300,000 points The score won 500,000 points. Score 500,000 points Contributed by: Kelayr
The King of Fighters 2002 Cheats For Xbox One
Complete the required tasks to unlock each Achievement and Gamerscore.
Achievement CARAVAN MODE The score won 100,000 points. CARAVAN MODE 100,000 points CARAVAN MODE The score won 150,000 points. CARAVAN MODE 150,000 points CARAVAN MODE The score won 50,000 points. CARAVAN MODE 50,000 points HI SCORE MODE The score won 100,000 points. HI SCORE MODE 100,000 points HI SCORE MODE The score won 150,000 points. HI SCORE MODE 150,000 points HI SCORE MODE The score won 200,000 points. HI SCORE MODE 200,000 points The score has been posted to the online rankings in the "HI SCORE MODE". HI SCORE Player High score has been updated. Mark high score In ORIGINAL MODE your score will be posted to the online rankings. Record score The score won 100,000 points. Score 100,000 points The score won 200,000 points. Score 200,000 points The score won 300,000 points. Score 300,000 points Contributed by: Similac
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