Cheats & Guides
The Lion's Song Cheats For PC
GOG Achievements
This title has a total of 86 GOG Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.
Achievement Decide to sell some of your sketches …and needed the money Make sure Rauch is alright …and Omega Eavesdrop on Klimt and the herbalist at the market …for a master painter Write the greatest compostion A concert for the ages Acquire the colour at the market A curious colour Confuse Leos A joke among friends Read the love letter A letter from Grete Encourage all comrades A Lion's Heart Write an intimate song A love song Paint Alphonse's true self A monster Use the rain in your composition A symmetry within Read all three letters All the praise Manage to get back into the Radius Alpha… Finish Episode 2 Anthology Be mean to Wilma Brother and sister Ask how Maria is doing Calculated Say your name Call me Em… Allow Markert to paint you Changing Finish Episode 4 Closure Finish all achievements in Episode 2 Collage Tell the policeman and blow the whistle on the painter Concocted Collection Unlock all connections in the gallery Connection collection Meet Leos in the Street as Emil Czentleman Meet Leos in the Street as Emma Czentlewoman Repeat Freud's dream Déjà vu Finish Episode 3 Derivation Let slip that you care about Grete Don't slip! Try to convince the policeman that you saw the error in your ways Elaborate excuses Finish all achievements in The Lion's Song End of a journey Try to capture Emil Schell's nature Ever Changing Write a piece just for yourself For the music Finish all achievements in Episode 4 Going South-East You didn't manage to paint any of Franz' layers Hollow Check in on Rauch How's the cough Look through the sketches I was young… Find yourself Identity You managed to partially paint Franz' layers Incomplete Keep ordering wine It was free Distract Wilma It's a bug Block out all the noises on day two It's too loud Change your perspective Locus Observandi Change Zahler's perspective Locus Operandi Dress as a man Looking good! Tell Leos about Nikol's governess Ma'am, yes ma'am! Unlock all achievements in Episode 1 Magnum Opus Find all references to Dr. Robert Koch Medical Expertise Everything fits together perfectly Musical Mastermind Discuss your family with Leos My family Don't tell Leos your name My name? Check all articles in the newspaper Newsworthy Block out the ringing phone No time to talk Prove that there are many possible states and everything is in flux Non-binary Order the wrong sweets for Nenner Not my Pi Try to distract the policeman by warning him of something behind him Not selling any leather jackets Unpack Pack lightly Look into all compartments Pardon me Use Franz' line from the café Perfect forgery Check all of Theo's scientific notes Recap Find all social democrats in the café Red carpet Listen in on Nikic and Wurm Returning home Sweet-talk Frieda into telling you her name Schmoll talk Get the support of other mathematicians Set Finish all achievements in Episode 3 Sigma Finish Episode 1 Silence Get to know both gentlemen in order to paint them Spoilt for Choice Paint Moritz' gentle side St. Nicholas What do YOU want? Success? Order more Sacher cake for Nenner Sweet sweet Sacher cake Paint Alphonse as he likes to be seen That's how I like it Use the "decide again" feature That's not what happened Find your first three sources of inspiration The first three Finish All Episodes The Lion's Song Follow Grete through the Salon when first appearing there The Riesenrad Find all references to theatre across Vienna Theatre Expert Inspire Wittgenstein TLC Don't make a big deal of Leos not asking your name Too polite Visit the Stephansdom and the Votivkirche Tourist Find all the references to Wilma Traces of Silence Try to acquire beer as Otto Underage Annoy Klimt Verklimt Become friends with Nikol We're friends now Find out who the whisperer was Who are you? Paint the actresses' gluttony Who I am Decide not to sleep Who needs sleep? Paint all layers that correspond with Franz' personality and recognize them Whole Steal Wilma's violin without being caught once Without a sound Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
The Lion's Song: Episode 1 - Silence Cheats For PC
Steam Achievements
Achievement Write the greatest compostion (Secret) A concert for the ages (19) Confuse Leos A joke among friends (14) Read the love letter (Secret) A letter from Grete (11) Write an intimate song (Secret) A love song (12) Use the rain in your composition A symmetry within (13) Read all three letters (Secret) All the praise (13) Say your name Call me Em (40) Tell the policeman and blow the whistle on the painter Concocted Collection (52) Eavesdrop on Klimt and the herbalist at the market for a master painter (47) Write a piece just for yourself (Secret) For the music (15) Find yourself Identity (43) Block out all the noises on day two It's too loud (11) Change your perspective Locus Observandi (40) Dress as a man Looking good! (40) Unlock all achievements in episode one Magnum Opus (20) Find all references to Dr. Robert Koch Medical Expertise (52) Everything fits together perfectly (Secret) Musical Mastermind (17) Discuss your family with Leos My family (13) Don't tell Leos your name (Secret) My name? (15) Block out the ringing phone (Secret) No time to talk (16) Unpack Pack lightly (10) Finish episode one Silence (11) What do YOU want? Success? (14) Order more Sacher cake for Nenner Sweet sweet Sacher cake (52) Find your first three sources of inspiration The first three (12) Don't make a big deal of Leos not asking your name (Secret) Too polite (11) Become friends with Nikol We're friends now (47) Find out who the whisperer was Who are you? (13) Decide not to sleep (Secret) Who needs sleep? (12) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Steam Achievements - DLC: Episode 2: Anthology
Achievement (no official description) A curious colour (19) Paint Alphonse's true self. A monster (22) (no official description) and needed the money (20) (no official description) Anthology (18) Finish all achievements in Episode 2 Collage (25) Repeat Freud's dream D (no official description) Don't slip! (19) (no official description) Ever Changing (22) You didn't manage to paint any of Franz' layers Hollow (19) Look through the sketches. I was young (19) You managed to partially paint Franz' layers Incomplete (20) Get to know both gentlemen in order to paint them Spoilt for Choice (19) Paint Moritz' gentle side St. Nicholas (22) Paint Alphonse as he likes to be seen. That's how I like it (20) (no official description) The Riesenrad (18) (no official description) Theatre Expert (19) (no official description) Tourist (19) Find all the references to Wilma Traces of Silence (18) (no official description) Verklimt (19) (no official description) Who I am (19) Paint all layers that correspond with Franz' personality and recognize them Whole (23) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Steam Achievements - DLC: Episode 4: Closure
Achievement (no official description) A Lion's Heart (54) (no official description) Brother and sister (31) (no official description) Calculated (27) Finish Episode 4 Closure (27) Unlock all connections in the gallery Connection collection (10) Try to convince the policeman that you saw the error in your ways Elaborate excuses (31) Finish all achievements in The Lion's Song End of a journey (10) Finish all achievements in Episode 4 Going South-East (10) Check in on Rauch How's the cough (31) Keep ordering wine It was free (39) Distract Wilma It's a bug (39) (no official description) Newsworthy (31) (no official description) Not selling any leather jackets (39) Look into all compartments Pardon me (39) (no official description) Perfect forgery (31) Check all of Theo's scientific notes Recap (27) (no official description) Red carpet (31) Listen in on Nikic and Wurm Returning home (31) Sweet-talk Frieda into telling you her name Schmoll talk (39) Use the "decide again" feature That's not what happened (21) Finish All Episodes The Lion's Song (27) Try to acquire beer as Otto Underage (31) (no official description) Without a sound (31) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Steam Achievements - DLC: Episode 3: Derivation
Achievement Manage to get back into the Radius Alpha (20) Make sure Rauch is alright and Omega (20) Allow Markert to paint you Changing (20) Meet Leos in the Street as Emil Czentleman (22) Meet Leos in the Street as Emma Czentlewoman (26) Finish Episode 3 Derivation (20) Change Zahler's perspective Locus Operandi (20) Tell Leos about Nikol's governess Ma'am, yes ma'am! (24) Prove that there are many possible states and everything is in flux Non-binary (22) Order the wrong sweets for Nenner Not my Pi (26) Get the support of other mathematicians Set (24) Finish all achievements in Episode 3 Sigma (26) Inspire Wittgenstein TLC (22) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
The Lion's Song: Episode 1 - Silence Cheats For Linux
Steam Achievements
Achievement Write the greatest compostion (Secret) A concert for the ages (19) Confuse Leos A joke among friends (14) Read the love letter (Secret) A letter from Grete (11) Write an intimate song (Secret) A love song (12) Use the rain in your composition A symmetry within (13) Read all three letters (Secret) All the praise (13) Say your name Call me Em (40) Tell the policeman and blow the whistle on the painter Concocted Collection (52) Eavesdrop on Klimt and the herbalist at the market for a master painter (47) Write a piece just for yourself (Secret) For the music (15) Find yourself Identity (43) Block out all the noises on day two It's too loud (11) Change your perspective Locus Observandi (40) Dress as a man Looking good! (40) Unlock all achievements in episode one Magnum Opus (20) Find all references to Dr. Robert Koch Medical Expertise (52) Everything fits together perfectly (Secret) Musical Mastermind (17) Discuss your family with Leos My family (13) Don't tell Leos your name (Secret) My name? (15) Block out the ringing phone (Secret) No time to talk (16) Unpack Pack lightly (10) Finish episode one Silence (11) What do YOU want? Success? (14) Order more Sacher cake for Nenner Sweet sweet Sacher cake (52) Find your first three sources of inspiration The first three (12) Don't make a big deal of Leos not asking your name (Secret) Too polite (11) Become friends with Nikol We're friends now (47) Find out who the whisperer was Who are you? (13) Decide not to sleep (Secret) Who needs sleep? (12) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Steam Achievements - DLC: Episode 2: Anthology
Achievement (no official description) A curious colour (19) Paint Alphonse's true self. A monster (22) (no official description) and needed the money (20) (no official description) Anthology (18) Finish all achievements in Episode 2 Collage (25) Repeat Freud's dream Déjà vu (19) (no official description) Don't slip! (19) (no official description) Ever Changing (22) You didn't manage to paint any of Franz' layers Hollow (19) Look through the sketches. I was young (19) You managed to partially paint Franz' layers Incomplete (20) Get to know both gentlemen in order to paint them Spoilt for Choice (19) Paint Moritz' gentle side St. Nicholas (22) Paint Alphonse as he likes to be seen. That's how I like it (20) (no official description) The Riesenrad (18) (no official description) Theatre Expert (19) (no official description) Tourist (19) Find all the references to Wilma Traces of Silence (18) (no official description) Verklimt (19) (no official description) Who I am (19) Paint all layers that correspond with Franz' personality and recognize them Whole (23) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Steam Achievements - DLC: Episode 4: Closure
Achievement (no official description) A Lion's Heart (54) (no official description) Brother and sister (31) (no official description) Calculated (27) Finish Episode 4 Closure (27) Unlock all connections in the gallery Connection collection (10) Try to convince the policeman that you saw the error in your ways Elaborate excuses (31) Finish all achievements in The Lion's Song End of a journey (10) Finish all achievements in Episode 4 Going South-East (10) Check in on Rauch How's the cough (31) Keep ordering wine It was free (39) Distract Wilma It's a bug (39) (no official description) Newsworthy (31) (no official description) Not selling any leather jackets (39) Look into all compartments Pardon me (39) (no official description) Perfect forgery (31) Check all of Theo's scientific notes Recap (27) (no official description) Red carpet (31) Listen in on Nikic and Wurm Returning home (31) Sweet-talk Frieda into telling you her name Schmoll talk (39) Use the "decide again" feature That's not what happened (21) Finish All Episodes The Lion's Song (27) Try to acquire beer as Otto Underage (31) (no official description) Without a sound (31) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Steam Achievements - DLC: Episode 3: Derivation
Achievement Manage to get back into the Radius Alpha (20) Make sure Rauch is alright and Omega (20) Allow Markert to paint you Changing (20) Meet Leos in the Street as Emil Czentleman (22) Meet Leos in the Street as Emma Czentlewoman (26) Finish Episode 3 Derivation (20) Change Zahler's perspective Locus Operandi (20) Tell Leos about Nikol's governess Ma'am, yes ma'am! (24) Prove that there are many possible states and everything is in flux Non-binary (22) Order the wrong sweets for Nenner Not my Pi (26) Get the support of other mathematicians Set (24) Finish all achievements in Episode 3 Sigma (26) Inspire Wittgenstein TLC (22) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
The Lion's Song: Episode 1 - Silence Cheats For Macintosh
Steam Achievements
Achievement Write the greatest compostion (Secret) A concert for the ages (19) Confuse Leos A joke among friends (14) Read the love letter (Secret) A letter from Grete (11) Write an intimate song (Secret) A love song (12) Use the rain in your composition A symmetry within (13) Read all three letters (Secret) All the praise (13) Say your name Call me Em (40) Tell the policeman and blow the whistle on the painter Concocted Collection (52) Eavesdrop on Klimt and the herbalist at the market for a master painter (47) Write a piece just for yourself (Secret) For the music (15) Find yourself Identity (43) Block out all the noises on day two It's too loud (11) Change your perspective Locus Observandi (40) Dress as a man Looking good! (40) Unlock all achievements in episode one Magnum Opus (20) Find all references to Dr. Robert Koch Medical Expertise (52) Everything fits together perfectly (Secret) Musical Mastermind (17) Discuss your family with Leos My family (13) Don't tell Leos your name (Secret) My name? (15) Block out the ringing phone (Secret) No time to talk (16) Unpack Pack lightly (10) Finish episode one Silence (11) What do YOU want? Success? (14) Order more Sacher cake for Nenner Sweet sweet Sacher cake (52) Find your first three sources of inspiration The first three (12) Don't make a big deal of Leos not asking your name (Secret) Too polite (11) Become friends with Nikol We're friends now (47) Find out who the whisperer was Who are you? (13) Decide not to sleep (Secret) Who needs sleep? (12) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Steam Achievements - DLC: Episode 2: Anthology
Achievement (no official description) A curious colour (19) Paint Alphonse's true self. A monster (22) (no official description) and needed the money (20) (no official description) Anthology (18) Finish all achievements in Episode 2 Collage (25) Repeat Freud's dream D (no official description) Don't slip! (19) (no official description) Ever Changing (22) You didn't manage to paint any of Franz' layers Hollow (19) Look through the sketches. I was young (19) You managed to partially paint Franz' layers Incomplete (20) Get to know both gentlemen in order to paint them Spoilt for Choice (19) Paint Moritz' gentle side St. Nicholas (22) Paint Alphonse as he likes to be seen. That's how I like it (20) (no official description) The Riesenrad (18) (no official description) Theatre Expert (19) (no official description) Tourist (19) Find all the references to Wilma Traces of Silence (18) (no official description) Verklimt (19) (no official description) Who I am (19) Paint all layers that correspond with Franz' personality and recognize them Whole (23) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Steam Achievements - DLC: Episode 4: Closure
Achievement (no official description) A Lion's Heart (54) (no official description) Brother and sister (31) (no official description) Calculated (27) Finish Episode 4 Closure (27) Unlock all connections in the gallery Connection collection (10) Try to convince the policeman that you saw the error in your ways Elaborate excuses (31) Finish all achievements in The Lion's Song End of a journey (10) Finish all achievements in Episode 4 Going South-East (10) Check in on Rauch How's the cough (31) Keep ordering wine It was free (39) Distract Wilma It's a bug (39) (no official description) Newsworthy (31) (no official description) Not selling any leather jackets (39) Look into all compartments Pardon me (39) (no official description) Perfect forgery (31) Check all of Theo's scientific notes Recap (27) (no official description) Red carpet (31) Listen in on Nikic and Wurm Returning home (31) Sweet-talk Frieda into telling you her name Schmoll talk (39) Use the "decide again" feature That's not what happened (21) Finish All Episodes The Lion's Song (27) Try to acquire beer as Otto Underage (31) (no official description) Without a sound (31) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
Steam Achievements - DLC: Episode 3: Derivation
Achievement Manage to get back into the Radius Alpha (20) Make sure Rauch is alright and Omega (20) Allow Markert to paint you Changing (20) Meet Leos in the Street as Emil Czentleman (22) Meet Leos in the Street as Emma Czentlewoman (26) Finish Episode 3 Derivation (20) Change Zahler's perspective Locus Operandi (20) Tell Leos about Nikol's governess Ma'am, yes ma'am! (24) Prove that there are many possible states and everything is in flux Non-binary (22) Order the wrong sweets for Nenner Not my Pi (26) Get the support of other mathematicians Set (24) Finish all achievements in Episode 3 Sigma (26) Inspire Wittgenstein TLC (22) Contributed by: Eevee-Trainer
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