Cheats & Guides
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Cheats For PlayStation 2
Beat the game and it gives you these codes: Start a Mission, Pause, and hold in L1, L2, R1, and R2 while pressing the following buttons:
Effect Effect Circle, Right, Circle, Right All Level 2 Attacks Triangle, Up, Triangle, Up All Level 4 Attacks Square, Left, Square, Left All Level 6 attacks X, X, Down, Down All level 8 attacks triangle, circle, triangle, circle All Upgrades square, square, circle, circle Always Devastating X, Down, Down, Down Boost Experience by 1000 X, down, Triangle, up Full Arrows/Axes square, circle, X, triangle Infinite Missiles triangle, square, X, circle Invulnerable Triangle, Down, X, Up Refill Your Heath 100% triangle, circle, X, square Slo-Mo triangle, triangle, X, X Small Enemies Contributed by: DieselMillenium, Buckwheatz Revenge, iama4nic8or, Chris McDohl, Decaffinated Krab, Kehaes, wombat lord, Gbness
Unlockable Extras
Unlockable Unlockable Complete Gates of Moria Concept Art Complete Gates of Moria Elijah Wood Interview Complete Gates of Moria Ian Mckellen Interview Play with Gimli until he reaches level 5 John Rhys-Davis interview Play as Legolas and successfully reach level 5 Orlando Bloom Interview Complete Gates of Moria Peter Jackson and Barrie Osborne Interview Viggo Mortenson Interview Play as Aragorn and reach level 5 Beat the secret mission with any character. Play As Isildur Complete Secret Mission with any Character Play as Secret Chartacter Complete Balin's Tomb Production Photo's Complete Fangorn Forest Production Photo's, Fangorn Forest and Orthanc Complete Plains of Rohan Production Photo's, Rohan and Helm's Deep Complete Secret Mission with Secret Character Secret Codes Beat the mission Helms Deep: The Deeping Wall and reach level 10 with Aragorn Secret Mission as Aragorn Beat the mission Helms Deep: the Deeping Wall and reach level 10 with Gimli Secret Mission as Gimli Beat the mission Helms Deep: the Deeping Wall and reach level 10 with Legolas Secret Mission as Legolas Complete Gates of Moria The Making of the Video Contributed by: lilobaggins, Shaboogie25, THAguyINgta3
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by robrt | 31K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Hermitt | 18K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by SaCrIfIcE | 28K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Clallzidus | 58K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by JBritton | 36K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Fable12 | 263K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Bilboboy | 59K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Grdnstwrt | 81K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Gbness | 211K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by BurningFox | 47K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by namod65 | 142K |
In-Depth FAQs | Boss FAQ by namod65 | 36K |
In-Depth FAQs | Character Upgrade Guide by JustinLH04 | 35K |
In-Depth FAQs | Enemy FAQ by wasp2020 | 42K |
In-Depth FAQs | Final Levels FAQ by Bilboboy | 16K |
In-Depth FAQs | Perfects Guide by Dammit9x | 35K |
In-Depth FAQs | Upgrade FAQ by Kuja The Destructor | 17K |
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Cheats For Game Boy Advance
Copy Items
In multiplayer mode, player A gives item(s) to player B. then player A quits WITHOUT saving. When the screen says the GBA lost connection, player B saves the game and quits. Player A will still have the item and player B will have the copied item.
Contributed by: hypermow
Legolas' Overdraw Code
While playing as Legolas, hold down the B button until your bow charges. Then, while holding B, switch to overdraw and charge it by holding A. After overdraw is charged, release the B button, and then release the A button. You can now walk with a charged Overdraw.
Contributed by: birdieball
Getting 65,000 Armor Class.
Whenever you find an item that gives negative melee armor (i.e. An item that has -1 melee armor), unequip all other items that add to your melee armor. Now, with your armor class at 0, equip the item with -1 melee armor. This will cause your armor class to go negative, but instead of being -1, it results in a glitch, giving you over 65,000 armor class.
Contributed by: cook hax
Secret Ringtone
Enter a level with a forge, go to the forge and buy as many things as you can until you have below 30 gems. Exit the forge, then use all your SP and reenter the forge. Try to buy items and continue buying items until you hear a music sequence (it sounds like a "ringtone").
Contributed by: Psycho_D
Easy Item Obtainment
This trick can only be done once you've reached the Fangorn Troll boss fight. Fight the big troll and the little troll, using the health font in the upper right corner if you need to. Once you kill both trolls, they should drop items. Since this is a boss fight, the items tend to be of better quality & more rare than usual. Collect the items, then save. Load up the save to fight the trolls again. Do this as many times as you want/need to get really good stuff. I myself, after many attempts, got the Glamdring "Unique" sword for Gandalf, as well as other good stuff for both Legolas and Aragorn. It's best to do this at a really high level, like 30+ to make the actual fight easier. Having Ent Water also helps. Make sure you are fully healed before saving.
Contributed by: HayateMurasame
Unlockable Unlockable Beat the game with 2 characters Gimli (Multiplayer) Collect all 8 Artifacts in the game Misty Mountains (Multiplayer) Beat the game with all characters Special Movie Contributed by: Invisible, zephyrmaster
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by zephyrmaster | 328K |
In-Depth FAQs | Eowyn FAQ/Walkthrough by Numbers and zephyrmaster | 68K |
In-Depth FAQs | Legolas Guide by Legolas53 | 33K |
In-Depth FAQs | Skill FAQ by littlemonster02 | 35K |
In-Depth FAQs | Unique Item Guide by Yoni | 22K |
In-Depth FAQs | Weapons FAQ by Numbers | 24K |
Maps and Charts | Charadhras Area Maps by Nicko | 62K |
Maps and Charts | Mines of Moria Maps by Nicko | 72K |
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Cheats For Xbox
The game must be completed first before these codes can be activated.
The sound of a sword will confirm correct code entryEffect Effect Pause game play, then hold L + R and press A, Down(3) Add 1000 experience points Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, B, Y, B All combo upgrades Pause game play, then hold L + R and press X,X, B,B Devastating attack Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, X, A, B Invincibility Pause game play, then hold L + R and press B, Right, B, Right Level 2 skills Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, Up, Y, Up Level 4 skills Pause game play, then hold L + R and press X, Left, X, Left Level 6 skills Pause game play, then hold L + R and press A(2), Down(2) Level 8 skills Pause game play, then hold L + R and press A, Down, Y, Up Restore ammunition Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, Down, A, Up Restore health Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y, B, A, X Slow motion Pause game play, then hold L + R and press Y,Y, A,A Small enemies Pause game play, then L + R and press X, B, A, Y Unlimited missiles Contributed by: lilobaggins
Unlockable Unlockable Complete Gates of Moria Concept Art Complete Gates of Moria Elijah Wood Interview Complete Gates of Moria Ian Mckellen Interview After Unlocking the Tower of Orthanic level, complete it with any character to unlock Isildur. Isildur Play with Gimli until he reaches level 5 John Rhys-Davis interview To get the interview with Orlando Bloom, beat the mission Helm's Deep: The Deeping Wall and reach level 10 with Legolas. Orlando Bloom Interview Complete Gates of Moria Peter Jackson and Barrie Osborne Interview Complete Secret Mission with any Character Play as Secret Chartacter Complete Balin's Tomb Production Photo's Complete Fangorn Forest Production Photo's, Fangorn Forest and Orthanc Complete Plains of Rohan Production Photo's, Rohan and Helm's Deep Complete Secret Mission with Secret Character Secret Codes Beat the mission Helms Deep: The Deeping Wall and reach level 10 with Aragorn Secret Mission as Aragorn Beat the mission Helms Deep: the Deeping Wall and reach level 10 with Gimli Secret Mission as Gimli Beat the mission Helms Deep: the Deeping Wall and reach level 10 with Legolas Secret Mission as Legolas Complete Gates of Moria The Making of the Video Finish the game with any character at level 10. Tower of Orthanc Beat the Helm's Deep: The Deepening Wall mission and reach level 10 with Aragorn. Viggo Mortensen Interview Contributed by: lilobaggins, GatorAJ, Shaboogie25, LemurianPride645
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by robrt | 31K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by BurningFox | 47K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by SaCrIfIcE | 28K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Hermitt | 18K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Clallzidus | 58K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by JBritton | 36K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Fable12 | 263K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Bilboboy | 59K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Grdnstwrt | 81K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Gbness | 211K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by namod65 | 142K |
In-Depth FAQs | Boss FAQ by namod65 | 36K |
In-Depth FAQs | Character Upgrade Guide by JustinLH04 | 35K |
In-Depth FAQs | Enemy FAQ by wasp2020 | 42K |
In-Depth FAQs | Final Levels FAQ by Bilboboy | 16K |
In-Depth FAQs | Move List by Lord deArnise | 9K |
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers Cheats For GameCube
Cheat Codes
Beat the game and then while playing, pause the game and hold the L and R buttons to enter the following codes:
Effect Effect A, A, Down, Down All last level upgrades Y, X, Y, X All Upgrades B, B, X, X Devastating attacks B, X, A, Y Infinite arrows and axes A, Down, Down, Down Instant 1000 Experience Y, B, A, X Invincibility X, Right, X, Right Level 2 Skills Y, Up, Y, Up Level 4 Skills B, Left, B, Left. Level 6 Skills A, A, Down, Down. Level 8 Skills A, Down, Y, Up Refill Long Range Meter A, Down, Y, Up Restore Ammo Y, Down, A, Up Restore life to 100% Y, X, A, B Slow motion Y, Y, A, A Small enemies Contributed by: Zach13, BassV3, Funky Bob, TheTriangleMan, The_Theory, tiamold, Evil Lair, TrueGamer14
Secret Missions
Unlockable Unlockable Beat the mission Helms Deep: The Deeping Wall and reach level 10 with Aragorn Aragorn Secret Mission Beat the mission Helms Deep: the Deeping Wall and reach level 10 with Gimli Gimli Secret Mission Beat the mission Helms Deep: the Deeping Wall and reach level 10 with Legolas Legolas Secret Mission Contributed by: lilobaggins
Unlockable Concept Art
Unlockable Unlockable Complete Gates of Moria Concept Art Contributed by: lilobaggins
Complete the methods listed below for the desired unlockable
Unlockable Unlockable Complete Gates of Moria Elijah Wood Interview Complete Gates of Moria Ian Mckellen Interview Complete Gates of Moria Peter Jackson and Barrie Osborne Interview Complete Gates of Moria The Making of the Video Contributed by: lilobaggins
Complete the methods listed below for the desired unlockable:
Unlockable Unlockable Beat Fangorn Forest with any character Fangorn and Orthanc photos Beat Balin's Tomb with any character Fellowship of the Ring background photos To unlock an interveiw with John Rhys-Daives, play as Gimli and get him to level 5. John Rhys-Daives Interveiw To unlock an interview with Orlando Bloom, play as Legolas and get him to level 5. Orlando Bloom Interveiw Successfully complete the game with Aragorn, Gimli, or Legolas to unlock Isildur as a playable character. Play as Isildur Beat the Plains of Rohan with any character Rohan and Helms Deep photos Complete the game and have any character at level 10 Tower of Orthanc To unlock an interveiw with Viggo Mortensen, play as Aragorn and get him to level 5. Viggo Mortensen Interveiw Contributed by: namod65, KoolKong17, punkrawker86
Secret Codes
Unlockable Unlockable Complete Secret Mission with Secret Character Secret Codes Contributed by: lilobaggins
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Foreign Language FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by robrt | 31K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by namod65 | 142K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by BurningFox | 47K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by SaCrIfIcE | 28K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Hermitt | 18K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Clallzidus | 58K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by JBritton | 36K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Fable12 | 263K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Bilboboy | 59K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Grdnstwrt | 81K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Gbness | 211K |
In-Depth FAQs | Boss FAQ by namod65 | 36K |
In-Depth FAQs | Character Upgrade Guide by JustinLH04 | 35K |
In-Depth FAQs | Enemy FAQ by wasp2020 | 42K |
In-Depth FAQs | Final Levels FAQ by Bilboboy | 16K |
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