Cheats & Guides

The Lost World: Jurassic Park Cheats For PlayStation

  1. List of known glitches

    · Scripted enemies sometimes will not spawn or disappear after moving away a couple of screens. This has been observed with orodromeus (Compy's first level), staurikosaurus (Compy's second and third levels), barionyx (Human Hunter's first level), hunters (Raptor's first level) and deinonychus (Raptor's second and third level s).

    · Scripted enemies sometimes will spawn again after being killed. This is different from enemies that are intended to re-spawn across segments or the whole level (staurikos, pachys, raptors, hunters). This has been observed with orodromeus in Compy's first level, with hunters in Raptor's first level and with the last pachy in Raptor's penultimate level.

    · The hunter can shoot through solid terrain while aiming diagonally upward or downward. Several enemies (barios, pachys and deinos) can be taken down exploiting this glitch.

    · The deino ambush attack, when it jumps down from higher ground to pounce at you, has a glitch where the deino animation will get stuck in the jumping position and it will just keep hovering and sliding over the ground in a linear path. It can be taken down fairly easily when stuck like that, and it will even kill itself by hovering all the way up to spikes or chasms.

    · Pachys are immune to spike damage in the Human Hunter levels.

    · Most enemies have a bumping animation. Usually, enemies will knock you back or forth upon bumping on you, but there is a glitch involving the pachys in Raptor's third level where you will get stuck between them and the ground taking continuous bump damage in a similar fashion to the nerve gas canisters, except that it causes less damage.

    · In the final level, if you shoot a flare too close to the ship's hull walls, it will get stuck outside of the hull and the T-Rex will ignore the flare completely.

    · Bazooka shells cannot do damage if another bazooka shell explosion animation is still playing. This means that there is a "cool down" period between shots during which the enemies will be invincible. You have to wait a little between bazooka shots in order not to waste ammunition with ineffective shots. This is no big deal when dealing with barios, pachys and raptors, but is a real hindrance when fighting the T-Rex in the final level.

    Contributed by: renandossantos 

  2. Fighting the T-Rex: Strategy for the Human Prey segment and final boss fight

    Tyrannosaurus rex
    Level Found: Hunter Camp (1), The Hunters Regroup (1) and There Were... Two? (2)

    The T-Rex is the largest predator in this game and by far the sturdiest and most dangerous, as it can take you down really fast. Unlike the Carnotaurus in the Compy's level, though, it won't pin you down to the ground for an instakill. They take 34 bazooka hits to kill, or rouhgly 270 (!) normal bullets.

    It can either charge forward to bite you (1/4 damage), or raise its head and do an upward attack if you are hanging from a platform.

    During the first two Human Prey levels, Hunter Camp and The Hunters Regroup, it is impossible to kill the T-Rex. Much like the Compy's Carnotaurus level (Sleeping Titan), your goal is to reach the other end of the level while being chased by an unkillable predator. To survive the last three levels (i.e, the whole Human Prey segment of the game), your best friend is the flare, which attracts the T-Rex and distracts it away from you for a limited time. To make the most out of it, shoot it back at an upward diagonal angle, preferably while jumping to maximize range. If you have the T-Rex on screen while shooting it, it is fun to see how it raises its head and tries to catch it midair like a puppy.

    Since you cannot kill the T-Rex in the first two levels, use the bazooka to clean obstacles such as wooden stakes and giant dinosaur ribs instead. You can also use it to kill the ever re-spawning Raptors, but it is better to completely avoid combat by skidding under them (press triangle while running).

    In the final level ("There Were Two..."), you will have to face two T-Rexes one after the other or, if you take too long to kill the first T-Rex, the second one will show up, and you will have to fight both of them at the same time! Keep in mind that this boss stage has a couple of crates on the ground with ammunition, including 10 for the flamethrower. You will only get one of those, so use it right away to kill the first T-Rex as fast as possible. On the suspended platforms, the following items will re-spawn from time to time:

    ·Flares (5) - On the left platform
    ·Med kit (1/4 of your health bar) - On the central platform
    ·Bazooka (10) - On the right platform

    If you didn't stock up on or wasted those bazooka shells in the previous levels, you will have a harder time gathering enough ammunition to finish the second T-Rex as there will be a lot of flare-shooting and rope-swinging work to do before you have enough resources to kill it. Keep in mind that rope swinging is no easy task when the T-Rex is around, as it will definitely raise its head and attack you while you are suspended. Your best bet is to kill the first T-Rex with the flamethrower and the second one with the bazooka ammo you have stocked so far.

    Contributed by: renandossantos 

  3. Easy Malcolm video

    Enter the level select code to reach the level select screen.Go to the movie section.There is an invisible selection option at the very bottom of the movie list.Select it to get a video of Malcolm

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Select the invisible option at the bottom of the movie list in the select stage screen after entering the select stage code 3x. Easy Malcolm video

    Contributed by: Chris15 

  4. Level select

    Enter the following code three times:

    Effect Effect
    Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, Triangle, Circle, X, Square Level Select

    Contributed by: PRulamo 

  5. Move Freely

    Effect Effect
    Hold Up + L1 and press Square + X on human hunter or human prey levels Move Freely

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre 

  6. Play as Compy with 99 lives and all DNA Codes

    At the title screen under the Password option.

    Effect Effect
    X X Circle Triangle Square X Square X Circle Square Triangle Square Play as Compy with 99 lives and all DNA Codes

    Contributed by: Velvet_Curse 

  7. Misc. Passwords

    Enter the following at the password screen:

    Effect Effect
    Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle Play as General
    Circle, Circle, X, X, Triangle, Square, Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Triangle Play as Human
    Square, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Square, Square, Square, X, Circle, Triangle Play as Hunter with 99 lives and all DNA keys
    Circle, Circle, X, X, Triangle, Square, Square, Square, Circle, Circle, Square, Triangle Play as male human
    Square, X, Circle, Triangle, X, Circle, Square, Triangle, X, Square, Circle, X Play as Raptor
    X, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, Square, Square, X, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square Play as T-Rex
    X, Triangle, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Circle View Compy Gallery
    Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Circle, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle, Square, Circle View General Gallery
    Triangle, X, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Circle, Triangle, Square, X, Circle View Hunter Gallery
    Triangle, Square, Circle, Square, X, Triangle, Triangle, Circle, X, Square, Triangle, Triangle View Prey Gallery
    Circle, Square, Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X, Circle, Square, X, Triangle View Raptor Gallery
    Triangle, Triangle, Circle, Square, Triangle, X, Triangle, Square, Square, X, Triangle, Circle View T-Rex Gallery

    Contributed by: americaguy9, Lagunathemoron, DesertEagle50AE, ALittesy 

  8. Play as Rapter with 99 lives and alll DNA keys

    At the Title Screen under the Password option.

    Effect Effect
    X, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, X, Square, X, Square, Square, Triangle, Circle Play as Rapter with 99 lives and alll DNA keys

    Contributed by: Velvet_Curse 

  9. Play as Sarah with 99 lives and alll DNA keys

    At the Title Screen in the Password option.

    Effect Effect
    Square, Square, Triangle, Circle, X, X, Square, Square, Triangle, X, Circle, Triangle Play as Sarah with 99 lives and alll DNA keys

    Contributed by: Velvet_Curse 

  10. Play as T-Rex with 99 lives and alll DNA keys

    At the Title Screen in the Password option.

    Effect Effect
    X, X, Circle, Triangle, Square, Square, Square, X, Triangle, Square, Triangle, Square Play as T-Rex with 99 lives and alll DNA keys

    Contributed by: Velvet_Curse 

  11. View Secret Ending

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Collect all DNA keys in every level Secret Ending

    Contributed by: KnightsEdge 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Character Guides Compy Guide by AGeomax 16K
Character Guides Velociraptor Guide by AGeomax 5K
Codes and Secrets Codes by SVerity 1K
Codes and Secrets Password FAQ by GDiaz 3K
Full Game Guides FAQ by GDiaz 18K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by DEngel 32K

The Lost World: Jurassic Park Cheats For Saturn

  1. Dev Team Note (JP Version Only)

    If you look through the game's files, you'll come across CPY.TXT. It contains a list of copyright/trademark notices from DreamWorks Interactive, Universal City Studios, Inc., and Amblin Entertainment, Inc. There's also a copyright notice from Sega Enterprises specifically for the Saturn conversion.

    Contributed by: discoinferno84 

  2. Debug Codes

    Enter the options screen and press the following buttons. If done right, DEBUG: DISP or DRAG will appear on the bottom left of the menu. Afterwards, begin the game to see the effects of the codes.

    Hold L + Y + B and press Left. Debug Info
    Hold L + X + Z, then press Left. Start the game and hold L to move anywhere. Free Movement

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  3. Passwords

    Effect Effect
    AYXYYYZYAYXY Ending Password
    YYXYZXYYXZXY Human Hunter levels
    YZXYZAXYAAXY Human Prey Gallery
    AXXYAYXYYYXY Hunter Gallery
    XAXYYYYYZXYY Level select
    YYXYZYYYZXYY Play as Human Prey
    XZXYXYYYZXYY Raptor Gallery
    YXXYXYYYAYXY T-Rex Gallery
    ZXYYYZXYXYXY Velociraptor Levels
    AYXYXXZXZZYY View Compsognathus (Compy) Gallery

    Contributed by: Millers C, alex_cross, End koi, NiGHTS, Sanctuary Remix 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
Character Guides Compy Guide by AGeomax 16K
Character Guides Velociraptor Guide by AGeomax 5K
Full Game Guides FAQ by GDiaz 18K
Full Game Guides Guide and Walkthrough by DEngel 32K