Cheats & Guides
The NHLPA & NHL Present Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey Cheats For Nintendo 64
Fighting Code
To increase the number of fights that occur in a game, go to the Options screen, and hold the L button while pressing right C, left C, left C, right C, bottom C, top C, top C, bottom C, left C, right C, right C, left C, right C and left C. Now, begin a normal game. Players will begin to fight after nearly every check!
Contributed by: ElementalKnight
Unlock Special Teams
Go to the Options screen, and hold down the L button while pressing right C, left C, left C, right C, left C, left C, right C, left C, left C. Now, enter a game and go to the team selection screen. You'll find a new conference available with four different teams: Team Canada, Team USA, Team Williams, and the 99ers.
Contributed by: ElementalKnight
Instant Start
At the main menu screen, hold any button down except A, and press Start. You should immediately go to a game, with you being the Rangers.
Contributed by: FByies
Choose Your Opponent
When you are playing against the computer, go to the ''Select Your Team'' menu and highlight whichever team you want to play against. Press the Right C(C>) button 3 times, and you should hear a click. The highlighted team will now be your opponent.
Contributed by: FByies
Edit Player Sizes
When at the Options menu, hold either C Up, C Left, or C Down and press R. You should then see a line of numbers called ''Specials'' at the bottom of the screen. Here are some numbers to input to edit the characters:
Big Heads:
Hold C Down and press R until the first two digits of the ''Specials'' option are ''10''.
Huge Heads:
Hold C Down and press R until the first two digits of the ''Specials'' option are ''01''.
Tiny Heads:
Hold C Down and press R until the first two digits of the ''Specials'' option are ''11''.
Tiny Players:
Hold the C Left button and press R until the third digit of the ''Specials'' option is ''1''.
Giants Players:
Hold the C Left button and press R until the fourth digit of the ''Specials'' option is ''1''.
Short, Fat Players:
Hold the C Up button and press R until the fifth digit of the ''Specials'' option is ''1''.
Tall, Thin Players:
Hold the C Up button and press R until the sixthdigit of the ''Specials'' option is ''1''.
These codes can be combined also.Contributed by: FByies
Forfeit Game
Pause the game and acces the Options menu.
Hold L and press C Left 9(nine) times. The seventh digit of the ''Specials'' option will change to ''1''. When returned to the game, the clock will be at 0:00 with the score 1-0, against you.Contributed by: FByies
Trade Players
At the Options screen, hold L and press the following:
C Down
C Down
C Up
C Up
C Down
C Down
C Right
C Right
C Down
If done correctly, the eighth digit of the ''Specials'' option will have turned to ''1''.
Return to the main menu, and choose ''Records''. Access the ''Team Stats'' option and press C Up ten(10) times. You should get a ''Modify Teams'' menu.
Choose the two teams you want to modify with the Control Pad, then press A. The roster of the first team appears on the left, press B to change the team on the right.
Use Up or Down to highlight the player you want to replace, use Left or Right to highlight the player you want to replace him with. Press A to make the substitution. Press Start to advance to the other team. Press Start again to return to the ''Team Stats'' screen.Contributed by: FByies
Invisible Players
During the opening face-off, pause the game & select replay. Make a player flash by pressing L or R, and while he's still flashing press Z. The player will disappear.
Contributed by: Ben Zetlitz
Ad Cheat
At any non-gameplay menu, press Z to view an advertisement. Each time you press the Z button a different ad will appear.
Contributed by: Ben Zetlitz
Two-player Practice Mode
You need two controllers or more to do this one. When you get to the main meanu, move the joystick ont practice mode, press A, and hold it one one controller. At the same time, press A and hold it on another controller. The game will let two players into the practice mode.
Contributed by: surferdude509
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by CBlaney | 1K |
Full Game Guides | FAQ by KuZap | 113K |
The NHLPA & NHL Present Wayne Gretzky's 3D Hockey Cheats For Arcade Games
Unlock All Special Teams
Enter the following initials and birthdate to unlock all of the special teams.
Effect MJN - July 30 All Special Teams Unlocked Contributed by: DarthMarino
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