Cheats & Guides

The Simpsons: Virtual Springfield Cheats For PC

  1. Warp to any location in the game

    Open the map and Press and hold Shift, V and S together. You can now choose anywhere to go on the map, including places where you need an item to get in. (This only works for buildings, not rooms inside buildings)

    Contributed by: Lagunathemoron 

  2. Get EVERY card in minutes...

    Enter Krustylu Studios, by the receptionist woman filing her nails. There's a poster or something on the wall by a door that you can lift to obtain a card.

    If you then enter Kent Brockman's studio, then exit back out to the room with the receptionist, check under the poster on the wall and there will be another card for you to collect.

    If this doesn't work, keep re-entering/exiting Kent Brockman's studio (sometimes works with Krusty's set also) until there's a different card there. You can collect the entire set using this little glitch.

    Contributed by: Packing Heat 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by SubSane 29K
Maps and Charts City Map by SubSane 47K

The Simpsons: Virtual Springfield Cheats For Macintosh

  1. Warp to Any Location

    On the map screen, hold Shift + V + S, then double-click on a location.

    Contributed by: Crash! 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by SubSane 29K