Cheats & Guides
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Warfreak | 97K |
The Sims 2: Pets Cheats For PC
Activating the in-game console
To open up the console, hit the CTRL, SHIFT, and C keys all at once. Then type in the following cheats.
Effect Effect motherlode $50,000 IndividualRoofSlopeAngle [15/75] Activates a tool to change the roof slopes of individual roofs on a lot boolprop ShowCatalogePFlags [true/false] Activates labels in the detail view of each Buy mode and Build mode objects to show which product they came from (EP or SP) boolprop constrainFloorElevation false Allows you to change elevation of floor tiles. clear Clears all cheat codes on the screen, but codes are still in effect. exit closes cheat window DeleteAllObjects [Doors/Windows/Stairs] Deletes all Doors, Windows or Stairs on lot DeleteAllFences Deletes all fences on lot DeleteAllHalfWalls Deletes all half walls on lot DeleteAllWalls Deletes all walls on lot boolprop constrainFloorElevation true Disables the ability to change elevation of floor tiles. expand expands or contracts cheat window kaching get 1000 cash boolProp testingcheatsenabled true/false if set to true ALL other cheats work. boolprop ShowLotPackageFilename (True/False) In neighborhood, shows filename of house when lot is highlighted vsync (on/off) increases game performance but lowers graphics help -all list cheats boolprop ControlPets [on/off] Makes pets fully controlable, but you can't cancel actions from their queue boolprop PetActionCancel [true/false] Makes the actions in a pet's queue accessible StretchSkeleton makes your sims larger or smaller moveobjects (on/off) moves objects and deletes you couldnt before slowmotion Puts the game in slow motion. Enter any number that 0 through 8 (0=fastest and 8=slowest) boolprop lotTerrainLighting (True/False) Set to false and lots will not light up when highlighted in neighborhood boolprop locktiles (True/False) Set to false to place floor tiles outside lot boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoadsWithModel (True/False) Set to false to remove bridges from neighborhood. boolprop lotTerrainPaints (True/False) Set to false to remove floorpainting on lot boolprop displayNeighborhoodProps (True/False) Set to false to remove props like rocks and towers from neighborhood boolprop objectShadows (True/False) Set to false to remove removes shadows on objects outside house boolprop lotWater (True/False) Set to false to remove removes water (ponds) from lots boolprop displayNeighborhoodRoads (True/False) Set to false to remove roads from neighborhood boolProp guob (True/False) Set to false to remove shadows on objects inside house boolprop displayNeighborhoodWater (True/False) Set to false to remove water from neighborhood boolprop displayLotImposters (True/False) Set to false to removes house graphics from neighborhood boolprop displayNeighborhoodFlora (True/False) Set to false to removes trees/plants from neighborhood boolprop displayLookAtBoxes (True/False) Set to true and blocks appear on Sims faces and on parts where Sims look at boolprop carsCompact (True/False) Set to true and cars will have more detail in neighborhood boolprop renderSelectedSimLevel (True/False) Set to true and walls will no longer cut away from selected Sim boolprop allObjectLightsOn (True/False) Set to true to light up objects continuously instead of only when used boolProp displayPaths (True/False) Set to true to see the path where the selected Sim walks to boolprop lotInfoAdvancedMode (True/False) Set to true to show lot information boolProp simShadows (True/False) Toggle shadows on/off for Sims aging off turn off aging aging on turn on aging boolprop DisablePuppyKittenAging [true/false] Turns off aging for kittens and puppies faceBlendLimits (on/off) turns off facial bounding limitations. It prevents the normal corrections the game will make for two parents with very different facial structures. boolprop PetsFreeWill [true/false] Turns pet free will off boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation true Use your , & . keys to rotate the objects. It allows you to put objects on angles intProp maxNumOfVisitingSims 8 You can invite more people to your parties. boolProp snapObjectsToGrid true/false You can place objects outside the grid. social_debug You can tell what social reaction will happen before you do it Contributed by: phantomora, Winged_Elf, Shadow.
Unlock Codes
Under game options, press the new Key icon to enter codes. Do not use the cheat prompt.
Effect Effect TB6IPB1IAFDMRIQT6DG Bandit Cat EEGJ2YRQZQARQ9QHA64 or ZZZ11ZZQHQAAQ91ZB1A Bandit Mask for dogs. EEGJ2YRQZZ1IQ9QHA64 Black Dot Collar ZZZ11ZZZ9QAAQ91ZB1A Black Smiley Collar ZZZ11ZZZHZ11Z91ZB1A Blue Bones Collar ZZZ11ZZZHZ1AQ91ZB1A or ZZZ11ZZZHQ11Q91ZB1A Blue Camouflage Collar EEGJ2YRQZZAIQ9QHA64 Blue Cats EEGJ2YRQQQ1IZ9QHA64 Blue Fur ZZZ11ZZQHQ11Q91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZQ1IQ9QHA64 Blue Star Collar ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Q91ZB1A Cat Collar Black Dot EEGJ2YRQQZ1RQ9QHA64 Cat Collar Black Smiley EEGJ2YRQZZARQ9QHA64 Cat Collar Blue Bones ZZZ11ZZZHQ11Q91ZB1A Cat Collar Blue Camo EEGJ2YRQQZ1IZ9QHA64 Cat Collar Blue Star EEGJ2YRZQZAIQ9QHA64 Cat Collar Green Flower EEGJ2YRZQZ1IQ9QHA64 Cat Collar Navy Hearts EEGJ2YRQQZAIQ9QHA64 Cat Collar Orange Diagonal EEGJ2YRQQQARQ9QHA64 Cat Collar Pink Vertical Stripes EEGJ2YRQQQ1RQ9QHA64 Cat Collar White Paws EEGJ2YRZZQ1IZ9QHA64 Cat Collar White Zebra Stripe EEGJ2YRQQQAIQ9QHA64 Deep Red Cats ZZZ11ZZQHQ1AQ91ZB1A or EEGJ2YRQZQ1RQ9QHA64 Deep Red Fur TB6IPB1R1FDMRIQT6DG Get Star the Dalmaton EEGJ2YRQZQ1IZ9QHA64 Goofy Cats ZZZ11ZZZHZAAQ91ZB1A Goofy Fur ZZZ11ZZZ9QA1Z91ZB1A Green Cats EEGJ2YRQZZ1RQ9QHA64 Green Flower Collar EEGJ2YRQZQAIQ9QHA64 Green Fur EEGJ2YRZZQ1RQ9QHA64 Light Green Cats ZZZ11ZZZ9Q1AQ91ZB1A Light Green Fur EEGJ2YRQQZ1IQ9QHA64 Navy Hearts Collar ZZZ11ZZZHQA1Q91ZB1A Neon Green Cats ZZZ11ZZZ9QA1Q91ZB1A Neon Green Fur EEGJ2YRQQQAIZ9QHA64 Neon Yellow EEGJ2YRZZQARQ9QHA64 Neon Yellow Cats EEGJ2YRZQZ1IZ9QHA64 Orange Diagonal Stripes Collar YYY11WW9ZQAIH93ZA62 Panda Coat Marking for Cats EEGJ2YRQZZ1IZ9QHA64 Pink Cats EEGJ2YRZQZ1RQ9QHA64 Pink Fur ZZZ11ZZZHZA1Q91ZB1A Pink Vertical Stripes Collar EEGJ2YRQQZARQ9QHA64 Purple Cats EEGJ2YRQQZAIZ9QHA64 Purple Fur EEGJ2YRZQZAIZ9QHA64 Star Coat Markings ZZZ11ZZZ9ZAAQ91ZBZ1A Stars Coat Marking for Cats ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Z91ZB1A White Paws Collar ZZZ11ZZZHZ11Q91ZB1A White Zebra Collar EEGJ2YRZZQAIZ9QHA64 Zebra Stripes. Contributed by: Nascar900006, lostaname, NeoGnKoichi, Number1YoshiFan, sims_2_geek
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by WriterTina | 33K |
General FAQs | FAQ/Walkthrough by Warfreak | 80K |
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ by Go1die | 21K |
In-Depth FAQs | Illness Guide by OhEmGeeCows | 12K |
In-Depth FAQs | Item Guide by NefertariNami | 35K |
The Sims 2: Pets Cheats For PSP
Cheats enable after statue
After enable the statue cheat, get to the town square and look for the statue at the bottom left of the map.
Enter following codes to get these option when pressing on the statue.Effect Effect Up, Left, Down, Right, R Advance 6 hours Triangle, up, left, down, right Give sim 10.000 simoleons (cash) Triangle, Circle, X, Square, L, R Give sim pet points Contributed by: wille2610
Cheat Statue
At and inside your house enrer L, L, R, X, X, Up Go to town square at the opposite side of where you spawn and there should be a ststue with two red rings around it.
Effect Effect L,L,R,XX,Up Cheat statue Contributed by: GRAVDIGGER
The Sims 2: Pets Cheats For PlayStation 2
Give your sim Pet Points
Enter during game play after activating the cheat gnome to bring up the "give sim pet points" option on the cheat gnome.
Effect Effect Triangle, Circle, X, Square, L1, R1 "Give sim pet points" option on cheat gnome Contributed by: buzkil004
Time Advance Cheat
During gameplay in a house or lot, type in the cheat.
Select the gnome to activateEffect Effect Up, Left, Down, Right, R1 Advance time 6 hrs. Contributed by: Tavy89
Cat and Dog Codes
The following codes are not entered into the cheat console.
To enter one of these code go to Game Options and press the New Key to enter a code.Effect Effect EEGJ2YRQZZAIZ9QHA64 Bandit Mask Cats EEGJ2YRQZQARQ9QHA64 Bandit Mask Dogs EEGJ2YRZQQ1IQ9QHA64 Black Dot Cats EEGJ2YRQZZ1IQ9QHA64 Black Dot Dogs EEGJ2YRQQZ1RQ9QHA64 Black Smiley Cats EEGJ2YRZQQARQ9QHA64 Black Smiley Dogs EEGJ2YRQZZARQ9QHA64 Blue Bones Cats EEGJ2YRZZZ1IZ9QHA64 Blue Bones Dogs EEGJ2YRZZQ1IQ9QHA64 Blue Camouflage Cats EEGJ2YRZZZ1RQ9QHA64 Blue Camouflage Dogs EEGJ2YRQZZAIQ9QHA64 Blue Cats EEGJ2YRQQQ1IZ9QHA64 Blue Dogs EEGJ2YRQQZ1IZ9QHA64 Blue Star Cats EEGJ2YRQZQ1IQ9QHA64 Blue Star Dogs EEGJ2YRQQQAIQ9QHA64 Deep Red Cats EEGJ2YRQZQ1RQ9QHA64 Deep Red Dogs EEGJ2YRQZQ1IZ9QHA64 Goofy Cats EEGJ2YRZZZARQ9QHA64 Goofy Dogs EEGJ2YRZQQAIZ9QHA64 Green Cats EEGJ2YRQZQAIQ9QHA64 Green Dogs EEGJ2YRZQZAIQ9QHA64 Green Flower Cats EEGJ2YRQZZ1RQ9QHA64 Green Flower Dogs EEGJ2YRZZQ1RQ9QHA64 Light Green Cats EEGJ2YRZQQ1RQ9QHA64 Light Green Dogs EEGJ2YRZQZ1IQ9QHA64 Navy Hearts Cats EEGJ2YRQQZ1IQ9QHA64 Navy Hearts Dogs EEGJ2YRZZQAIQ9QHA64 Neon Green Cats EEGJ2YRZQQAIQ9QHA64 Neon Green Dogs EEGJ2YRZZQARQ9QHA64 Neon Yellow Cats EEGJ2YRQQQAIZ9QHA64 Neon Yellow Dogs EEGJ2YRQQZAIQ9QHA64 Orange Diagonal Cats EEGJ2YRZQZ1IZ9QHA64 Orange Diagonal Dogs EEGJ2YRQZQAIZ9QHA6 Panda Cats EEGJ2YRQZZ1IZ9QHA64 Pink Cats EEGJ2YRZQZ1RQ9QHA64 Pink Dogs EEGJ2YRQQQARQ9QHA6 Pink Vertical Strip Cats EEGJ2YRZZZAIQ9QHA64 Pink Vertical Strip Dogs EEGJ2YRQQZARQ9QHA64 Purple Cats EEGJ2YRQQZAIZ9QHA64 Purple Dogs EEGJ2YRZQZARQ9QHA6 Star Cats EEGJ2YRZQZAIZ9QHA64 Star Dogs EEGJ2YRQQQ1RQ9QHA64 White Paws Cats EEGJ2YRZQQ1IZ9QHA64 White Paws Dogs EEGJ2YRZZQ1IZ9QHA6 White Zebra Stripe Cats EEGJ2YRZZZ1IQ9QHA64 White Zebra Stripe Dogs EEGJ2YRZZQAIZ9QHA64 Zebra Stripes Dogs Contributed by: Darth_Penguin27
Money Cheat
Enter the code during game play while the gnome cheat is active.
This code was written by wright fan and smarter one, but apparently they never put it in here, so here it is.Effect Effect Triangle, Up, Left, Down, Right Gives sims 10,000 simoleons. Contributed by: SnowQueen0015
Gnome Code
Enter during gameplay
Effect Effect L1,L1,R1,X,X,Up Gnome Code Contributed by: Gamecubeguy93
Unlock all Breeds
Enter the code while choosing your dog or cat
Effect Effect Up, Up, Down, Left, Left, Right, Circle, X, X, Triangle Unlock all Breeds Contributed by: R351D3NT3V1L4
Upgrade pet emporium
Enter while gameplay. Will upgrade the Pet Emporium to sell new stuff.
Effect Effect Right, Down, Right, Up, Right, Down, Right, Up Upgrade Pet Emporium Contributed by: gamrboy516
The Sims 2: Pets Cheats For GameCube
Advance Clock 6 Hours
Enable the "Cheat Gnome" code. Then enter this one.
Effect Effect Up, Left, Down, Right, R An option to advance time by six hours will now appear on the Cheat Gnome. Contributed by: chubbman
Pet Codes
At the codes screen under the "Game Options" menu, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function:
Effect Effect ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Q91ZB1A Black Dot Cats ZZZ11ZZQHZ11Q91ZB1A Black Dot Dogs ZZZ11ZZQ9Z1AQ91ZB1A Black Smiley Cats ZZZ11ZZZ9QAAQ91ZB1A Black Smiley Dogs ZZZ11ZZQHZAAQ91ZB1A Blue Bones Cats ZZZ11ZZZHZ11Z91ZB1A Blue Bones Dogs ZZZ11ZZZHQ11Q91ZB1A Blue Camouflage Cats ZZZ11ZZZHZ1AQ91ZB1A Blue Camouflage Dogs ZZZ11ZZQ9Z11Z91ZB1A Blue Star Cats ZZZ11ZZQHQ11Q91ZB1A Blue Star Dogs ZZZ11ZZZ9ZA1Q91ZB1A Green Flower Cats ZZZ11ZZQHZ1AQ91ZB1A Green Flower Dogs ZZZ11ZZZ9Z11Q91ZB1A Navy Heart Cats ZZZ11ZZQ9Z11Q91ZB1A Navy Heart Dogs ZZZ11ZZQ9ZA1Q91ZB1A Orange Diagonal Cats ZZZ11ZZZ9Z11Z91ZB1A Orange Diagonal Dogs ZZZ11ZZQ9QAAQ91ZB1A Pink Vertical Strip Cats ZZZ11ZZZHZA1Q91ZB1A Pink Vertical Strip Dogs ZZZ11ZZQ9Q1AQ91ZB1A White Paws Cats ZZZ11ZZZ9Q11Z91ZB1A White Paws Cats Contributed by: Cheater323
Cheat Gnome
Any time during gameplay press the following butons in succesion to get the corresponding effect.
Effect Effect L(2), R, A(2), D-pad Up Cheat Gnome Contributed by: Link899
To get a little extra money !!
You need the cheat Nome 1st then put the code
Effect Effect Up,Left,Down,Right Extra money Contributed by: Marizzablue
Get Simoleons
Enter during gameplay.
Effect Effect B,Up,Left,Down,Right get fifteen thousand simoleons. Contributed by: mvn11
Get Pet Points.
Enter during gameplay.
Effect Effect B,Y,A,X,L,R get tons of pet points Contributed by: mvn11
Pet Fur Codes
Go to the Real Estate office in your neighborhood. Select "Create a New Family". On the Create a New Family screen, press X and a window will come up where you can enter these cheats.
Effect Effect ZZZ11ZZQHZA1Q91ZB1A Unlocks Blue fur for Cats ZZZ11ZZQ9Q11Z91ZB1A Unlocks Blue fur for Dogs ZZZ11ZZZ9QA1Z91ZB1A Unlocks Green fur for Cats ZZZ11ZZQHQA1Q91ZB1A Unlocks Green fur for Dogs ZZZ11ZZQHZ11Z91ZB1A Unlocks Pink fur for Cats ZZZ11ZZZ9Z1AQ91ZB1A Unlocks Pink fur for Dogs ZZZ11ZZQ9ZAAQ91ZB1A Unlocks Purple fur for Cats ZZZ11ZZQ9ZA1Z91ZB1A Unlocks Purple fur for Dogs ZZZ11ZZQ9QA1Q91ZB1A Unlocks Red fur for Cats ZZZ11ZZQHQ1AQ91ZB1A Unlocks Red fur for Dogs ZZZ11ZZQHZA1Z91ZB1A Unlocks the "Bandit Mask" fur pattern for Cats ZZZ11ZZQHQAAQ91ZB1A Unlocks the "Bandit Mask" fur pattern for Dogs ZZZ11ZZQHQA1Z91ZB1A Unlocks the "Panda" fur pattern for Cats ZZZ11ZZZ9ZA1Z91ZB1A Unlocks the "Stars" fur pattern for Dogs ZZZ11ZZZHQA1Z91ZB1A Unlocks the "Zebra" fur pattern for Dogs Contributed by: xMidnax
Walkthroughs & FAQs
Type | Name | File Size |
General FAQs | FAQ by BLACKBERRI218 | 29K |
The Sims 2: Pets Cheats For Wii
10,000 Simoleons
At any time during your game (when you are in the house of a Sim) press and hold B, then press Up, Left, Down, then Right, then you will hear a chime. You can then release B and within seconds, the Cheat Gnome will appear in front of your house near the sidewalk. You can then select him repeatedly for 10,000 (actually 9,999) Simoleons each time!
You can then go to grab mode and place him in the inventory, if desired. No effect, just for fun.Effect Effect Hold B, press Up, Left, Down, Right. 10,000 Simoleons Contributed by: C10UD_STRIFE
Skill cheat and 6 hour advance
You don't hvae to be holding b or anything. Just for the 6 hour advance press right on the d-pad five times and the press left. For the skill cheat on the d-pad press down 3 times and then up 3 times. You can just go over to the cheat gnome and there will be the option to do those things.
Effect Effect Right, right, right, right, right, left advance 6 hours down down down up up up Change skills Contributed by: ya_about_what
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