Cheats & Guides

The Tower of Druaga Cheats For NES

  1. Level Select and Item Modifier

    At the title screen, press Up, Down, Left, Right, Down, Up, Right, Left, Left, Right, Down, Up, Right, Left, Up, quickly press and hold at the same time A on the 1st controller and Left, B & Select on the 2nd controller and while holding, press Down on the 1st controller. Now select continue and press Start, when "Floor 1" appears, press Up or Down to change levels.

    Using this cheat, you can also add items to your pocket, at the floor selection screen or during gameplay. At the floor selection screen, you can press Up/Down on Controller 1 to also change the item number. During gameplay, press Up/Down on Controller 2 instead to change the item number as well, but there will be no indication as to which items you will change. After either case, press A or B on Controller 2 to place or remove the corresponding item. (If you press A on Controller 2 at the number of 60, all possible items are added simultaneously.)

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  2. Another Druaga

    Enter this code at the title screen. If entered properly, the word "DRUAGA" will turn green. The game will now be harder and the levels will require different solutions.

    Effect Effect
    UUUUUULLLLRRR Another Druaga (Second Quest)

    Contributed by: Pluvius 

  3. Item Cheats

    During specific levels of the game, you can enter certain codes to obtain new items.

    Effect Effect
    Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Left, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right, Right Level 22 - Sap Drink
    Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left, Up, Right, Down, Left Level 29 - Gold Pickaxe
    Up, Up, Down, Down, Down, Down, Down Level 39 - Red Ring

    Contributed by: KeyBlade999 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by odino 117K

The Tower of Druaga Cheats For Arcade Games

  1. Namco screen

    Enter the service mode and select sound 19. Press the service switch to view the grid and enter U, U, U, U, D, R, R, L, L, L, L, L, L, START P2.

    Contributed by: odino 

  2. Continue / Level Select

    Keep button 1 pressed while pushing the START button to continue from a previous game, as well as select which level.

    Contributed by: odino 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Item Guide by SHamman 20K
Maps and Charts Step Puzzle Solutions by odino 28K

The Tower of Druaga Cheats For TurboGrafx-16

  1. 99 Allocation Points and Unlimited Lives

    At the password screen, enter the following password:

    Effect Effect
    PQ7EP QXA7Q 7A5A6 99 allocation points & unlimited lives

    Contributed by: HyperSilence 

  2. No Another Druaga

    At the title screen enter the following code to see a message (the code is the same code from the NES/FC version)

    Effect Effect
    up x6, left x4, right x3 Hidden message

    Contributed by: real_mukimuki 

  3. Sound Test

    While the "Namco" logo is on the screen, push the following button combination:

    Effect Effect
    Hold Select + I + II Sound test

    Contributed by: HyperSilence 

  4. Level passwords

    Effect Effect
    3Q7AP Q7A7Q 7A7Q7 Stage 02
    3Q7EP AXA7B 7A7Q6 Stage 03
    3Q7EP Q7A7B ZAFA6 Stage 04
    3C7AP AXA7T ZAFA6 Stage 05
    3C7AP R7A7T ZAFQ6 Stage 06
    3C7EP BXA7T ZAEQ6 Stage 07
    3T7EP R7A3T 3AEA6 Stage 08
    3B7AP BXA3T 3GEA6 Stage 09
    3B7A6 R7A3T 3GEQ6 Stage 10
    3V7E6 BXA3T 3GEQ6 Stage 11
    3V7E6 R7A3T ZGEAW Stage 12
    3H7A6 BXA3T YGEAW Stage 13
    3H7A6 R7AZT YGEQW Stage 14
    3H7E6 BXAZT YGEU6 Stage 15
    3H3E6 R7A5T 2GAE6 Stage 16
    3V3A6 BXB4T 2CAE6 Stage 17
    3V3A6 R5B4T 2CAU6 Stage 18
    JH3E6 BVB4T 2CAU6 Stage 19
    JH3E6 R5F4T YCAE6 Stage 20
    JV3A6 BVF4T YGAE4 Stage 21
    JVZA6 R5F4T YGAU4 Stage 22
    JVZE6 BUF4T YGAU4 Stage 23
    JVYE6 R4FYT 2GAE4 Stage 24
    JHYA6 BUFYL 2GAE4 Stage 25
    JHYA6 R4FYL 2GAU4 Stage 26
    JHYE6 BUFYL 2GAW4 Stage 27
    JHYE6 R4FYL YHAG4 Stage 28
    JVYA6 BUEYL YDCG5 Stage 29
    JVYA6 R4EYL YDCX5 Stage 30
    JVYE6 BUGYL YDCX5 Stage 31
    AV4E6 R4G4L 2DCH5 Stage 32
    AH4B6 BUG4L 2DCH5 Stage 33
    AH4B6 R4G4L 2DCX5 Stage 34
    AH4F6 BQG4L 2DKX5 Stage 35
    AH4F6 ZYG4L YDKH5 Stage 36
    AV4R6 JQG4L YHKH5 Stage 37
    AV4D6 ZYG4L YHKX5 Stage 38
    AV4H6 JQG4L YHCX5 Stage 39
    AV4H6 ZYGYL 2XKH5 Stage 40
    AH4T6 JQGYL 2XKH5 Stage 41
    AH4T6 ZYGYL 2XKXZ Stage 42
    AH4X6 BQGYL 2XCXZ Stage 43
    AVUT6 BYHYL YXKHZ Stage 44
    AVUT6 RQHIL TXKHZ Stage 45
    AHQDM BYHML 2XKPZ Stage 48
    A7QDM RQHML 2XKPZ Stage 49
    A7QHM JYH4L 2XC7Z Stage 50
    A7QHM ZQHUL 2XK7Z Stage 51
    ANQHY BYGUL ITI7Z Stage 54
    ANQXY RQGUL ITI7Z Stage 55
    A7QTY BYGQL KTIPZ Stage 56
    A7QTY RQGQL KTIPZ Stage 57
    A7QHY DYGQL KTI7Z Stage 58
    A7QHY TQVQL KTI7Z Stage 59

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
In-Depth FAQs Item Guide by ReyVGM 12K

The Tower of Druaga Cheats For Game Boy

  1. Another Druaga

    Enter this code at the title screen. If entered correctly, the word "DRUAGA" will turn white. This new game mode features new puzzles on each floor.

    Effect Effect
    BBBBBBLLLLRRR Another Druaga (Second Quest)

    Contributed by: odino 

  2. Unlock The Endings

    Depending on how many continues you use, you'll get a different ending screenshot:

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Use less than 4 continues. Ending 1
    Use more than 4 continues, but less than 30. Ending 2
    Use more than 30 continues. Ending 3
    Beat "Another Druaga" Mode Ending 4

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  3. Last Floor Password (Another Druaga Mode)

    Effect Effect

    Contributed by: ReyVGM 

  4. Floor 59 with all necessary items

    Insert the password at the main menu option. All necessary items are available to beat the rest of the game.

    Effect Effect

    Contributed by: odino 

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ/Walkthrough by odino 44K