Tobal No. 1 Review
Although Tobal No. 1 is simplistic, the combination of action and role-playing is at times absorbing and intense.
with it's exploration into a quest mode. The game provided a decent fighting system. It was very blocky graphics wise, but was an interesting advance into the fighting genre since 3d fighters were still fairly new. T... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpfulGameplay: Tobal No. 1 is a prime example of the 3-D fighter with no substance at all. The game has simplistic level design (all of which are square arenas) where everyone has just punches and kicks, with no real combos.... Read Full Review
0 of 2 users found the following review helpfulWhen I got into Tobal No. 1 initially, I was already well-versed in the land of fighting games and hoping to see some innovation. Instead, I believe that what I got was a Akira Toriyama-induced sugar coated fan fest. The... Read Full Review
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