Cheats & Guides
Top Gear: Dare Devil Cheats For PlayStation 2
Blurred screen
At the main menu, press the following buttons; up, left, circle, down, right, square, up, down, left, right, circle, square. If you then go to options screen you should see a 'blur' option to try out.
Contributed by: DJ Fusion
Unlock All Cities
At the club house ON TV SCREEN press: L1 L1 R1
Effect Effect Unlock All Cities At the club house ON TV SCREEN press: L1 L1 R1 Contributed by: QVo
Unlock All Bonus Levels
At the club house ON TV SCREEN press: L1 R1 L2 R2
Effect Effect Unlock All Bonus Levels At the club house ON TV SCREEN press: L1 R1 L2 R2 Contributed by: QVo
Unlockable Cars
Collect All Coins and Complete Specified Missions To Unlock Following Cars
Unlockable Unlockable Tokyo - Mission 3 Black Widow London - Mission 4 Fang Rome - Mission 3 Froggy Rome - Mission 2 P-Nut Tokyo - Mission 1 Portabello London - Mission 3 Ricochet London - Mission 5 Road Shark Tokyo - Mission 2 Street Eagle London - Mission 1 Super Genius Rome - Mission 1 The Geeze London - Mission 2 Turtle Contributed by: Starky27
Different Paint Job
When you are at the main menu: hit down, square, down, R1, Right (2), Up, Left, Circle (2), L2, L1 and the paint color of your car wil change.
Effect Effect Different Paint Job When you are at the main menu: hit down, square, down, R1, Right (2), Up, Left, Circle (2), L2, L1 and the paint color of your car wil change. Contributed by: PS2pcGAMER
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