Cheats & Guides
Total Extreme Wrestling 2010 Cheats For PC
Randomize Traits.
If you go into the Remote Assistance section (in Options), you can type in the following code: joker This will give every character a completely new personality by randomizing all eleven of their behavioral traits, adding a new layer of unpredictability to your game.
Effect Effect Saveus All promotions with financial issues get a money boost Amnesia All relationships are forgotten sophie increases every user talent to its maximum level worldmarket makes every worker available in every game area Joker Randomizes all Behavioral Traits. dollhouse This code changes everybody's personality so that they become the perfect employee, both pleasant backstage and easy to manage. headswillroll vacates all owner and head booker positions for AI-controlled promotions Contributed by: Wheelz316_basic, imnotchainsaw, mgs31
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