Cheats & Guides

Walkthroughs & FAQs

Type Name File Size
General FAQs FAQ by Family GuyX 18K
General FAQs FAQ by Skye7707 28K

Townsmen Cheats For Android

  1. Google Play Achievements

    This title has a total of 91 Google Play Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Earn 750 prestige with quests A honorable governor II
    Earn 2500 prestige with quests A honorable governor III
    Produce 500 clothes on a single map A time consuming game 3 (500 XP)
    Play for 120 minutes A time consuming game II
    Play for 300 minutes A time consuming game III
    Play for 500 minutes A time consuming game IV
    Play for 1000 minutes A time consuming game V
    Defeat 50 bandits Another one bites the dust
    Finish the tutorial Become a governor
    Produce 200 bread on a single map Bread for the people I
    Produce 500 bread on a single map Bread for the people II
    Produce 1000 bread on a single map Bread for the people III
    Complete the scenario "The perfect brew" Brewmaster
    Finish the scenario "Harsh winter" Builder 4 (500 XP)
    Have a population of 50 townies on a single map Builder I
    Have a population of 100 townies on a single map Builder II
    Have a population of 200 townies on a single map Builder III
    Have a population of 300 townies on a single map Builder IV
    Have a population of 500 townies on a single map Builder V
    Complete the scenario "Avalanche risk" Buried
    Solve 50 quests Completionist I
    Solve 150 quests Completionist II
    Solve 250 quests Completionist III
    Play through a scenario without loosing a single townie to the plague Cosmas & Damian
    Play for 60 minutes Cosmas & Damian (500 XP)
    Complete the scenario "Craftsmen challenge" Craftsmen challenge
    Complete your first research Eureka
    Build decorations from 8 decoration categories. Experienced decorator
    Produce 1000 brew in a scenario Five brews are a schnitzel
    Repair 50 buildings Full time job I
    Repair 150 buildings Full time job II
    Complete 40 research Genius
    Do not lose any mines in the scenario “avalanche risk” Good luck, miner!
    Complete the scenario “Election day”. Governor-elect
    Finish the scenario "Tournament" I 've been everywhere I
    Build 10 buildings on a single map. I like building stuff I
    Build 25 buildings on a single map. I like building stuff II
    Build 50 buildings on a single map. I like building stuff III
    Build 75 buildings on a single map I like building stuff IV
    Build 100 buildings on a single map I like building stuff V
    Finish the Scenario "Late Fall" I've been everywhere II
    Finish the scenario “Economy Crisis” I've been everywhere III
    Finish the scenario "Draught" I've been everywhere IV
    Finish the scenario "Unrest" I've been everywhere IX
    Finish the scenario "Trading Post" I've been everywhere V
    Finish the scenario "Wedding" I've been everywhere VI
    Finish the scenario "Cathedral" I've been everywhere VII
    Finish the scenario "The King's wager" I've been everywhere X
    Complete the scenario “Under siege”. Impregnable
    Complete the scenario "Behind the blinders" It went unnoticed
    Lose 100 buildings to fire Just let it burn!
    Produce 1000 jewels on a single map Just let it burn! (500 XP)
    Defeat 4 bandits with a single soldier in a fight Last man standing
    Complete the scenario "Farmland" Little place in the country
    Produce 250 weapons and armor in a scenario Lord of War
    Complete the scenario “The curse”. Malediction
    Repair 500 buildings My Precious 1 (500 XP)
    Produce 200 jewels on a single map My precious I
    Produce 500 jewels on a single map My precious II
    Set up 4 trade orders at the trade guild simultaneously Not a small trader anymore
    Convince all factions in the scenario “Election day”. Now everyone is satisfied
    Produce 1000 sausages in a scenario Only the sausage has two ends
    Complete the scenario "The King's disease" Panacea
    Complete the scenario "Moneybags" Penny pincher
    Cure 100 Townies from the plague Plague strikes!
    Don't lose a single building to fire in a scenario Saint Florian
    Play for 5 days in a row. Same procedure as every day
    Complete 5 research Scientist
    Survive 4 different disasters in a single map Survivalist
    Collect taxes (1,000) Tax-man I
    Collect taxes (10,000) Tax-man II
    Collect taxes (50,000) Tax-man III
    Collect taxes (100,000) Tax-man IV
    Collect taxes (1,000,000) Tax-man V
    Complete the tutorial “Basic Training” Ten-Hut!
    Win 100 fights against bandits The Art of War
    Produce 200 clothes on a single map The king's new clothes I
    Produce 1000 clothes on a single map The king's new clothes III
    Complete the scenario "The wood shortage" The wood shortage
    Complete the scenario "A year of festivities" Tired by festival
    Have full watchtower coverage in a town with a population of 100 To serve and protect
    Produce 200 tools on a single map Tools of the trade I
    Produce 500 tools on a single map Tools of the trade II
    Produce 1000 tools on a single map Tools of the trade III
    Complete the scenario "A girl's desires" Treat her good...
    Complete the scenario "Warridden" Warzone
    Complete the scenario "Waterways" Waterways
    Earn 250 prestige with quests We can rebuild it! (500 XP)
    Lose every burnable building on the map to fire We can rebuilt it!
    Extinguish 100 burning buildings When there's fire...
    Don't let any bandits successfully raid your town in a scenario You shall not pass

    Contributed by: Sour, Eevee-Trainer 

Townsmen Cheats For iOS (iPhone/iPad)

  1. Google Play Achievements

    This title has a total of 91 Google Play Achievements. Meet the specified conditions, where applicable, to receive the Achievement.

    Unlockable Unlockable
    Earn 250 prestige with quests A honorable governor I
    Earn 750 prestige with quests A honorable governor II
    Earn 2500 prestige with quests A honorable governor III
    Play for 60 minutes A time consuming game I
    Play for 120 minutes A time consuming game II
    Play for 300 minutes A time consuming game III
    Play for 500 minutes A time consuming game IV
    Play for 1000 minutes A time consuming game V
    Defeat 50 bandits Another one bites the dust
    Finish the tutorial Become a governor
    Produce 200 bread on a single map Bread for the people I
    Produce 500 bread on a single map Bread for the people II
    Produce 1000 bread on a single map Bread for the people III
    Complete the scenario "The perfect brew" Brewmaster
    Have a population of 50 townies on a single map Builder I
    Have a population of 100 townies on a single map Builder II
    Have a population of 200 townies on a single map Builder III
    Have a population of 300 townies on a single map Builder IV
    Have a population of 500 townies on a single map Builder V
    Complete the scenario "Avalanche risk" Buried
    Solve 50 quests Completionist I
    Solve 150 quests Completionist II
    Solve 250 quests Completionist III
    Play through a scenario without loosing a single townie to the plague Cosmas & Damian
    Complete the scenario "Craftsmen challenge" Craftsmen challenge
    Complete your first research Eureka
    Build decorations from 8 decoration categories. Experienced decorator
    Produce 1000 brew in a scenario Five brews are a schnitzel
    Repair 50 buildings Full time job I
    Repair 150 buildings Full time job II
    Repair 500 buildings Full time job III
    Complete 40 research Genius
    Do not lose any mines in the scenario “avalanche risk” Good luck, miner!
    Complete the scenario “Election day”. Governor-elect
    Finish the scenario "Tournament" I 've been everywhere I
    Build 10 buildings on a single map. I like building stuff I
    Build 25 buildings on a single map. I like building stuff II
    Build 50 buildings on a single map. I like building stuff III
    Build 75 buildings on a single map I like building stuff IV
    Build 100 buildings on a single map I like building stuff V
    Finish the Scenario "Late Fall" I've been everywhere II
    Finish the scenario “Economy Crisis” I've been everywhere III
    Finish the scenario "Draught" I've been everywhere IV
    Finish the scenario "Unrest" I've been everywhere IX
    Finish the scenario "Trading Post" I've been everywhere V
    Finish the scenario "Wedding" I've been everywhere VI
    Finish the scenario "Cathedral" I've been everywhere VII
    Finish the scenario "Harsh winter" I've been everywhere VIII
    Finish the scenario "The King's wager" I've been everywhere X
    Complete the scenario “Under siege”. Impregnable
    Complete the scenario "Behind the blinders" It went unnoticed
    Lose 100 buildings to fire Just let it burn!
    Defeat 4 bandits with a single soldier in a fight Last man standing
    Complete the scenario "Farmland" Little place in the country
    Produce 250 weapons and armor in a scenario Lord of War
    Complete the scenario “The curse”. Malediction
    Produce 200 jewels on a single map My precious I
    Produce 500 jewels on a single map My precious II
    Produce 1000 jewels on a single map My precious III
    Set up 4 trade orders at the trade guild simultaneously Not a small trader anymore
    Convince all factions in the scenario “Election day”. Now everyone is satisfied
    Produce 1000 sausages in a scenario Only the sausage has two ends
    Complete the scenario "The King's disease" Panacea
    Complete the scenario "Moneybags" Penny pincher
    Cure 100 Townies from the plague Plague strikes!
    Don't lose a single building to fire in a scenario Saint Florian
    Play for 5 days in a row. Same procedure as every day
    Complete 5 research Scientist
    Survive 4 different disasters in a single map Survivalist
    Collect taxes (1,000) Tax-man I
    Collect taxes (10,000) Tax-man II
    Collect taxes (50,000) Tax-man III
    Collect taxes (100,000) Tax-man IV
    Collect taxes (1,000,000) Tax-man V
    Complete the tutorial “Basic Training” Ten-Hut!
    Win 100 fights against bandits The Art of War
    Produce 200 clothes on a single map The king's new clothes I
    Produce 500 clothes on a single map The king's new clothes II
    Produce 1000 clothes on a single map The king's new clothes III
    Complete the scenario "The wood shortage" The wood shortage
    Complete the scenario "A year of festivities" Tired by festival
    Have full watchtower coverage in a town with a population of 100 To serve and protect
    Produce 200 tools on a single map Tools of the trade I
    Produce 500 tools on a single map Tools of the trade II
    Produce 1000 tools on a single map Tools of the trade III
    Complete the scenario "A girl's desires" Treat her good...
    Complete the scenario "Warridden" Warzone
    Complete the scenario "Waterways" Waterways
    Lose every burnable building on the map to fire We can rebuilt it!
    Extinguish 100 burning buildings When there's fire...
    Don't let any bandits successfully raid your town in a scenario You shall not pass

    Contributed by: Sour, Eevee-Trainer