Turok 3: Shadows of Oblivion Review
Shadow of Oblivion is successful because it concentrates upon what made the Turok franchise a best-seller instead of attempting to one-up the competition, making it in many ways the best ...
This game is a piece of fucking piece of shit with horrid graphics, that look worse than Turok 1 and 2. Play Goldeneye or Perfect Dark if you must play an fps on the woeful N64. The N64 really was a pathetic console... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpfulDespite having this game for more than 3 years, I have never really sat down and played it proper, but now i've finished school, strangely enough the place where I won this game from, I've really begun to appreciate to l... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpfulProbably the most under appreciated game on the Nintendo 64, Turok 3: Shadow of Oblivion combines a great story, awesome gameplay and great graphics with really diabolical weapons, and the result is nothing short of a gr... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpfulA cheap game because it's for N64. But it's still an awesome game. Definatly the best Turok game. In the movie clips, the mouthing is AMAIZING!!! Also, the music is dark, mysterious, perfect for this game!!! Especially c... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpfulTurok was my favorite and first shooter I owned. It was an immense world and had a strong story following it from the last Turok. With little relatives left of Firestone family there are few people who can accept the res... Read Full Review
1 of 2 users found the following review helpfulThis is game that hasnt improved in graphics obviosly as u can see turok 2 looks better then this the bad things about this game is that it looks terrible even if u r a turok fan u will hate this game it looks horrible t... Read Full Review
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