Cheats & Guides

Twisted Edge Extreme Snowboarding Cheats For Nintendo 64

  1. Unlock the Midway board

    Come in first place in all the races.

    Contributed by: JOEDONBAKINGFOOL8888 

  2. Quick Start

    Press Up, Up after the word ''Go'' disappears

    Contributed by: KasketDarkfyre 

  3. Codes

    To enter a code, go to the Sound Options. Change the Speech, Music Volume, SFX Volume and Music Test in the order displayed here. Finally, select SFX Volume and press the button combination shown at the end of a code. A sound will play to indicate the cheat is active.

    OFF, 4, 1, 2. C-RIGHT + C-DOWN All Players
    ON, 1, 6, 1. Z + C-RIGHT Ant
    ON, 5, 1, 3. C-LEFT + C-UP Art Boards
    OFF, 7, 5, 2. Z + C-DOWN Board Only
    OFF, 6, 3, 4. C-UP BOSS Board
    ON, 4, 0, 7. Z + C-UP + C-LEFT Canada
    ON, 7, 2, 6. L Easy Tracks
    ON, 4, 6, 5. L + R Ghost 1
    OFF, 0, 8, 3. R + C-UP + C-DOWN Ghost 2
    ON, 8, 8, 7. L + R + C-DOWN Ghost in Replay Cycle
    OFF, 8, 7, 5. Z + C-LEFT Grow
    ON, 5, 2, 4. Z Hard Tracks
    OFF, 0, 7, 1. C-LEFT + C-UP + C-DOWN Helium
    OFF, 5, 1, 6. L + C-UP + C-LEFT Light
    ON, 7, 7, 5. L Little Bob (Tiny)
    OFF, 2, 2, 3. C-UP + Z Long Credits
    ON, 8, 4, 5. C-LEFT Midway Board
    ON, 2, 4, 3. Z + L Midway Mode
    ON, 7, 6, 6. L + R Mirror Tracks
    OFF, 6, 4, 6. C-LEFT + C-RIGHT + R Naked Dude (G)
    ON, 2, 8, 5. Z + C-UP Night Mode
    ON, 0, 8, 4. C-UP + C-LEFT + C-RIGHT No Board
    OFF, 3, 5, 6. R Normal Tracks
    ON, 1, 3, 7. C-DOWN + Z Stunt Credits

    Contributed by: ironyisntdead, Viper_Diamond 

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