Cheats & Guides
Ultracore (2020) Cheats For PlayStation 4
Complete each requirement to unlock the specified trophy.
Trophy Collect all lives in the entire game All the 'ALL the Lives!' Collect all lives in any level ALL the Lives! Use all weapons Arsenal Uncover a secret area (by bombing it) Boom! Collect all coins in the entire game Cashy-pants Get 60% hit accuracy in any level Deadeye Don't touch the ground for 30 seconds Fly me to the moon! Collect all trophies Hardcore! Buy something from the vending machine Ka-ching! Complete level 1 Level 1 Complete level 2 Level 2 Complete level 3 Level 3 Complete level 4 Level 4 Complete level 5 Level 5 Upgrade standard weapon to maximum level Lock n' Load! Collect all coins in any level Moneybags Kill 95% of enemies in the entire game No Prize For Pacifists Use a bomb Nuke 'Em Complete the game Party Like It's 1994! Uncover a secret wall (by walking into it) Sesame Open Complete the game using just the standard weapon Standard-Issue Kill 95% of enemies in any level They Must Die! Contributed by: Mookiethebold
Ultracore (2020) Cheats For PlayStation Vita
Complete each requirement to unlock the specified trophy.
Trophy Collect all lives in the entire game All the 'ALL the Lives!' Collect all lives in any level ALL the Lives! Use all weapons Arsenal Uncover a secret area (by bombing it) Boom! Collect all coins in the entire game Cashy-pants Get 60% hit accuracy in any level Deadeye Don't touch the ground for 30 seconds Fly me to the moon! Collect all trophies Hardcore! Buy something from the vending machine Ka-ching! Complete level 1 Level 1 Complete level 2 Level 2 Complete level 3 Level 3 Complete level 4 Level 4 Complete level 5 Level 5 Upgrade standard weapon to maximum level Lock n' Load! Collect all coins in any level Moneybags Kill 95% of enemies in the entire game No Prize For Pacifists Use a bomb Nuke 'Em Complete the game Party Like It's 1994! Uncover a secret wall (by walking into it) Sesame Open Complete the game using just the standard weapon Standard-Issue Kill 95% of enemies in any level They Must Die! Contributed by: Mookiethebold
Ultracore (2020) Cheats For Genesis
Various codes
In pause, after the end of the sound, press...
Effect Strong weapon B, A, Down, Right, A, Down, Down, A, Down (BADRADDAD) 9 Bombs B, A, Right, B, Up, Right, A (BARBURA) 2000 Rounds C, Left, Up, B, C, A, Right, Down (CLUBCARD) 999 Seconds time Down, Up, Left, Left, A, Right, Down (DULLARD) 30 Lives Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A Contributed by: Sevilha
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